
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3, Tourism and culture industry presents the cascade funding for companies in the South
On Monday 12 June, from 10:00 to 13:00, in the conference room of the Rectorate of the University of Sannio in Benevento, Spoke 3 will hold an event to present the cascading calls for Line A - Mezzogiorno. This is an interesting opportunity for all small and medium-sized enterprises located in southern Italy who will have the opportunity to find out the details of Line A's cascade loans, dedicated exclusively to the Southern territory. The total budget available is 1,630,000 euros. The funds, deriving from the PNRR NODES project, are aimed at promoting the implementation of industrial research projects and experimental development in the field of the tourism and culture industry. After the greetings of the rector of the University of Sannio Gerardo Canfora, the mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella, the director of Confindustria Benevento Anna Pezza, the president of ASI Benevento Luigi Barone there will be speeches by: Raffaella Di Nardo, Research and Innovation manager Nodes S.c.a.r.l, Barbara Pozzo of the University of Insubria, Research and Innovation manager of Spoke3 NODES, Piercarlo Rossi of the University of Turin, scientific manager of the CIRIL NODES project and Luca Farfan, of the Team cascade funding Nodes of Unioncamere Piemonte. During the day, the flagship project CIRIL (Cultural - Industry Regeneration Immersive Lab) will also be presented, which involves the University of Sannio as a partner of Spoke 3. It will also be possible to participate in the event remotely by connecting to the following link Sign up for the event
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 - NODES Cascading Calls Presentation Line A for the Mid-South.
Second stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South Spoke 2, following the success of the first cascading calls presentation event, is organizing a second meeting on June 7, 2023, at the Southeast Sicily Chamber of Commerce for Industry, Crafts and Agriculture in Catania, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in collaboration with the University of Basilicata and the University of Sannio in Benevento, partners in the South, and the sponsorship of the University of Catania, the Southeast Sicily Chamber of Commerce and Confindustria Catania. The June 7 event is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for companies to learn about cascading Line A calls, dedicated exclusively to the territory of Southern Italy. The calls have a total budget of €1,630,000, financed from PNRR funds, and are intended as a support tool for companies to carry out industrial research and experimental development projects in the field of green technologies and sustainable industry. The fully dedicated lines refer to: green chemistry, sustainable energy, materials science, bioeconomy - with the aim of promoting the unified concept of "One Planet, One health." Eligible to participate in the calls are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MPMIs) - in individual or collaborative mode - and large enterprises (GIs) - in collaboration with other companies During the event, NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry projects, cascading calls for research and innovation, and training activities for companies will be presented, concluding with a Q&A session for companies.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
PMI, People Meet Innovation: Scenarios and opportunities under PNRR funds for small and medium-sized enterprises
Supporting the initiation of innovation processes in SMEs is a strategic and priority objective for Italy and for PNRR. OGR Torino in collaboration with dpixel, Sellalab and Talent Gardenis promoting a day dedicated to innovation and SMEs in Piedmont, the Aosta Valley and the provinces of Como, Varese and Pavia The initiative will be an opportunity to learn concretely about the opportunities and financial support that the NODES project offers micro, small and medium-sized enterprises through the provision of vouchers for the acquisition of advanced and qualified services identified in the NODES Ecosystem Catalogue. In particular, programs implemented by partners dpixel, Sellalab and Talent Garden aimed at SMEs with the objective of accompanying businesses through paths of digital transformation and more generally process or product innovation will be illustrated. Through concrete experiences and interviews with entrepreneurs, it will be possible to understand how a company can innovate consistently with its specificities and size The event will take place on June 6 at 9:30 a.m. at OGR Turin, Mezzanine Hall, after registration.
7. Agroindustria secondaria
Spoke 7 presenta a Palermo le iniziative per le imprese dell'Agroindustria secondaria del Mezzogiorno
Il 1° giugno 2023 NODES presenta a Palermo le opportunità per il Mezzogiorno legate ai temi dello Spoke 7 Il Prof. Massimo Midiri - Magnifico Rettore dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, ente partner dello SPOKE 7 dell'Ecosistema dell'Innovazione NODES finanziato nell’ambito del PNRR, è lieto di invitarLa all'evento: Bandi a Cascata e Iniziative per le Imprese dell'Agroindustria Secondaria del Mezzogiorno che si terrà il 1° giugno 2023, ore 10.30 presso la Sala Magna - Complesso Monumentale dello Steri, Università di Palermo, Piazza Marina 61, Palermo. Oltre al Rettore, all’evento interverranno Chiara Ferroni (Direttrice Hub NODES), Luisa Torri (Responsabile scientifico dello spoke 7, UNISG), Danilo Demarchi (Data Manager di Spoke 7 NODES, Polito), Dario Vallauri (Polo AGRIFOOD - M.I.A.C. Scpa), Roberto Strocco (Unioncamere Piemonte) e Andrea Pace (Prorettore alla Ricerca, al Trasferimento Tecnologico e ai Rapporti con l'Amministrazione UNIPA); modera Salvatore Walter Davino (UNIPA). L’evento sarà l’occasione per presentare tutte le opportunità che lo Spoke 7 dell’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione NODES, destinerà nei prossimi mesi alle imprese della trasformazione alimentare del Mezzogiorno. L’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione NODES vede tra i suoi partner atenei, poli di innovazione, centri di ricerca pubblici o privati, incubatori, un acceleratore e un competence centre operanti, che hanno dato vita a un network di lavoro sulle tematiche aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile, green technologies e industria sostenibile, industria del turismo e cultura, montagna digitale e sostenibile, industria della salute e silver economy, agroindustria primaria e agroindustria secondaria. Lo Spoke 7, dedicato all’agroindustria secondaria, vede, oltre all’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo come responsabile scientifico, la partecipazione di Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università di Pavia, AGRIFOOD – MIAC Scpa e Università degli Studi di Palermo. SEGUI L'EVENTO IN STREAMING ISCRIVITI ALL'EVENTO
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Updates Traslational Medicine
On May 25, 2023, the accredited course ECM ''Updates Traslational Medicine'' will take place at the Representation Hall of the Azienda Ospedaliera SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo in Alessandria, located at Via Venezia, 16. The event will start at 2:00 pm with the Institutional Greetings by the President of the School of Medicine, Professor Gianluca Gaidano and the Director of the Department of Science and Technological Innovation, Professor Leonardo Marchese. Following this, there will be a Lectio Magistralis on the various research activities carried out in the field of Translational Medicine by the Disease Units of DIARI. During the lecture, Professor Marco Invernizzi will also speak, presenting a report on NODES-Spoke 5, titled ''Research and Technological Transfer in the Healthcare Sector'', to promote new collaborations. Iscriviti
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Presentation of Spoke 4 funding opportunities and participation procedures - Matera
All’Università degli Studi della Basilicata la presentazione dei bandi di finanziamento alle imprese At the University of Basilicata, the Spoke 4 is organizing the presentation of funding opportunities for the Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (NODES) project and the application process for funding. The calls are aimed at businesses in the Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, and the provinces of Como, Varese, and Pavia. The event will take place on May 22 at 10:30 AM in Aula B003, University Campus, Via Lanera 20, Matera. Registrations at the link: Live streaming at the link:
6. Primary agroindustry
Spoke 6 - NODES Cascade Calls Line A for the South of Italy
Spoke 6 is organizing a significant event in collaboration with the University of Pavia and the University of Sassari (UNISS), Southern partners, at the Consorzio Uno (University of Oristano; Chiostro del Carmine - Oristano). The meeting represents a unique opportunity for businesses to learn about the cascade calls of Line A, exclusively dedicated to the Mezzogiorno region, within the NODES Ecosystem - Northwest Digital and Sustainable. The call, funded by PNRR funds, aims to support companies in the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) can participate individually or collaboratively, and only large enterprises (LEs) in partnership with other companies. The goal is to reach companies strongly interested in introducing innovations in product, process, or service within the digital innovation field or pilot projects on specific technologies or innovative structures. The expressed projects are oriented towards high technological maturity levels (TRL) and innovation closer to the market (prototypical phase). During the event, NODES and Spoke 6 projects, particularly in Primary Agro-industry where the University of Pavia is the coordinator, will be presented. The cascade calls for research and innovation, as well as training activities for businesses, will also be introduced. This is a unique opportunity for businesses to share know-how, explore new technological and sustainable paths with excellent partnerships. The meeting will take place from 3:30 PM at the Chiostro del Carmine, Consorzio Università di Oristano, AULA 1, Primo piano. REGISTER STREAMING
7. Agroindustria secondaria
Lo spoke 7 presente all'inaugurazione di IMPreSA
NODES partecipa all'inaugurazione dell'infrastruttura IMPreSA Il Polo AGRIFOOD è presente all'inaugurazione dell’infrastruttura “IMPreSA - Qualità, sicurezza e tracciabilità in campo agroalimentare” il 18 maggio 2023 a partire dalle ore 9 al Campus INRiM Strada delle Cacce, 91 Torino. L'evento è organizzato dall'INRiM, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica.L’Infrastruttura Metrologica Per la Sicurezza Alimentare (IMPreSA) sviluppa attività di ricerca e servizi metrologici a sostegno della sicurezza e della sostenibilità alimentare. Nel corso della mattinata Dario Vallauri, di Polo Agrifood MIAC, partner dello Spoke 7 di NODES, interverrà parlando delle opportunità per le imprese potenzialmente interessate dai bandi legati all'ambito dell'agroindustria secondaria. PROGRAMMA COMPLETO
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 - NODES Cascading Calls Presentation Line A for the Mid-South.
First stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South Spoke 2 is organizing an important event at Palazzo Partanna - Sala D'Amato in Naples on May 16, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in collaboration with Confindustria Campania and the University of Basilicata and the University of Sannio in Benevento, partners in the South. The event is a unique opportunity for companies to learn about the cascading calls of Line A, solely dedicated to the territory of the South, of Spoke 2 of the NODES Ecosystem - Digital And Sustainable Northwest. The call for proposals, financed with PNRR funds, aims to support companies in the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MPMIs) in individual or collaborative mode and only large enterprises (GIs) in collaboration with other companies can participate. During the event, the NODES and Spoke 2 projects - Green technologies and sustainable industry - of which the University of Turin is coordinator - as well as the cascading calls for research and innovation and training activities for companies will be presented, also leaving a window open for direct comparisons with stakeholders. In this context, the foundations are being laid for innovative collaborations designed to renew the production fabric: this is a unique opportunity for companies to share know-how, pursue new environmentally friendly technological avenues and initiate partnerships with extraordinary potential, capable of making a decisive leap forward for industry on the sustainability front.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Tuesday, May 9th: NODES project presents opportunities for enterprises in the Southern Italy region in Lecce: Health, tourism and culture
The University of Piemonte Orientale, in collaboration with the University of Indubria and the University of Salento, will present in Lecce the cascade calls of Spoke 5 (Health Industry and Silver Economy) and Spoke 3 (Tourism and Culture Industry) of NODES project, which will make almost 2.5 million Euros available to businesses in Southern Italy. The event ''Health, Tourism and Culture: presentation of the calls of the project PNRR-NODES dedicated to enterprises of the South'' will be hosted at the Rectorate of the University of Salento, NODES partner for the South, Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Tancredi Square 7, Lecce) The event will be in mixed mode, in presence at the conference room of the Rectorate and at distance by linking to this link: Click here to sign up
3. Culture and tourism industry
Thursday 20 April: presentation of the NODES project and Spoke 3
Spoke 3, Industry of tourism and culture, presents the Nodes project and the opportunities dedicated to businesses through participation in cascade funding Spoke 3, Industry of tourism and culture, presents the Nodes project and the opportunities dedicated to businesses through participation in cascade funding The presentation of the Nodes Project and Spoke 3 will be held on Thursday 20 April at 2.30 pm at the Città Studi Biella Congress Center. During the meeting, the cascade funding for companies will also be illustrated. The event represents an important opportunity for the development of the territory in order to create virtuous synergies in the field of technological innovation and sustainability in the tourism and culture industry. The event is open to companies, teachers and researchers, local stakeholders as well as all private citizens interested in the topics covered. The University of Insubria will be supported by the University of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Valle d'Aosta, Città Studi Biella and Comonext Innovation Hub.
6. Primary agroindustry
April 19th, in Pavia, presentation of calls and activities in the field of Primary Agro-industry - Spoke 6
A unique opportunity for businesses in the Northwest Italian territory. On April 19, 2023, at 5:00 PM, in the Aula Disegno of the main headquarters of the University of Pavia, Spoke 6 presents the cascade calls. The event is a unique occasion for all businesses interested in participating in the research projects of the NODES initiative. During the presentation, the two flagship projects of Spoke 6 will be introduced, focusing respectively on the integrated supply chain forage, livestock, and biogas, and vineyard management for grape and wine production. Furthermore, experts from Spoke 6 will explain the application guidelines to the NODES cascade calls, opportunities for businesses, admission criteria, and selection. The event provides an opportunity to connect with industry experts, learn about the latest developments in technological innovation and environmental sustainability, and network with other participants in the NODES project.
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Spoke 1 of NODES Ecosystem engages the local area in challenge to innovation
Presentation of funding calls and opportunities for businesses, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility area On April 18, 2023, from 4:30 p.m., at the Auditorium of the Energy Center of the Polytechnic University of Turin, funding calls and opportunities for local businesses in aerospace and sustainable mobility were presented. The event was organized by Spoke 1 of the Northwest Innovation and Sustainable Digital Ecosystem (NRRP).
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Presentation of Spoke 4 funding opportunities and participation procedures
At the University of Valle d'Aosta, the presentation of funding opportunities for businesses Spoke 4 is organizing the presentation of funding opportunities for the Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile (NODES) project and the application process for funding. The calls are aimed at businesses in the Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, and the provinces of Como, Varese, and Pavia. The event will take place on April 17 at 3:30 PM at the University of Valle d'Aosta, Saint Christophe campus (AO), Le Grand Chemin 181. Remote participation is also possible, and registration is required in both cases.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Thursday 13 April Tech for Good: Innovation in Green Technologies
Spoke 2 of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem presents opportunities for companies through participation in cascade calls On 13 April 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., in Turin, at the Auditorium ALDO MORO in via verdi 41 the University of Turin - coordinator of Spoke 2 "Green Technologies and sustainable industries" - will present, together with its partners and the NODES ecosystem, the activities of the Spoke and the objectives of the research and innovation programme, with a specific focus on funding opportunities for companies, cascade calls and training initiatives. The event is a unique opportunity for companies and researchers to learn about cascade calls, training initiatives, academic PoCs and industrial Phd. But that is not all. The challenge is to create ideal conditions for potential connections between researchers and companies, for the development of innovative green technologies and to foster industrial sustainability. During the event, the NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry ecosystem will be presented, as well as the funding opportunities for companies through the tool of cascade calls illustrated in an in-depth session by the Spoke 2 scientific referees. The event is open to companies, lecturers and researchers, local stakeholders and all citizens interested in the topics discussed. Joining UniTo will be the Polytechnic of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Insubria, the University of Pavia, Environment Park, Proplast, 2I3T and OGR Tech.