
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

5. Industria della salute e silver economy
I dispositivi di tele-monitoraggio sono stati consegnati ai ricercatori di TINCARE
La ditta IngeniArs S.r.l. ha consegnato ai ricercatori di TINCARE i dispositivi da impiegare nello studio INTERCOACH, con i quali verrà valutata la fattibilità di un intervento di tele-monitoraggio gestito da un infermiere per i pazienti dimessi dall'ospedale dopo uno scompenso cardiaco.  I ricercatori di TINCARE hanno completato la formazione per utilizzare la piattaforme di tele-monitoraggio da remoto e sono pronti ad iniziare il reclutamento dei primi pazienti. Lo studio INTERCOACH inizierà ufficialmente nelle prossime settimane.    La piattaforma di tele-monitoraggio consente all'infermiere di monitorare a distanza i parametri vitali dell'assistito, ma anche di inviargli questionari o avviare una televisita qualora le sue condizioni di salute lo richiedano.  All'assistito verrà consegnato uno smartphone collegato ai dispositivi che permettono la rilevazione di peso, pressione arteriosa, frequenza cardiaca e saturazione per l'ossigeno.  Nel giorno e all'orario stabilito, il paziente riceverà un segnale sonoro che gli ricorderà di procedere alla rilevazione dei parametri richiesti. L'infermiere e i clinici dell'Ospedale Universitario Maggiore della Carità di Novara che avranno dimesso l'assistito potranno accedere alla piattaforma e verificare lo stato di salute della persona per intervenire prontamente in caso di necessità.  L'assistito potrà interagire con l'infermiere chiedendogli consigli o chiarimenti riguardo a stili di vita e comportamenti positivi per prevenire riacutizzazione di malattia. 
6. Primary agroindustry
Enrolment is now open for the course "Digital and Sustainable Strategies in the Primary Agro-Industry"
Enrolment is now open for the course "Digital and Sustainable Strategies in the Primary Agro-Industry," offered by the University of Turin.   The course explores competitive strategies that enable companies to stand out in the market and their practical implementation, including the efficient allocation of resources and the alignment of business activities with defined strategic objectives. By integrating business testimonies and practical case studies, the course offers participants the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real and current situations in the sector.   The course is free of charge and will run from 18 October to 30 November, with a total duration of 50 hours.   Enrolment is open until 20 September 2024.   For more information, you can consult the course details or write to:    
Hub Nodes
Prosegue la raccolta di candidature di Revisori Legali NODES: aggiornato l'elenco
Come da DD n. 88 del 30/08/2024 è stato ulteriormente aggiornato nell’Area Riservata alle imprese l'Elenco dei Revisori Legali e delle Società di Revisione Legale per i Bandi a Cascata NODES.   Hub NODES, infatti, al fine di supportare le imprese finanziate a valere sui Bandi a cascata, sta raccogliendo candidature spontanee da parte di professionisti che vogliono essere inseriti nell'elenco dei Revisori Legali per i Bandi a Cascata. Le candidature possono essere inoltrate via PEC all’indirizzo fino al 31 ottobre 2024 Per maggiori dettagli su requisiti e modalità di presentazione si prega di leggere l'avviso pubblicato e la relativa Privacy Policy Vai alla pagina dell'avviso 
ComoNExT hosts the Cassini Hackathon for Italy: innovation for the digital and ecological transition
From September 13 to 15, 2024, ComoNExT, a partner of the NODES Ecosystem, will host the italian edition of the 7th CASSINI Hackathon in Lomazzo (Como), a european event dedicated to sustainable innovation.   The Hackathon will take place simultaneously in 10 countries, offering significant european-level awards for a weekend focused on innovation and sustainability.   Themes   This year's edition will focus on three crucial environmental challenges, aligning with the various research areas pursued by the NODES project: #1 - Carbon emission monitoring and reporting: creating solutions to track and reduce the carbon footprint. #2 - Sustainable living: optimizing services for a more eco-friendly lifestyle. #3 - Climate change mitigation: predicting and combating the effects of climate change.   A unique opportunity for learning and networking   During the Hackathon, participants will have the opportunity to work in teams, meet experts in economics and space technology, and develop their project for the final pitch. The event will be hybrid: in addition to the ComoNExT headquarters in Lomazzo, teams can also participate remotely. Winners of the contest can receive up to €14,000 in incubation and orientation services, with additional cash prizes at the European level. Furthermore, the top three teams will receive 100 hours of mentoring from industry experts.   Registration and Information   Registration is open until September 12, 2024. For more details and to register, you can visit the official Cassini Hackathon - Italy website and consult the full event agenda. Registration is free and open to everyone: innovators, students, startups, aspiring entrepreneurs... No prior experience is required.  
7. Secondary agroindustry
Circular economy and egg consumption
Researchers from the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo launch a new questionnaire “Uovo circolare” is the title of the project that BEF Biosystems and Fantolino Distribuzione Società agricola a r.l. are carrying out in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences. In this context of research and experimentation, researchers Luisa Torri, Nazarena Cela and Chiara Nervo have launched a new questionnaire to investigate how much consumers may have a predisposition to buy eggs from farms that promote circular economy processes.   “In this questionnaire - explains Professor Luisa Torri - you will be asked to answer a series of questions regarding personality traits, intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence food choices, attitudes and behaviors towards issues of environmental sustainability and reduction of food waste, propensity to buy “circular” eggs and socio-demographic characteristics.”   Participate in this survey means helping research investigate the attitude of those who want to consume "circular" eggs, obtained from hens also fed with insect larvae raised using by-products from the food industry. Filling out the questionnaire takes about 12 minutes and you can participate until the end of October 2024.   Take part in the survey
6. Primary agroindustry
Spoke 6 researchers from UniPV at the Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law at IE University of Madrid
On 10 July 2024, Carola Ricci and Aldo Piccone from the University of Pavia (Department of Social and Political Sciences) participated in the Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON•S), held at IE University in Madrid (8-10 July). The researchers proposed a dedicated panel on "Sustainable and Responsible Production and Consumption of Food: Redefining Its Multiple Dimensions," which was selected by the scientific committee. The panel, chaired by Prof. Ricci, aimed to present the interim results of the research conducted with Anna Facchinetti and Andrea Iurato, both senior researchers at the University of Pavia working within another Next Generation EU-funded project, OnFoods ("Research and Innovation Network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security – ON Foods"). Following Prof. Ricci's introduction on the definition of the right to "adequate" food in international law and its multiple dimensions, focusing on the interrelation of its quantitative and qualitative components, including both material and immaterial elements (such as religious, ethical, and cultural constituents), Anna Facchinetti discussed the case study of indigenous peoples' rights. The value of food once discarded from (or falling out of) the food chain was subsequently analysed by Andrea Iurato, addressing the issues posed by the lack of a uniform definition of food waste in (re)defining EU food waste prevention policies. To complete this framework, the value of food as a universal immaterial heritage protected under the UNESCO Conventions regime was addressed by Aldo Piccone. The three-day conference provided the team with the opportunity not only to share the interim research results but also to expand their network of interested stakeholders, including researchers and institutions (both private and public), presenting the NODES project to a global audience.
6. Primary agroindustry
Researchers from Spoke 6 at the University of Sassari organised the 10th National Viticulture Conference in Alghero.
From 11th to 13th June 2024, the CONAVI2024, the 10th National Viticulture Conference, was held in Alghero. It was organised by the University of Sassari and the Working Group of the Italian Society of Horticulture (SOI). The event was attended by around 238 people, including numerous young researchers, PhD students, and research fellows. Diego Intrigliolo, a professor at the University of Valencia, delivered a keynote address on "What's New in Comprehensive Vineyard Water Management?", addressing the latest innovations in irrigation management in viticulture. The conference was divided into six sessions, featuring 124 contributions: 36 oral presentations, 41 flash talks, and 47 posters. Significant attention was given to young researchers, with 31 oral and flash presentations assigned to participants under 35. The conference emphasised the digitalisation of the primary agroindustry and digital solutions for sustainable viticulture, addressing key topics of the Spoke 6 VINO project. Research explored the use of advanced monitoring systems, predictive models, and detection techniques to optimise water resource management and improve wine productivity and quality. Technologies such as remote sensing, omics analyses, and precision viticulture were central to the discussions. Researchers from the University of Sassari and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change presented work on climate change adaptation and innovative technologies for vineyard management, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. CONAVI2024 also hosted a technical symposium with four presentations by viticulture experts, two academic talks by Professors Tommaso Frioni and Daniele Zaccaria, and a masterclass on Vermentino. On 14th June, participants visited the traditional Vermentino territories in Gallura and the Cannonau territories in Nuorese. During the closing ceremony, Professor Paolo Sabbatini from the University of Turin was awarded for the best oral presentation on "Meta-analysis of 50 Years of Research on the Impact of Thinning Timing and Intensity on Production and Quality," tying with Salvatore Filippo di Gennaro for a mobile app for identifying representative sampling zones and estimating vineyard yields. Professor Massimo Bertamini won the award for the best flash presentation on "Climate Change Shapes Trentino Viticulture: Inter-annual Environmental Dynamics and Additive Effects on Phenology, Musts, and Wines." The awarded posters were "Vineyard Irrigation: Comparison Between Drip Irrigation and Deep Root Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Water Resource Use" by Dr. D’arcangelo M.E.M. and "Exploiting Intra-varietal Variation and Identifying Clones with High Adaptability to Climate Change" by Dr. Zanoni S. Some of the presented works will be published in extended form in the conference proceedings in the journal "Bio Web of Conferences".
NODES companies put to the test with their first report
Deadlines and schedules have been respected for the use of MUR-PNRR funds. More than 11 million euros accounted for by the 310 companies financed through the NODES cascading calls. Figures that immediately indicate that things are going as planned: here's why. By July 24, the companies financed by the NODES cascading calls were required to submit the first financial report and progress status of the projects, thus capturing the project and administrative situation as of June 30. A decisive moment to concretely measure the level of efficiency and progress of the entire NODES machinery.   The PNRR is a completely new venture, a program that measures performance with predetermined qualitative and quantitative goals and very tight deadlines to ensure everything functions correctly and the funds are properly managed and spent. For this reason, the funded entities are committed to periodically producing progress data on the information system adopted by the Ministry of University and Research, “ATWORK.”   A bit of anxiety was in the air, therefore, awaiting the numbers. The data is decidedly positive: more than 11 million euros already accounted for the projects out of the total expected expenditure of 56 million.   Chiara Ferroni, General Director of NODES, interprets these numbers: "This essentially means we are already at 20% of the expenditure schedules. The timelines have been respected, and above all, the expenditure progress is essentially in line with our expectations, which projected a 22% result by June 30. This shows that the 310 companies were ready, and everyone is doing their part," she continues with satisfaction.   Numerous informational initiatives and tools have been deployed by NODES to make reporting more effective and efficient. An exclusive section was prepared for the companies on the institutional website, with instructions and procedures for operation, monitoring, and reporting the projects, as well as a series of webinars to gradually introduce the topics and ensure full alignment among all actors.   “A special thanks goes to the administrative offices of the universities and the Spokes involved in the program, and to the valuable work conducted by the Project Manager (3rdPM) referees and the Unioncamere Piemonte team who, with their commitment, availability, and expertise, have surely followed and supported the companies in reaching this first milestone,” - highlights the General Director.   Now it's time for checks: the 14 Evaluation Committees of the NODES cascading calls will assess the scientific progress, results, and actions taken, as well as the administrative-accounting checks and related expenses incurred and reported. The results will be communicated to the companies by the end of October.   However, the activity does not stop. The schedule includes a new deadline: January 24, 2025, by which the second financial report must be submitted, involving the activities carried out and results achieved by the end of this year.     
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Spoke 4 organizes the educational workshop "Designing the Alps of tomorrow: new production scenarios"
NODES - Spoke 4 consolidates relations with the Aosta Valley area, introducing the design visions resulting from the educational workshop "Designing the Alps of tomorrow: new production scenarios"   The day of 11 July 2024 developed through the meeting of around forty students from the Polytechnic of Turin with local stakeholders from real municipalities in the valley. This design experience - the outcome of the six-monthly workshop which saw the students try their hand at designing pilot projects in some of the municipalities covered by the Nodes, Spoke 4, RM1 research - was articulated through a series of meetings in the area, including the the last one, which took place on 11 July 2024 at Skyway, in Courmayeur, which saw the participation of numerous stakeholders from the Aosta Valley area. Specifically, the educational exercise proposed to the forty students involved within the educational workshop "Designing the Alps of tomorrow: new production scenarios" (Polytechnic University of Turin - teachers Roberto Dini, Valentina Serra, Valerio Lo Verso, Francesca Thiebat ) was focused on the development of a series of pilot projects, with the aim of proposing possible processes for the recovery and reactivation of abandoned properties: the Linguistic high school of Courmayeur, the former railway station with the adjoining Morgex warehouse, the former barracks of Saint Marcel and the former mining complex of Ollomont.   The day - promoted by the Courmayeur Mont Blanc Foundation and the Polytechnic of Turin, and held at Skyway in Courmayeur - was a moment of reflection on these possible transformative scenarios, bringing together the local actors directly interested around the projects: mayors and municipal councilors, facilitators social, but also the local Order of Architects. The issues addressed on this occasion can be traced back to different dimensions and scales of the project: on a technological-energy level, wondering what sustainable materials and construction systems could be, in terms of both the impact of emissions and their presence or absence within the local production chains; but also in terms of the social and economic impact that these projects can have within territorial systems with variable networks. The day took place around two complementary moments: in the Pavillon's La Verticale conference room in the morning, during which the maquettes and graphic designs were set up in front of which the discussion took place, culminating in the award ceremony of the three projects deemed most interesting by the local jury (made up of Roberto Ruffier, Sandro Sapia, Michele Saulle). In the afternoon we moved to the highest Punta Helbronner, to admire the surrounding snowy landscape from a privileged point of view. The didactic dimension is therefore intertwined with both the research and dissemination dimensions, allowing students to plan through an experience that brings them as close as possible to reality, and to the territory to receive input and visions resulting from lenses different from those to which they are most accustomed.   Below are experts, local stakeholders, teachers involved in the process and present on the final day: Politecnico di Torino – Roberto Dini, Valentina Serra, Valerio Lo Verso, Francesca Thiebat, Silvia Lanteri, Alessandro Depaoli; Fondazione Courmayeur Mont Blanc - Roberto Ruffier, Elise Champvillair GAL Valle d’Aosta - Marta Anello; Comune di Saint-Marcel - Andrea Bionaz, Alessandro Grange; Comune di Ollomont - David Vevey; Comune di Morgex - Barzagli Federico; Comune di La Thuile - Mathieu Ferraris; Ordine degli Architetti della Valle d’Aosta - Sandro Sapia; Michele Saulle; Piero Brunod.  
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Entrepreneurship training course for NODES staff begins
The entrepreneurship training course for NODES staff involved in PoCs will begin on July, 30 with an introductory lesson.   Link to the lesson.   The lesson will take place from 4:00 to 5:00 pm of July, 30 The course consists of two online meetings - synchronous - of 1 hour each and 24 video lessons - freely accessible by the students - lasting approximately 30 minutes. This course was designed to respond to the need for teacher training arising from the fact that teachers who have won an Academic POC from the NODES project are required to follow an entrepreneurship training course. A final audit is scheduled to take place at the end of September. More info and subscriptions here.    
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Master's Degree in Small and Medium Enterprise Management
Enrollments for the Master's Degree in Small and Medium Enterprise Management, inspired by Spoke 4 of the NODES project, Digital and Sustainable Mountain, coordinated by the University of Valle d'Aosta, are open until September 12, 2024. "A professionalizing course that allows you to acquire or update your managerial skills" explain Marco Alderighi, Spoke 4 project manager, and Consuelo Nava, scientific head of the SME Master. "The master is aimed at managers from all sectors, with particular attention to SMEs in mountain areas," they continue. "Thanks to the PNRR funding, the master is competitive compared to what the market offers, with a registration fee of only €2,500 for 280 hours of training, which will be held on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings to accommodate the needs of those who work”.   Discover the program at a glance Are you a manager, executive, or professional? The Master's Degree in SME Management offers you up-to-date knowledge to enhance your business and master technological change. Enroll now!   Enhance your professional skills. The master is designed to be compatible with work commitments: it takes place on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings, and remote participation is possible.   Digital and ecological transformation. The master provides managerial tools to tackle sustainability challenges and seize new opportunities. For example, you will learn how to obtain European funds and improve online visibility.   Focus on small and medium enterprises in mountain areas: The NODES project master provides a solid foundation for understanding how to manage and make the enterprise profitable innovatively.   Take advantage of the opportunities offered by the PNRR! Thanks to EU funding, our Master's Degree in SME Management is accessible with a registration fee of €2,500, highly competitive compared to what is offered on the market.   Discover the program    
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Problem solved! with a Students challenge dedicated to sustainable mobility solutions
The Spoke 1 Students Challenge carried out by students from Politecnico di Torino with Gruppo Iren ends with great satisfaction. The challenge was multifaceted and concerned two crucial aspects of the energy landscape: electric mobility and renewable energy communities. The future penetration of electric vehicles equipped with two-way charging (V2G) technologies can provide flexibility to the grid and become a relevant component for “energy communities.” In this context, electric vehicles can be viewed as batteries on wheels, useful for maximizing self-consumption of locally generated energy, increasing energy flexibility by storing and releasing electricity as needed. The operational objectives of the challenge were multiple and complex; the teams worked to formulate technologically feasible and profitable market solutions, identify technological limitations of the current market, simulate application scenarios, build a technology roadmap of future developments, define business models that can generate value for all key players, and finally, define effective remuneration methods for electric vehicle owners within the EC. The teams demonstrated remarkable creativity, developing innovative solutions with great commitment. Indeed, critical factors were addressed, from the stochasticity of available electric vehicles to the specific mobility needs of users requiring innovative charging stations. The Students Challenges are an opportunity for companies to develop innovative solutions together with students to meet challenges. The goal of the Challenges is twofold, both to give students the opportunity to interact with the business community, public institutions, associations, and third sector entities in NODES project areas through the “learning by doing” method, and to give companies and other stakeholders the opportunity to meet young talents and discover innovative solutions applicable in their realities. Spoke 1 awaits new challenges, any company in the sectors (aerospace or sustainable mobility) can submit its problem and apply by visiting the     Dedicated page      
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
The researchers of NODES project at the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics
TINCARE researchers presented the results of their research at the congress of European Society of Biomechanics.  From June 30th to July 3th, the European Society of Biomechanics gathered in Edinburgh for its annual congress, the main European event bringing together experts in the field of biomechanics.  Young researchers from the group led by Professor Alberto Audenino participated in the event, who took the opportunity to disseminate some of the results of the research results from NEWBREATH, the Research Module of TINCARE aimed at developing a ventilation device to support patients in a home environment.  The researchers presented their work on numerical modeling and experimentation related to the performance and safety assessments of ventilator devices. Specifically, they introduced a new model capable of distinguishing the effects of CPAP therapy on different alveolar health conditions. This model can provide valuable insights not only on the most effective therapy but also on the risks that patients may face during treatment.   In addition, an experimental study was presented on the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the interfaces used for the administration of CPAP therapy to patients was presented. This study highlighted safety implications of the therapy, even when routine methods are employed in clinical practice.  The occasion was a stimulus and allowed the sharing of progress in research on non-innovative ventilation, the focus of NEWBREATH, with European researchers working in the field of respiratory biomechanics.  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Success for Spoke 5 during the NODES General Assembly at Villa San Remigio
On July 16th, the beautiful setting of Villa San Remigio, the General Assembly of the Ecosystem of Innovation NODES - Nord West Digital and Sustainable. The event was a valuable opportunity to compare the results of the 15 flagship project presented by the respective researchers, who enthusiastically participated in the Pitch&Poster competition. The competition featured three awards: best industrial impact, best social impact, and best quality of dissemination of results.    An extraordinary result was obtained by Spoke 5, led by University of Piemonte Orientale as the lead institution, which includes two main projects: INNDIANA and TINCARE.    The success of these projects was made possible thanks to the synergistic collaboration of the Politecnico di Torino, the University of Torino, the AOU Maggiore della Carità of Novara, and the IRCCS Auxologico, who contributed their valuable commitment and expertise.  A heartfelt thanks goes to the entire Spoke 5 - NODES team for achieving this extraordinary milestone, highlighting the value and the importance of collaboration in innovation and sustainable development in our region.