
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

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3. Culture and tourism industry
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
C.Next propone due challenge, gli studenti dell'Insubria rispondono
Giovedì 18 aprile 2024 venticinque studenti del dipartimento di Economia del corso di Economia e Management dell'Innovazione e della Sostenibilità (CLEMIS) dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria si sono recati presso la sede di ComoNext Innovation Hub, partner di Spoke 3, per partecipare a due challenge che li vedranno impegnati per circa due mesi.   Il Prof. Alfredo Biffi del Dipartimento di Economia dell'Insubria spiega che: "si tratta di un progetto molto interessante che permette di mettere i ragazzi a confronto con la completezza delle problematiche che poi le imprese e le istituzioni trovano quotidianamente nel loro percorso di  business, o comunque di sviluppo. Nel corso della giornata si è tenuto il primo incontro direttamente a ComoNext con alcuni dei tutor che seguono gli studenti; inoltre, sono stati assegnati dei compiti ai ragazzi che lavoreranno su due filoni tematici partenendo da un'attività di rilevazione".   Nello specifico, le challenge a cui parteciperanno gli studenti sono: CHALLENGE 1 - RENDICONTAZIONE DI SOSTENIBILITA’ CNext ha lavorato al suo primo bilancio sociale nel 2022 assieme a uno dei suoi soci, Andersen. L’approccio seguito è quello tradizionale che risponde agli indicatori previsti dalla legge, in particolare legati ad ambiente, governance e dimensione sociale. Questi indicatori, tuttavia, non rispecchiano la natura di CNext che ha un’azione, attraverso i suoi poli territoriali, legata alla rigenerazione del territorio. Si tratta in effetti di andare a costruire in spazi industriali abbandonati o in disuso dei centri per l’innovazione. Tutto questo porta alla creazione di un indotto attorno ai poli che sarebbe interessante andare a misurare. Nel caso di ComoNext, ad esempio, l’area attorno al parco si è popolata di attività commerciali, gli appartamenti hanno accresciuto il loro valore economico. Ma quali indicatori ad hoc andare a costruire? E dove reperire fonti autorevoli? Viene chiesto agli studenti di fare delle proposte di indicatori personalizzati per la rendicontazione di sostenibilità di CNext.   CHALLENGE 2 - COMPETENZE CNext ha un modello peculiare, mira a creare una rete di innovation hub sul territorio italiano che lavorino secondo un comune modello di trasferimento tecnologico e rispondano a una governance comune. Le figure professionali necessarie al supporto dei progetti di innovazione sono varie e, grazie alla storia del primo polo di innovazione, ovvero ComoNext, ne ha sperimentate alcune (opportunity manager, innovation manager, esperti di innovation e project financing). Sono spesso figure “ibride” che richiedono competenze tecniche a cavallo tra più discipline, e soprattutto soft skill. È importante saper lavorare in un sistema di soggetti, inclusi quelli più tradizionali (come le associazioni imprenditoriali), e far dialogare gli ecosistemi dell’innovazione a tutti i livelli del sistema economico. Per rendere questo più evidente, è stata lanciata una challenge che, tramite l’analisi delle competenze fornisca un quadro delle professionalità che CNext avrà bisogno di assumere da qui ai prossimi cinque anni per avere punti di vista nuovi e vedere se e quanto si distanziano dalle stime attuali. Da questa challenge CNext si attende un’ipotesi di profili ideali con degli indicatori per la valutazione per le soft skill.   Oltre ad aver visitato il parco scientifico tecnologico di ComoNExT, i ragazzi hanno avuto modo di visitare il Next Marketing LAB; progetto frutto di un finanziamento di Regione Lombardia che unisce le competenze di 11 imprese insediate all’interno del parco. Questo laboratorio è un luogo dove aziende, istituzioni, formatori, e studenti possono toccare con mano le tecnologie legate al marketing digitale e nel quale possono capire come queste abbiano impatti sui processi e sulle organizzazioni. È un laboratorio, fisico e digitale, dove innovazione e tecnologia si incontrano al servizio dell’impresa, un luogo di scoperta, di condivisione e di confronto. A fronte di tutto questo, hanno avuto modo di partecipare ad un Q&A con le loro tutor – Elisabetta Giromini e Giulia Bizzotto.     
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
La Geonight di Spoke 3
Si è tenuto lo scorso venerdì 5 aprile l'incontro "AUGMENTED VISION FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE. Shapes, Ideas, Things, Stories", nell'ambito dell'evento GEONIGHT-NOTTE DELLA GEOGRAFIA 2024 promosso da Eugeo (Association of Geographical Societies in Europe) e dall'Unione Geografica Internazionale: L'Università del Piemonte Orientale, partner di Spoke 3, ha aperto le porte di Villa San Remigio, sede del centro studi Upontourism, per accogliere 35 studentesse e studenti del corso Paesaggio Turismo Sostenibilità (cdL triennale in Gestione Ambientale e Sviluppo Sostenibile, Dipartimento DISSTE) e del Laboratorio di Geografia del Turismo (cdl magistrale in Lingue Culture Turismo, Dipartimento DISUM) per portarli a (ri)scoprire il paesaggio e il patrimonio della Villa. Relatore il Dr. Leonardo Parachini, esperto di storia locale; presente anche il Dr. Fernando Salvetti dell'azienda LOGOS net, partner della Challenge del progetto PNRR NODES Spoke 3 coordinato dalla Prof.ssa Stefania Cerutti (DISSTE) con la collaborazione della Dr.ssa Stefania Benetti (DISSTE). La densa narrazione così come la visita degli spazi della Villa è stata molto apprezzata, grazie anche al ricorso a materiali documentali (testuali e iconografici) di grande interesse. Una geografia che intreccia la storia di una famiglia con quella di un territorio, raccontando di incontri e frequentazioni, di arti e architetture, di trasformazioni materiali e immateriali che hanno certamente lasciato segni e tracce affascinanti. Toccherà a studentesse e studenti usare la propria creatività per creare progetti di valorizzazione delle risorse della Villa, e dei suoi meravigliosi giardini ad oggi non fruibili, mediante il ricorso a modalità e strumenti multimediali e digitali. Il prossimo 21 maggio si terrà la restituzione degli elaborati, attendiamo con curiosità di vedere cosa fiorirà!
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
Dalla collaborazione tra Spoke 3 e Spoke 4 nasce il corso di alta formazione: I principi generali del bilancio per le strutture alberghiere e le imprese turistiche
Dalla collaborazione tra Spoke 3 - Industria del Turismo e della Cultura e Spoke 4 - Montagna Digitale e Sostenibile, nasce un nuovo corso di alta formazione dal titolo: I principi generali del bilancio per le strutture alberghiere e le imprese turistiche. Il corso si propone di fornire strumenti e conoscenze ad aziende e professionisti che operano nel campo del turismo.   Il corso, con un taglio manageriale, è rivolto a coloro che hanno la necessità di conoscere le logiche e la struttura del bilancio d’esercizio con particolare riferimento alle voci tipiche delle imprese ricettive. Nella prima parte del corso si analizzeranno i principi generali concernenti la redazione del bilancio aziendale, gli schemi e il contenuto dello stato patrimoniale e del conto economico, con una focalizzazione sugli aspetti maggiormente attinenti alle imprese di minori dimensioni.   Nella seconda parte, si farà ricorso ad un'esercitazione pratica dove verranno riprese le operazioni di gestione tipiche e si analizzerà il loro effetto sul bilancio. Inoltre, durante il corso verrà spiegato come utilizzare il bilancio riclassificato come strumento per prendere decisioni anche in una logica di digitalizzazione e sostenibilità.    Il corso si terrà in presenza dal 09/05/2024 al 16/05/2024. Per informazioni e iscrizioni scrivere a:   Per saperne di più clicca qui
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 participates in the inauguration of the House of Made in Italy
Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry participates in the inauguration of the House of Made in Italy. The inauguration of the territorial headquarters of Mimit: Ministry of Business and Made in Italy will be held on Thursday 11 April 2024 at 11.30 am at the CIM4.0 headquarters, Strada della Manta, 22 (Additive Manufacturing Pilote Line) in Turin.   Spoke 3, which among its missions includes the promotion and valorisation of Made in Italy, will be represented by the scientific manager of the Nodes project Prof. Barbara Pozzo of the University of Insubria who in these days presents a volume of of which she is curator entitled: Made in Italy - the identity of a historic brand published by Giappichelli Editore and available for free online.   During the day there will be a speech by the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso followed by a round table animated by representatives of the territorial business associations together with the world of academia and training.              
3. Culture and tourism industry
ROUND TABLE Tourism Italy China: inbound and outbound recovery prospects A meeting between institutions and operators
On Monday 18 March 2024, the Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Eastern Piedmont, partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, hosted the round table "Italy China Tourism: prospects for incoming recovery" in Alessandria and exit. A meeting between institutions and operators", jointly organized by the Master in Economy, innovation, communication and hospitality for the tourism enterprise directed by Professor Marco Novarese, the Italian-Chinese New Generation Association (ANGI), the City of Alessandria , the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) and sponsored by the CRA Foundation, the SolidAL Foundation and the Province of Alessandria. The meeting was conceived with the aim of supporting and encouraging tourist exchanges between Italy and China, in the year in which, albeit for a few months, it is possible to arrive in China from Italy without requiring a visa. The round table was moderated by Cheng Ming of ANGI and saw the participation of the directors of the Alessandria UPO departments Giorgio Barberis (DIGSPES) and Guido Lingua (DISIT), the Mayor of Alessandria Giorgio Abonante, the Chinese Consul General Liu Kan, the Regional Councilor for Tourism Vittoria Poggio, the president of the Slala Foundation Cesare Rossini and the president of IUSE Piercarlo Rossi. It was Professor Novarese himself, on the sidelines of the meeting, who explained its meaning and purpose: «For several years I have been talking with Cheng Ming of the Angi association, which works to seek integration and mutual knowledge; I believe it is right as a teacher to contribute to these objectives and it is a way to learn and understand. As director of the Master's degree on tourism, I believe it is natural to delve deeper into this topic. From an educational point of view, learning to host people with unusual needs is a training ground for understanding the very concept of hospitality." «There is a curiosity for some characteristics of this province and for Italy in general; we also discussed training and there are many other possible spaces for dialogue, on an economic and social level. Let's keep in mind that Chinese tourism has changed post-Covid: according to research by Enit, Chinese tourists travel in smaller groups, have an interest in nature, views, authenticity and getting in touch with Italians. You need to know how to build and adapt products, with the right skills and with attention to quality. The province and Piedmont in general offer many possibilities with respect to what has been said; compared to areas with an older and stronger tourist vocation there is much more authenticity. The round table aims to be first of all a moment to meet and get to know each other in person, an essential moment to imagine activities and collaborations."
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 partecipa alla Lake Como Creativity Week
The University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, participated in the Lake Como Creativity Week, the week dedicated to creativity which was held in Como from 11 to 17 March 2024.   The initiative, by the Municipality of Como, was created to enhance the uniqueness of the Como creative district and aims to promote the brand identity of Como Unesco Creative City. The key word that inspired the Lake Como Creativity Week was "connections".   On the occasion of the event, the Nodes projects were presented at the University of Insubria, home of Sant'Abbondio: «Cultural extended reality routes» and «Immersive textile museum».   The projects, carried out in collaboration with the Silk Museum, are dedicated to enhancing the culture and industrial heritage of a territory through the development of an innovation path based on digital creativity and augmented reality to support the narration of the territory and the visitor experience.   The central idea is the design of alternative tourist itineraries that ideally redesign the territory, describe it in an immersive way and translate it into experience through the support of augmented reality.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 presents the specialization course in Fashion Law: "The legal problems of the fashion supply chain"
Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry presents the specialization course in Fashion Law "The legal problems of the fashion supply chain".   The course organized by the University of Milan and the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, aims to offer in-depth skills in the fashion sector to legal operators active within fashion companies (corporate lawyers), those who work closely with these companies (lawyers and consultants), as well as training those who aspire to take on these roles.   60 hours of online lessons held by teachers from the University of Milan, the University of Insubria, lawyers from leading law firms in the sector, general counsel of fashion houses, notaries, operators and top experts in the fields treated.   The function of the course can be summarized in the satisfaction of the needs of specialized professional training in a sector which constitutes one of the areas of greatest use of highly qualified human resources. The employment opportunities are numerous and concern all the various aspects of the fashion supply chain.   The specialization course will be held on a weekly basis (every Monday) from 18/03/2024 to 01/07/2024 from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm and during the lessons various topics will be addressed including: contracts in the world of fashion, the Made in Italy, law, new technologies and fashion. The complete program is attached. Registrations are open until March 11, 2024   For further information and registration, see link    
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Flagship Projects Meeting
The first Spoke 3 Flagship Projects Meeting was held on Thursday 1 February 2024 at the Department of Management of the University of Turin.   Researchers from the University of Insubria, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont, University of Valle d'Aosta, Città Studi Biella and ComoNext Innovation Hub participated in the event. The objective of the meeting was to start a fruitful collaboration between researchers from the universities involved in the NODES project in reference to the research topics of the CIRIL - Cultural-Industry Regeneration Lab and TOEP - Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform flagship projects.   In the first phase of the meeting, Prof. Piercarlo Rossi of the University of Turin and Prof. Stefania Cerruti of the University of Eastern Piedmont presented the flagship projects, recalling their objectives and highlighting the current state of progress activities.   Specifically, Prof. Rossi, regarding the CIRIL flagships project, explained that we are currently proceeding with the reconnaissance of the technologies, the monitoring of the initiatives on the national territory (mixed reality device building kit), the acquisition of the instrumentation, and the activation of cultural cluster asset and digital textile hub activities.   Regarding the TOEP project, Prof. Cerutti clarified that the design of the middleware, the delivery architecture and the API standards are being defined. Furthermore, we are proceeding with the recognition of integrated solutions (public databases and federatable services), data sources and acquisition methods, the activation of the thematic cluster and the implementation of innovation initiatives in territorial branding.   Both flagship projects are proceeding in collaboration with partners from the South for the creation of startups.   Once the presentation was concluded, the main lines of research and their areas of relevance were then illustrated; these include: Fashion design, Management and sustainability, Intersection between Cultural Heritage and Natural Conservation (Museums, Archaeological and Historical Places, Landscape), Multimedia Narratives and Digital Creativity, Digital Tourism and Destination Management and Lifestyle tourism and marketing.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Assembly: researchers comparing entrepreneurship and internationalization
On Friday 19 January 2024, the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry held its first Spoke 3 Assembly in Lomazzo (CO) at the ComoNext Innovation Hub.   The researchers and all the staff of the institutions involved in the spoke3 activities were present or connected remotely at the event: University of Insubria, University of Eastern Piedmont, University of Turin, University of Sannio- Benevento, University of Salento COmoNExt and Cittàstudi Biella. During the morning, the progress of the project activities of each project WP was illustrated and any critical issues and actions to be taken in the coming months were discussed.   In the afternoon, the work of Spoke 3 focused on transversal issues relating to the development of entrepreneurship and internationalization with the aim of identifying objectives and activities to be carried out within the project.   In relation to internationalisation, various initiatives have been identified which involve the involvement of foreign institutional partners to promote the activities of the Spoke and the ecosystem outside national borders.   With respect to the theme of entrepreneurship, the possible critical issues linked to the thematic nature of the spoke3 were explored and some actions aimed at overcoming these critical issues were hypothesized.   Lastly, the functional work process was defined to bring together the ideas of all the Spoke partners, identifying contact persons for both themes in all the project partners who will work to build a shared proposal of viable actions.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Circular Economy in Scotland, how to learn from foreign experiences: the Nodes project arrives in Aberdeen
On 7 December 2023, Prof. Patrizia Gazzola, professor at the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, went to Scotland to participate in an event entitled: A Circular Scotland In Europe.   The conference, which is part of a cycle of 4 events coordinated by the University of Aberdee, was held at the P&J Live Aberdeen conference centre, bringing together various personalities from both the academic world and the world of institutions.   During the meeting, the NODES project and the activity carried out by Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry as an Italian best practice in research on sustainable and in particular circular tourism were presented. We talked about sustainability, both in terms of innovation in the production system of the tourism system, but also in the digitalisation of small and medium-sized businesses so that they can reduce costs and waste.   Prof. Gazzola, who spoke in the panel: "Unpacking circular economy capabilities: a comparison with advances in the countries of the European Union", illustrated the Italian experience of circular economy in general and linked to tourism in particular. He also specified that its application can contribute to increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of ecosystem companies through the implementation of innovation and digitalisation processes specific to the territory.   Finally, we talked about how to enhance cultural heritage with the creation of company museums. The various moments of discussion were useful and fruitful for exchanging different experiences, new circular economy ideas and new applications as well as new network relationships to share with the other Nodes participants.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Uninsubria students taking lessons from ComoNext Innovation Hub
On Monday 11 December 2023, an event dedicated to Sustainable Tourism students of the University of Insubria entitled: "Innovation Trekking" was held at COMONExT Innovation Hub, partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry.   During the day the students had the opportunity to meet representatives of the GReD - Geomatics Research & Development srl company, who illustrated cutting-edge solutions for the precise monitoring of movements on structures and terrain, highlighting the relevant applications in the sector tourist. In particular, GNSS detection technologies, fundamental to understanding the HEMOC project, were explored in depth. The presentation focused on the generation of data relating to the measurement of microdisplacements of the monitored buildings, underlining the integration of monitoring, virtual reality and cultural heritage.   Subsequently, the company DkR srl introduced the concepts of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (RM), highlighting how these technologies would be integrated into the HEMOC project. He explained how such tools would enable immersive and intuitive visualization of the data generated by the technologies provided by G-RED.   Finally, DkR representatives involved the students in the Marketing Lab laboratory, offering them the opportunity to directly experience Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality technologies via headsets. This practical session allowed students to experience firsthand the immersive experience offered by the technologies presented during the event.   The meeting proved to be a unique opportunity for the students to deepen their understanding of advanced technologies applied to monitoring and visualization, thus contributing to their study path in the field of sustainable tourism.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Nodes on display. The exhibition dedicated to "images of sustainability" debuts in Vercelli
The inauguration of the exhibition: "Nodes on display. Images of sustainability" was held on Friday 1 December at the GIOIN Space of the Municipality of Vercelli, which will be possible to visit until 20 December 2023. The event, organized by the University of Eastern Piedmont, partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, with the patronage of the Municipality and Province of Vercelli, had as its object the display of 32 international posters on environmental sustainability. Thirty-two posters divided into five sections: “Pollution”; “There's new air! Global warming"; “Living to live: the network of life”; “Biodiversity: the beating heart of the Earth”; “Care and reciprocity”; as well as an out-of-section manifesto that underlines the need and possibility of change (Sebastian Becerra Corral, “Let's change the pace of our economy', Mexico, 2020). The images selected by the curator Annalisa D'orsi, coming from the archives of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, grouped into five categories, are innovatively used by the exhibition as tools for dialogue with the territory, to fuel a reflection on the relevance of culture and imaginary in the transition towards a more sustainable society. The idea is simple but the challenge is complex: if we want to think and practice a sustainable way of life, our culture must also change. After the institutional greetings of the Municipality, as requested by the curator, all the people who spoke spent part of their speech to describe a word that they consider crucial from the point of view of environmental sustainability. The words were: intersectionality, education, research, circularity, heritage, biodiversity, culture. During the meeting, the NODES ecosystem was also presented and, in particular, the work of the UPO Spoke 3 research group.   Among the people who spoke were: councilor Gianna Baucero of the Municipality of Vercelli, Prof. Roberta Lombardi, teacher and director of DISSTE UPO, Prof. Filippo Fassina, representing DISUM UPO, Prof. Stefania Cerutti, teacher and scientific director NODES Spoke 3 UPO research group, Prof. Davide Porporato, member professor NODES Spoke 3 UPO research group, Gabriele Varalda representative of the Ecomuseo delle Terre d'Acqua, Sara Ghirardi of the Atlantis Research Center (CRA) and the anthropologist cultural, NODES Spoke 3 Upo research fellow as well as curator of the exhibition and catalog Annalisa D'Orsi. Finally, during the inauguration, two seminars were presented which will take place on 6 and 14 December 2023 in the exhibition space, co-organised together with the Province of Vercelli and the Ecomuseo delle Terre d'Acqua. - Wednesday 6 December, from 5pm to 7.30pm: “Tourism, agriculture and biodiversity. Sustainable and complementary actions". - Thursday 16 December, from 5pm to 7.30pm: “Biodiversity in rice fields. Study and protection".  
Press releases
3. Culture and tourism industry
Sustainable and Circular Economy: the textile sector at the forefront to promote change
Yesterday, a Spoke 3 – Tourism and Culture Industry conference was held entitled: Sustainable and Circular economy: The case of Textile Industry.   The first session was presented in the main hall of the University of Insubria of Como Sant'Abbondio and brought together illustrious scholars from abroad who spoke about: international law, fast fashion and circular economy also presenting several very interesting case studies.   Prof. Barbara Pozzo, scientific director of the Nodes Project for Uninsubria, held a speech entitled: The challenges of sustainability for companies in the textile-fashion sector: the NODES Project, through which she illustrated to those present the Nodes project and the positive implications it can have on companies operating in the textile and fashion sector that approach sustainability.   In the afternoon the event moved to the Como – Lecco Chamber of Commerce where important exponents of the Como textile sector reported their entrepreneurial experience. Virtuous examples of circular economy were presented; sustainability is the basis of a new way of doing business and the textile sector is working to ensure that there is an effective paradigm shift. Great attention to the environment, the use of recycled materials and thoughtful production are the basis of the change.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Sustainability Practice: students meet professional sustainability companies
The first meeting of the cycle Sustainability in practice – Students meet best practices in sustainability will be held on Friday 24 November 2023 at the Eco fraction of Baggero and the Water mill, Merone (CO). The event is organized by the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3 and sees the involvement of Professor Roberta Minazzi and Doctors Daniele Grechi and Francesca Rizzi who will have the task to accompany the students on site and guide them along the learning path of the case study together with sector managers who operate in the field of sustainability. In fact, the project aims to promote a cycle of company visits on the topic of sustainability directly to places that represent interest and best practices. Students will be able to experience firsthand the sustainability practices implemented by the live testimony of managers and project leaders. Participants will be able to apply theory to practice and develop appropriate entrepreneurial skills by listening to the real experiences of managers and company directors in the public and private sector. The aim of the seminars is to offer an applied vision of the topic of sustainability as a driver for the development of the territory and the valorization of culture. The event on 24 November aims to integrate the skills of the students of the three-year and master's degrees from an entrepreneurial perspective by putting them in contact with the actors in the public and private sector in which they will be working; the mission of the project is to provide students with managerial skills aimed at training future managers of the tourist destination. The second meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2023 at the Silk Museum in Como.    
3. Culture and tourism industry
NODES on display. Images of sustainability from December in Vercelli
Spoke 3 of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem – Digital and Sustainable North West, coordinated for the University of Eastern Piedmont by Professor Stefania Cerutti, professor of the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition, is preparing to inaugurate an important exhibition which explores the complex interrelationships between culture, imagination and environmental sustainability. ''NODES on display. Images of sustainability'', the result of a collaboration between the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition (DISSTE) and the Department of Humanistic Studies (DISUM), will be hosted from 1 to 20 December 2023 in the Gioin Space of the Municipality of Vercelli ( via Laviny, 67) with the opening hours: 10:00 - 16:30 from Monday to Friday and 10:00 - 17:00 Saturday and Sunday (closed every Monday and 8 December). The press conference presenting the event will be held on November 13th at 11 am at the Rectorate of the University of Eastern Piedmont in Vercelli, via Duomo 6. Exhibition and catalog are curated by Annalisa D'Orsi, NODES research fellow at the Department of Humanistic Studies of the UPO. The catalog will link the displayed posters to interdisciplinary scientific contributions written by teachers and researchers members of the Spoke 3 research group of the UPO and by other experts. This interdisciplinary approach is fundamental to addressing the climate and ecological challenges of the present. As a corollary to the exhibition, 2 conferences will also be organized by the Province and the Ecomuseum of the Water Lands focused on tourism, protection of the landscape and biodiversity and agriculture. The conferences will be held at the Gioin Space on 6 and 14 December 2023, from 5pm to 7.30pm, and will have the title "Tourism, agriculture and biodiversity" respectively. Sustainable and complementary actions” and “Biodiversity in rice fields. Study and protection". The exhibition "Nodes on display. Images of sustainability" represents a moment of dialogue and contamination between different disciplines and languages ​​and contributes to the transfer of knowledge from the world of art and the University to the territory. Interdisciplinarity and fruitful relationships between entities, in the logic of the NODES Ecosystem, are the basis for being able to co-construct future scenarios, since sustainability requires common commitment and collaboration between different interested parties. The exhibition, which enjoys the patronage of the Municipality and the Province of Vercelli, will address issues of great relevance and relevance, contributing to enriching the cultural, educational and tourist offer of the area and will present 32 posters from the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, an important event which, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for the Environment (UNEP), deals with issues related to environmental sustainability and the conservation of biodiversity. These posters, created by artists and graphic designers from all over the world, will be used in an innovative way to promote reflection on the relevance of culture in the transition towards a more sustainable society.