
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

6. Primary agroindustry
Infodays SPOKEUniversity of Pavia presents the funding opportunities of NODES Line B
On October 6th, in the Foscolo Auditorium, the University of Pavia is ready to present funding opportunities available through cascade funding calls, with a special focus on LINE B, and the services offered to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the North-Western region of Italy. This event is primarily dedicated to SMEs with operational headquarters in Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, or in the provinces of Pavia, Como, Varese, Bergamo, Brescia, Milan, Lodi, Piacenza, Cremona, and Mantua, as well as their suppliers. This event will provide a unique opportunity to understand how businesses can benefit from the funding provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The detailed agenda includes the following key sessions: 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Welcome coffee and registration 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM: Introduction to the NODES Ecosystem and Spoke 6 activities 11:15 AM – 11:30 AM: "Cascade Calls for Businesses." Presentation of funding opportunities for companies, with a particular emphasis on Line B 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Practical examples of financeable services – Brief presentations by NODES researchers involved in Spoke 6, interviewed by Carlo Gariboldi 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Networking lunch 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: "Line B – How to Submit Your Application?" – Information on attachments, financial eligibility, and the practical use of the Telemaco system, with the involvement of Unioncamere 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Personalized one-on-one meetings with the Technology Transfer Office of the University of Pavia, aiming to provide tailored support for accessing funding within the PNRR NODES framework. Participation requires registration. The event will take place in the Foscolo Auditorium, with the entrance located at Corso Strada Nuova 65, Pavia." Sign-up
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
NODES Partners with EIT InnoEnergy, connections and new ideas for decarbonization
The NODES Ecosystem Partners are organizing an in-person meeting with the international EIT InnoEnergy community, which has been creating global connections since 2010 by bringing together innovators and industry, entrepreneurs and investors, graduates and employers, with the goal of fostering and accelerating the green transition. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this reality for innovation players in the NODES territory, including innovative industry, academic researchers and entrepreneurs from the energy and sustainability sectors. The event will be held in-person, in English, and limited seats are available, register to not miss this opportunity. See dedicated page
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Line B - fundable services for innovation and business development - Infoday
Aerospace and Sustainable mobility The Partners for the thematic areas Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility (Spoke 1), in the Northwest Digital and Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem - NODES, will present the Catalogue of Fundable Innovation Services for Enterprises, illustrating with practical examples the grant funding opportunities of the Line B cascade call. The Infoday will enable enterprises to participate in discussion moments with Partners on the nature of fundable services. In the period following the event, it will be possible to participate in meetings, upon reservation, with the contact persons of the different Partners for those enterprises that would like to apply for a service. Registrations and reservations Line B in short: Calls for funding to facilitate access to innovation services on the Spoke to SMEs in the ecosystem territory. Services are divided into qualified services to support research and development and product/service and/or process innovation and services to support innovative enterprises, as outlined in the catalog available below. Funding is non-repayable to a maximum percentage of 50 percent.
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Info Day Spoke 4
Spoke 4 will hold a business INFO DAY on Wednesday, October 4th Spoke 4 - Digital and Sustainable Mountain will hold an online INFO DAY for businesses on Wednesday, October 4th, at 5:30 PM. During the event, businesses will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with partners in anticipation of the October 31st deadline for participating in the cascade funding calls. The meeting will particularly focus on Line B, which involves investment paths in innovation within the Spoke area, with the acquisition of advanced and qualified services. Following the event, businesses can also schedule additional meetings with the responsible individuals of Spoke 4's activities. To register, please fill out the form at:
NODES e i suoi ricercatori protagonisti nella Notte della Ricerca 2023
Eventi ad Alessandria, Aosta, Como, Pavia e Torino Venerdì 29 e Sabato 30 settembre si è tenuta in tutta Europa la Notte dei Ricercatori, promossa dalla Commissione Europea fin dal 2005 capace di coinvolgere ogni anno migliaia di ricercatori e istituzioni di ricerca in tutti i paesi UE. NODES e i ricercatori dei 7 Spoke dell'Ecosistema erano presenti nelle diverse città degli Atenei partners del progetto con laboratori, stand, workshop, convegni, visite guidate nei luoghi della ricerca con eventi gratuiti e aperti al pubblico di ogni età. VENERDI 29 SETTEMBRE COMO - Be Ready for the Future Museo della Seta - Via Castelnuovo, 9 Ven. 29 set - h. 16:00 Conferenza su "La cultura del tessile per la valorizzazione del territorio in un luogo simbolo per l’industria locale" con Spoke 3 - Industria del turismo e cultura. Dopo i saluti del Presidente del Museo, Giovanna Baglio, la Prof.ssa Roberta Minazzi dell'Università dell'Insubria presenterà il Progetto NODES. Al centro dell'evento interventi da parte di ricercatori e docenti nell'ambito del tessile, della moda e approfondimenti su "Nuove metodologie e tecnologie per percorsi turistici e museali immersivi".Info TORINO - Unight - Laboratori della Ricerca Musei e Giardini Reali - Piazzetta Reale, 1 Ven. 29 set - h. 17:00 - 23:59 Esperimenti, questionari interattivi, presentazioni sulle più innovative ricerche condotte dagli Spoke dell'Ecosistema per rispondere alle sfide strategiche e generare impatti positivi verso la transizione digitale ed ecologica.Info TORINO - Unight - Caffè Scientifici Musei e Giardini Reali - Piazzetta Reale, 1 Ven. 29 set - h. 17:00 - 23:59 - Area Caffè C3 NODES nasce per connettere la Ricerca e il variegato tessuto del Nord Ovest d’Italia e Mezzogiorno. Alla scoperta della ricerca e i ricercatori che animano la nostra società e l’innovazione. Tra i temi: innovazione delle filiere – l’esempio della birra, digitalizzazione delle zone montane, sicurezza alimentare.Info AOSTA - Unight - Incontri Cascina Monfleury - Institut Agricole Régional - V.le Piccolo S. Bernardo, 39 Ven. 29 set - h. 19:30 Ecosistema Nodes, opportunità di innovazione per le imprese e il territorio. A cura del Prof. Marco Alderighi dell'Università della Valle d'Aosta - Spoke 4 Montagna Digitale e Sostenibile. Info ALESSANDRIA - Notte della Ricerca DISIT - V.le Teresa Michel, 11 Ven. 29 set - h. 19:45 - 21:00 Apertura della Notte della Ricerca e Keynote speech: Cosa significa una società che invecchia, Prof. Andrea Graziosi, ordinario di Storia Contemporanea, Università di Napoli.Info ALESSANDRIA - One Planet, One Health + OpenLabs DISIT - V.le Teresa Michel, 11 Ven. 29 set - h. 21:00 - 23:00 22 seminari, tavole rotonde, conferenze, presentazioni, esperimenti, giochi, laboratori articolati in 8 percorsi tematici. Presentazione delle attività e visita al laboratorio di ricerca del DISIT relativo ai progetti di Spoke 2 e Spoke 5. Dalle ore 21, il DISIT - Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica dell'Università del Piemonte Orientale aprira le porte al pubblico offrendo l'ooportunità di immergersi nel mondo della scienza e dell'innovazione. Un'opportunità unica per scoprire i progetti di ricerca più recenti e come i risultati possono e potranno migliorare il nostro mondo. Info SABATO 30 SETTEMBRE PAVIA - Sharper Night - Workshop Università di Pavia - Aula Volta - Strada Nuova, 65 Sab. 30 set - h. 16:00 - 18:00 FUTURE FARMS: SPERIMENTAZIONI DEL PAESAGGIO Come sarà la fattoria del futuro e come si configurerà il paesaggio rurale in risposta ai cambiamenti imposti dall’emergenza climatica? Durante il workshop verranno presentati modelli di fattorie ideali, sostenibili ed in grado di adattarsi al processo di transizione ecologica. Durante il dibattito si discuterà di transizione ecologica, paesaggio rurale, cambiamenti climatici, sostenibilità ambientale e sociale, benessere animale, modelli alimentari e risorse energetiche. Utilizzando i “sei cappelli per pensare” di De Bono, i partecipanti verranno guidati attraverso una riflessione collettiva sul futuro del paesaggio rurale e le capacità di adattamento imposte dall’emergenza climatica.Info
3. Culture and tourism industry
THE FUTURE IN MEMORY: archives, territory and digitalisation
An interesting conference entitled: The future in memory: archives, territory and digitalisation will be held on Friday 29 September, at 2.00 pm, in the Aula Magna of the University of Insubria in Como Sant'Abbondio. During the meeting, attention will be paid to the archive as a "common good", highlighting its fundamental role as a "place of memory" and at the same time, enhancing the essential legal, political, economic, artistic, administrative and operational, which make it a tool linked to every aspect of daily life: a cultural heritage of the community that everyone has the right (and duty) to consult, from which to draw nourishment for the better construction of the future. In this perspective, the conference will host teachers, institutional representatives and archivists, in particular, from the Insubre territory, called to share experiences, orientations, perspectives, as well as relevant projects on the subject of digitalisation.
3. Culture and tourism industry
One planet, one health. Round table: biocultural dimension and tourism. The case of Piedmont
On the occasion of the Researchers' Night of the University of Eastern Piedmont, the DISIT (department of science and technological innovation) organized a round table in Alessandria entitled: “Biocultural dimension and tourism: the case of Piedmont”. The UPO researchers of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, form an interdisciplinary group that collaborates to develop an integrated system of sustainable and participatory proposals for the relaunch of Piedmont's tourist destinations and the valorisation of the companies that operate there. During the event the research group will critically present the theoretical and methodological frameworks of ongoing investigations in the following areas: study of good practices in terms of sustainable and participatory proposals for tourism and identification of thematic clusters; interaction between climate changes and production dynamics in the eastern Piedmont area (14th-21st centuries) through visualization of georeferenced data; mapping of bio-cultural heritage and sustainable tourism networks; wearable devices, cloud computing and mobile applications serving tourism; integration of the tourism supply chain with the food supply chain in the new CAP and in the From Farm to Fork strategy of the European Commission. DISSTE professor and scientific director Stefania Cerutti will open the proceedings with a speech entitled: "multidisciplinary looks on the culture-tourism combination: nodes and NODES. Following are other interesting contributions by: Francesco Desimoni, Stefania Benetti, Annalisa D'Orsi and Marco Guidi. Per ulteriori informazioni consulta il link
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Join us for a learning and innovation experience: The #ResearchWeek at #UPO ends with the third appointment NODES - OpenLab in Alessandria
Alexandria will host the third stage of OpenLabs on the evening of Friday, September 29. From 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, DISIT will open its doors to the public, offering the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of #science and #innovation. Laboratory tours will give to participants a chance to explore the labs themselves. The event is designed for anyone eager to leanr and understand how challenges and technological solutions are driving innovation in various research areas. It's a unique opportunity to discover the latest research projects and how their results can and will improve our world. 🔎 For more information, you can visit the following link: 👉
7. Agroindustria secondaria
NOTTE DELLA RICERCA 2023: Tutti gli eventi di Spoke 7
Notte della Ricerca 2023: Tutti gli eventi di Spoke 7 a Torino e Pavia Il 29 settembre 2023 è la data dell'evento della ricerca più importante per l'Unione Europea: la Notte della Ricerca. Quest'anno Torino e Pavia ospiteranno eventi dello Spoke 7, che sarà presente a Torino nell'area dei Giardini Reali nello spazio dedicato a NODES. Le nostre ricercatrici e i nostri ricercatori, oltre a rispondere a domande sulle curiosità della ricerca condotta nell'ambito dell'Agroindustria Secondaria, saranno presenti alla Unight ai presenti di rispondere a tre questionari: ETICHETTE ALIMENTARI: COSA CI POSSONO DIRE? - a cura di UNISG e UNIPV VALORIZZAZIONE DELLA FILIERA FRUTTICOLA E VITIVINICOLA ATTRAVERSO IL SETTORE DELLA BIRRA ARTIGIANALE - a cura di UNISG RICERCA DI METODI INNOVATIVI E SOSTENIBILI PER LA CONSERVAZIONE DELLA CARNE a cura di UNITOe UNISG Clicca sui titoli e contribuisci alla ricerca sulle nostre tematiche! Dalle 19:30 alle 20:50 Spoke 7 sarà ospite del Caffè Scientifico (Area C3) dedicato a NODES con due interventi in cui verranno presentate alcune delle iniziative di ricerca dello Spoke. L'Università di Pavianell'ambito di Sharper ospiterà invece due interessanti iniziative dalle 14.00- alle 23.45: 29 settembre Stand al Castello Visconteo "Scienza in castello" - Laboratorio assaggio del peperone di Voghera e analisi del gusto per adulti e bambini (Bottone-De Luca-Semino) 29 settembre Stand al Castello Visconteo - Le varietà tradizionali: un tesoro da riscoprire e custodire, con giochi per bambini e ragazzi e mostra di varietà tradizionali per tutti (Landoni)
3. Culture and tourism industry
Researchers' Night: The culture of textiles for the valorization of the territory
On Friday 29 September 2023 at 4.00 pm, an event by Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry will be held at the Silk Museum in Como, which is part of the Researchers' Night of the University of Insubria. The Researchers' Night of the University of Insubria is a very popular event both among professionals and civil society; every year many take part in the various initiatives organized in the Insubre territory and this is why Spoke 3 has decided to organize a conference entitled: The culture of textiles for the valorisation of the territory in a symbolic place for the local textile industry. The works will begin with institutional greetings from the President of the Silk Museum Giovanna Baglìo, followed by Prof. Roberta Minazzi of Insubria who will present the Nodes project. During the conference several interventions of a cultural historical nature in the field of textiles and fashion. Specifically, Prof. Roberta Minazzi and her colleague Prof. Valentina Jacometti will talk about "New methodologies and technologies for immersive tourist and museum itineraries". Following the interventions of the Insubria researchers Dr. Laura Facchin, Alessandra Casati and Lucrezia Palandri. Iscriviti qui
5. Industria della salute e silver economy
Unisciti a noi per un'esperienza di apprendimento e innovazione: La #SettimanadellaRicerca in #UPO termina con il terzo appuntamento NODES - OpenLab ad Alessandria
Alessandria ospiterà la terza tappa di OpenLabs nella serata di venerdì 29 settembre. Dalle 21:00 alle 23:00, il DISIT aprirà le sue porte al pubblico, offrendo l'opportunità di immergersi nel mondo della #scienza e dell'#innovazione.Le visite ai laboratori offriranno ai partecipanti l'opportunità di addentrarsi nei laboratori stessi. L'evento è pensato per tutti i desiderosi di conoscere e comprendere come le sfide e le soluzioni tecnologiche stanno guidando l'innovazione in diverse aree della ricerca. È un'opportunità unica per scoprire i progetti di ricerca più recenti e come i loro risultati possono e potranno migliorare il nostro mondo. 🔎 Per ulteriori informazioni puoi visitare il seguente link: 👉
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Join us for a learning and innovation experience: The #ResearchWeek at #UPO opens with the second appointment NODES - OpenLab in Vercelli
Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world of #knowledge, #innovation, and #discorery through the PNRR-NODES project? On Monday, September 25th, the OpenLabs event moves to Vercelli. From 5:00 pm, you'll have the opportunity to visit the laboratories of the University of Piemonte Orientale and the research center ''Built'' Buzzi. Discover the latest innovations and state-of-art research projects by receiving information on innovative research in progress. To ensure a quality experience, visits are limited. Make sure to book your seat in advance at the following link: 🔎 For more information you can visit the following link: 👉
6. Primary agroindustry
"Orto in festa" Spoke 6 celebrates the 250th Anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia
"Orto in Festa" will celebrate ancient agricultural cultivars and the research conducted within the NODES Spoke 6 Flagship Projects, specifically the "Primary Agroindustry" initiatives known as VINO (Vineyard management for vine production) and FORMIDABALÆ (Forage system to establish resilient maize, dairy, and biogas supply chains for a sustainable agricultural ecosystem). This event features an interactive exhibition open to the public, showcasing the research activities carried out by the researchers involved in these projects. Here are the NODES events: Interactive Exhibition (11:30 AM - 5:30 PM): The exhibition is curated by the researchers actively engaged in the VINO and FORMIDABALÆ projects. These projects are part of the PNRR initiative "Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione" under the NODES umbrella, with a focus on "Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile". Distinguished researchers from esteemed institutions such as the University of Pavia, the University of Turin, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and the University of Sassari will be participating. Project-themed Events (2:30 PM - 5:00 PM): The day also includes two insightful sessions hosted by Carlo Gariboldi, a respected editor at Provincia Pavese, focusing on the VINO and FORMIDABALÆ projects. FORMIDABALÆ Research: This session will delve into strategies to enhance the efficiency, animal welfare, and sustainability of dairy cattle in the context of climate change. The presentation will feature insights from Cerzoo, an innovative agro-zootechnical company. Special guest: Professor Antonio Gallo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). VINO Research: What does the future hold for the world of WINE? A conversation on market trends and the impact of climate change on wine production.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Join us for a learning and innovation experience: The #ResearchWeek at #UPO opens with the first appointment NODES - OpenLab in Novara
We are excited to announce an opportunity to expand your knowledge: we are opening the doors of #CAAD (translational Research Center on Autoimmune and Allergic Diseases) at Corso Trieste 15/A in Novara Saturday 23 September from 10:00 to 18:00 with the opportunity to visit the #laboratories, have information on ongoing #researchprojects and participate in #interactiveactivities with #researchers. For more information you can visit the following link: 👉