
Spoke 6 - NODES Cascade Calls Line A for the South of Italy

save the date 19/05_V2

Spoke 6 is organizing a significant event in collaboration with the University of Pavia and the University of Sassari (UNISS), Southern partners, at the Consorzio Uno (University of Oristano; Chiostro del Carmine - Oristano).

The meeting represents a unique opportunity for businesses to learn about the cascade calls of Line A, exclusively dedicated to the Mezzogiorno region, within the NODES Ecosystem - Northwest Digital and Sustainable. The call, funded by PNRR funds, aims to support companies in the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) can participate individually or collaboratively, and only large enterprises (LEs) in partnership with other companies. 


The goal is to reach companies strongly interested in introducing innovations in product, process, or service within the digital innovation field or pilot projects on specific technologies or innovative structures. The expressed projects are oriented towards high technological maturity levels (TRL) and innovation closer to the market (prototypical phase). 


During the event, NODES and Spoke 6 projects, particularly in Primary Agro-industry where the University of Pavia is the coordinator, will be presented. The cascade calls for research and innovation, as well as training activities for businesses, will also be introduced.


This is a unique opportunity for businesses to share know-how, explore new technological and sustainable paths with excellent partnerships. 


The meeting will take place from 3:30 PM at the Chiostro del Carmine, Consorzio Università di Oristano, AULA 1, Primo piano.







Event Programme