
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Infoday Funding Line A - industrial research, collaborative projects with enterprises
Aerospace and Sustainable mobility With the reopening of the NODES Funding Calls, opportunities for companies in the Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility sectors, overseen by Ecosystem Spoke 1, are back. Partecipa all'infoday dedicato a Linea Ail 19/09 alle 15.15, e prenota un confronto con i referenti scientifici dei tre Flagship Project suiprogetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentaleda presentare. Attend the infoday dedicated to Line A on Sept. 19 at 3:15 p.m., and book a discussion with the scientific leaders of the three Flagship Projects on the industrial research and experimental development projects to be submitted. The window to apply is open from September 1 to October 31, 2023. Registrations and reservations
3. Culture and tourism industry
Funding for innovation projects
Numerous opportunities are active or about to be opened to access financing for the development of innovation projects. On the morning of Thursday 14 September, at 10.00 in Lomazzo at the ComoNext Innovation Hub headquarters, Spoke 3 and ComoNext together with Invitalia will present the tenders and incentives dedicated to startups and MSMEs and will give information on how to access financing. In particular: - Smart&Start Italia, the incentive that supports the birth and growth of innovative startups - Brevetti+, dedicated to enhancing the industrial property of SMEs - NODES, the innovation ecosystem for the sustainable and inclusive growth of territories The meeting will be enriched by the testimony of Nicola Renato De Carlo, founder of the startup Tutornow, and will end with a session of 1to1 meetings for companies interested in exploring the most suitable financing for their investment projects, with an initial evaluation by the ComoNExT Innovation Financing team. Participation is free but registration is required. To book a 1to1 meeting with the Innovation Financing team write to Iscriviti
Hub Nodes
Roadshow "Sistemi innovativi del PNRR": NODES incontra le imprese a Napoli
Martedì 12 settembre appuntamento nel capoluogo campano per illustrare i Bandi per il Mezzogiorno Dopo il successo dell’evento di Lecce, martedì 12 settembre è in programma una nuova tappa del Roadshow nel Mezzogiorno “Sistemi innovativi del PNRR”. L’evento questa volta si terrà a Napoli dalle 15.00 alle 18.00 presso la sede delGruppo Tecno, a Palazzo Ischitella, in Via Riviera di Chiaia. Organizzato dal Cluster Smart Communities Tech in collaborazione conSPICI srl, il Competence Center Mediteche Fabbrica Italiana dell’Innovazione,l’evento mira ad offrire alle imprese una vetrina dei programmi disponibili attraverso laMisura 4 Componente 2 del PNRR– i sistemi innovativi – e l’opportunità di partecipare alle attività progettuali con i relativi bandi a cascata. NODES parteciperà presentando l’Ecosistema innovativo, le caratteristiche dei bandi per il mezzogiorno e le aree di ricerca e sviluppo dei singoli Spoke. “Grazie ai finanziamenti MUR-PNRR e ai bandi NODES le imprese del mezzogiorno possono facilmente accedere a contribuiti a fondo perduto per rispondere alle sfide importanti che la doppia transizione, digitale ed ecologica, impone” - afferma Chiara Ferroni, Direttore Generale dell’Ecosistema NODES. Ci troviamo di fronte a un’occasione unica, che permetterà a tutto il territorio di far valere le grandi eccellenze e idee che l’Europa da sempre ci riconosce. Per questo NODES, Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile è ingaggiato nel sostenere tutti gli imprenditori innovativi, da Nord Ovest al Sud d’Italia”. Insieme al D.G. Chiara Ferroni, illustreranno il progetto: Miriam Pirra, Spoke 1 - Fondazione Piemonte Innova; Giuseppina Cerrato, Spoke 2 - Università degli Studi di Torino, Sara Lucca, Spoke 3 - ComoNExT, Marco Alderighi, Spoke 4 - Università della Valle d’Aosta, Francesca Boccafoschi, Spoke 5 - Università del Piemonte Orientale, Lucia Marazzi, Spoke 6 - Università di Pavia, Luisa Torri, Spoke 7 - Università di Scienze Gastronomiche. Il pomeriggio si articolerà in due sessioni: allapresentazione dei Sistemi Innovativie delle aree di ricerca con i relativi bandi per le imprese seguirà, infatti, loSpeed-date dell’innovazionecon incontri one-to-one per approfondire le aree di ricerca, l’interesse a sviluppare progetti, la capacità di investimento ed eventuali partner già coinvolgibili.Un primo importante passo per creare i contatti necessari affinché il Cluster e i sistemi innovativi coinvolti, possanofornire assistenza tecnica nelle settimane successive per supportare lo sviluppo di partenariati e di proposte progettuali. Saranno presenti imprenditori e personalità istituzionali, tra cui Gianmarco Piola, Responsabile Città e Comunità Smart e Innovation Management, Fondazione Piemonte Innova – Cluster Nazionale Smart Communities Tech; Maria Grazia Falciatore, Capo di Gabinetto del Sindaco del Comune di Napoli (TBC); Giovanni Lombardi, Presidente del Gruppo Tecno; Amedeo Manzo, Presidente della BCC di Napoli e Vice Presidente di SPICI; Angelo Giuliana, Direttore Generale di MediTech Competence Center; Raffaele Vitulli, Presidente di Basilicata Creativa; “Con questo Roadshow puntiamo a informare, coinvolgere esostenere capillarmente sul territorio nazionale le imprese, con grande attenzione a quelle del Mezzogiorno, per consentire al tessuto imprenditoriale di cogliere le migliori opportunità del PNRR –dichiaraLaura Morgagni, Segretario Generale del Cluster SmartCommunitiesTech.Si tratta di un’azione concreta che punta a favorire la messa a terra di progettualità e ad aumentare l’impatto industriale della ricerca, assolutamente in linea con la missione, che il MUR ha affidato ai cluster nazionali, di supportare la Ricerca e l’Innovazione nel Paese e in particolare favorirne le ricadute in termini di competitività e crescita del Mezzogiorno”. Scopri i bandi NODES per le imprese del Mezzogiorno Iscriviti all'evento
Hub Nodes
Cooperative e innovazione: opportunità dai Bandi NODES
A Torino momenti di dialogo, networking e workshop con le imprese cooperative Venerdì 8 settembre si è tenuto a Torino un evento organizzato da Confcooperative Piemonte, presso la sede di Corso Francia, per presentare alle imprese associate le opportunità messe in campo dall'Ecosistema NODES per finanziare e accelerare i processi d'innovazione. Un momento di dialogo con il territorio in cui sono stati illustrati i Bandi PNRR per le imprese e allestiti workshop dedicati ad alcuni degli ambiti tematici NODES: - Industria del turismo e cultura- Spoke 3 -Montagna Digitale e sostenibile - Spoke 4 - Industria della salute e silver economy -Spoke 5 - Agroindustria primaria e secondaria -Spoke 6 e Spoke 7 Hanno partecipato: Stefano Quadro Segretario Generale Confcooperative Piemonte, Fabrizio Ghisio Segretario Generale Confcooperative Piemonte Nord, Chiara Ferroni Direttore Generale Ecosistema NODES, Luca Farfan Unioncamere Piemonte, Sara Lucca ComoNExT, Miriam Pirra Fondazione Piemonte Innova, Sara Falvo bioPmed, Lucia Marazzi Università di Pavia, Dario Vallauri M.I.A.C. S.c.p.a. - Polo AGRIFOOD
3. Culture and tourism industry
Organizations: Administration, Governance, Management. Between tradition and future.
The Journal Economia Aziendale Online (Business and Management Science International Quarterly Review) has organized an Online Workshop entitled "Organisations: Administration, Governance, Management" on 13 September 2023 at 8.45 am. Between tradition and future" focused on the evolution of the discipline in all its fundamental areas of scientific study and professional practice to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the AIDEA accredited journal. The event, organized by Prof. Patrizia Gazzola, Dr. Stefano Amelio and Dr. Adalberto Rangone, is sponsored by the University of Insubria, the University of Pavia and NODES Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile. As part of the Workshop there are two TRACK Nodes (one in Italian and one in English), chaired by Prof. Roberta Minazzi, in which the first results of the research conducted by the members of SPOKE 3 (Tourism and Culture Industry) will be presented ). Business Economics Online offers a multidimensional approach to the concept of Business Economics, understood as a discipline whose object of study concerns Organizations and Businesses in all their dimensions and dynamics and processes carried out. The Journal is conceived as a meeting place for scholars whose research interests concern Business Economics. There are various topics that will be covered during the Workshop; these include: - Administration, Governance. Management, Accounting and Control in public and private organizations - profit and non-profit - and in businesses, in particular. - History, evolution, revolutions and new perspectives of organizations and organizational theories. New technologies and AI. From Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 and 5.0. - Internationalization of companies. - Frameworks, models and theories that explore the connections between Business Economics and other disciplines. - Alliances, networks and mergers of organizations and companies. - Evaluation of companies, business branches, brands and business in general. - Strategic thinking, systemic thinking and control systems. System dynamics in management. - Performance management. Managerial decisions and control. CSR, ethics, inclusion and sustainability. - Intercultural studies on consumers and businesses - Tourism and Culture Industry (NODES) Iscriviti
3. Culture and tourism industry
Seminar "PNRR NODES cascade calls - second window: opportunities to finance research and development projects and acquisition of innovation services"
Confindustria Varese has organized an event to present tenders and B2B meetings with companies which will be held at its headquarters in Gallarate (VA) on Wednesday 20 September at 3.30 pm. The NODES Project - Digital and Sustainable North West aims to support digital and ecological growth and transition in Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and in the westernmost provinces of Lombardy, namely Varese, Como and Pavia. NODES provides for the financing of experimental research and development projects (Line A) and specialist consultancy services for innovation (Line B), through cascade calls for companies, with PNRR funds. On the occasion of the opening of the second cut-off for submitting applications (1 September - 31 October 2023), Confindustria Varese organizes a seminar for the presentation of tenders for associated companies, with the possibility of B2B meetings to evaluate the projects of interested companies. During the meeting there will be a focus on Spoke 2 and 3, thanks to the intervention of the University of Insubria, involved in the NODES project as an affiliate partner of Spoke 2 and as leader of Spoke 3. For companies interested in booking a B2B meeting, it is necessary to send the request to, specifying the company name and sector to which it belongs. Iscriviti
Hub Nodes
L'Ecosistema NODES torna a Lecce per lo Speed date dell'innovazione
Saranno presentate alle imprese le opportunità create dai sistemi innovativi del PNRR Martedì 11 luglio si terrà a Lecce la prima tappa di un Roadshow nel mezzogiorno organizzato dal Cluster Smart Communities in collaborazione con il socio DHITECH e vedrà coinvolti gli ecosistemi innovativiNODES – Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile e THE - Tuscany Health Ecosystem. Un'occasione per incontrare le imprese, accompagnarle nel valutarei programmi disponibili e supportarle nella partecipazione ai bandi. L’obiettivo del Cluster Tecnologico Smart Communities, infatti, è informare, coinvolgere e sostenere capillarmente sul territorio nazionale le imprese per consentire al tessuto imprenditoriale di cogliere le migliori opportunità del PNRR. E il 2023 si dimostra ricco di opportunità per imprese e territorio che vogliono sviluppare progetti di innovazione, in particolare grazie agli investimenti attivati dalla Missione 4 Componente 2 del Piano che ha favorito la nascita dei sistemi innovativi: una pluralità di enti, capaci di operare a geometria variabile su diversi territori e ambiti, e che propongono, attraverso i bandi a cascata, gli strumenti necessari a finanziare nuovi progetti e accelerare i processi di innovazione nel Paese. L’evento si terrà presso il Campus Ecotekne dell'Università del Salento e si compone di due sessioni: la presentazione degli ecosistemi innovativi, le caratteristiche dei bandi e le aree di ricerca e sviluppo dei singoli SPOKE e lo speed-date dell’innovazione, 10 minuti di intervista one-to-one per conoscere le aree di ricerca, l’interesse a sviluppare progetti, la capacità di investimento ed eventuali partner già coinvolgibili. Con queste informazioni, il Cluster e i sistemi innovativi coinvolti intendono fornire assistenza nelle settimane successive per supportare lo sviluppo di partenariati e proposte progettuali. Iscriviti all'evento
Hub Nodes
Sistema Poli Piemonte e NODES raccontano l'innovazione
A Torino, un'intera giornata sul tema con conferenze, pitch, networking Venerdì 23 giugno, alle OGR di Torino, il Sistema Poli Piemonte organizza una giornata dedicata all'innovazione: bandi, digital showcase, pitch, opportunità e networking. Sarà l'occasione per raccontare l'innovazione: in maniera agile e concreta attraverso i prodotti e le soluzioni realizzate dalle imprese. E capire come si progetta. L'Ecosistema NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile, infatti, parteciperà con la propria esperienza promuovendo le opportunità di finanziamento per le imprese attraverso i Bandi PNRR-MUR attivi. Innovazione, infine, significa anche condivisione: l'appuntamento si concluderàcon un light lunch dove i partecipanti potranno fare networking, entrare in contatto con imprese, investitori e cluster per approfondire e "pre-gustare" le occasioni di business e collaborazione. L'evento si svolgerà esclusivamente in presenza. Posti limitati, iscrizione obbligatoria. Iscriviti all'evento
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Spoke 1, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility for the Territory, Opportunities for Southern Enterprises
Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, NODES for Southern Italy Lo Spoke 1 dell’Ecosistema dell'Innovazione NODES – Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile, dedicato a Aerospazio e Mobilità Sostenibile, presenta le opportunità di finanziamento per le imprese del Mezzogiorno. L’evento si svolgerà il 22 giugno alle ore 17 (registrazione a partire dalle 16.30), è ospitato dalPolitecnico di Baripresso l'Aula Magna "Domus Sapientiae", Dipartimento ArCoD, Via Orabona 4. L'evento sarà trasmesso in streaming sulla pagina YouTube del Politecnico di Bari. Spoke 1 of the Innovation Ecosystem NODES - Northwest Digital And Sustainable Ecosystem, dedicated to Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, presents funding opportunities for businesses in the Mezzogiorno. The event will take place on June 22 at 5 p.m. (registration starting at 4:30 p.m.), and is hosted by Politecnico di Bari at the Aula Magna "Domus Sapientiae," ArCoD Department, Via Orabona 4. The event will be streamed on the Bari Polytechnic's YouTube page.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Presentation of Cascade Calls for enterprises by NODES
Next June 21 at 2:00 pm, the SEN (Silver Economy Network) is organizing an online meeting dedicated to the presentation of NODES ecosystem (North West Digital and Sustainable) and the cascade calls for enterprises of the Spoke 5 ''Health Industry and Silver Economy''. Among all ecosystem, NODES is one of the first to have launched the first cascade calls that are made available to companies and the research system to collaborate together. This workshop is considered important in depht, to identify potential synergies for the national Silver Economy supply chain. Speakers: Marco Invernizzi, Associate Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale. Chiara Ferroni, Managing Director, NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile Iscriviti
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Webinar presenting cascading calls (A, A Mid-South, B) for National Clusters.
Webinar presenting cascading calls Line A, Line B and Line A for the South dedicated to National Clusters On June 20, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., there will be a presentation event of the cascading calls Line A, Line B and Line A for Southern Italy organized by Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry of Ecosystem NODES, in collaboration with Proplast and Environment Park and dedicated to National Clusters. The digital event will be coordinated by Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry, and will aim to provide information on funding and training opportunities for researchers and companies. During the event, NODES and Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry, cascading calls for research and innovation due June 30, and training activities for companies will be presented. Guidance on how to apply for funding will be provided. The event will conclude with a Q&A session and closing remarks. Register to the event:
3. Culture and tourism industry
Seminar "Culture and Tourism Industry: theoretical and methodological synergies of ongoing research"
An interesting seminar will be held on 16 June 2023 at 2.00 pm in the Seminar Room of Palazzo Tartara in Vercelli entitled: "Cultural and Tourism Industry: theoretical and methodological synergies of ongoing research". The event, organized by the research group UPO (University of Eastern Piedmont) and by Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, has as its main theme tourism, which represents a great economic resource for the area and which is constantly growing and evolution. The meeting will be presented by Prof. Stefania Cerutti (DISSTE, Scientific Responsible), by Prof. Massimo Canonico (DISIT), by Prof. Marco Novarese (DIGSPES), by Prof. Davide Porporato (DISUM), by Prof. Luigi Portinale (DISIT), by Prof. Vito Rubino (DISSTE) and by Prof. Edoardo Tortarolo (DISSTE). Speakers will: Stefania Benetti, DISSTE Researcher, Sustainable and participatory proposals for tourism: identification of thematic clusters and best practices. Filippo Chiocchetti, DISSTE Research Fellow, Analysis of the interaction between climate change and production dynamics in the eastern Piedmont area (14th-21st centuries) by visualizing georeferenced data. Annalisa D'Orsi, DISUM Fellow, Mapping of bio-cultural heritage and sustainable tourism networks. Francesco Desimoni, DISIT Technologist, Wearable device, cloud computing and mobile applications at the service of tourism. Marco Guidi, DISSTE Research Fellow, The integration of the tourism and food supply chains in the new CAP and in the From Farm to Fork strategy of the European Commission.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
NODES Cascade Calls for Proposals Line A for the Mezzogiorno presented.
Third stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South On June 12, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., the last stop of the Spoke 2 tour in Southern Italy will be held, with the aim of presenting the cascading calls Line A - Mezzogiorno. The event will take place in the Conference Room of the Chamber of Commerce Industry Handicraft and Agriculture North Sardinia in Olbia, thanks to the collaboration between the University of Basilicata, the University of Sannio of Benevento - both Southern Partners - Confindustria Centro Nord Sardegna, CNA Gallura and Confapi Sardegna. This day represents the last opportunity, in this series of events, for companies interested in discovering the details of Line A cascade funding, dedicated exclusively to the territory of Southern Italy. The calls include a total budget of €1,630,000, financed by PNRR funds, and aim to support the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects in the field of green technologies and sustainable industry. Spoke 2 thematic areas include green chemistry, sustainable energy, materials science and bioeconomy, promoting the unified concept of "One Planet, One Health." Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), either individually or in collaboration, and large enterprises (GIs), in partnership with other companies, are eligible to participate in the calls. The event will include presentations on NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry projects, cascading calls for research and innovation, training activities for companies, and will conclude with a Q&A session dedicated to companies.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3, Tourism and culture industry presents the cascade funding for companies in the South
On Monday 12 June, from 10:00 to 13:00, in the conference room of the Rectorate of the University of Sannio in Benevento, Spoke 3 will hold an event to present the cascading calls for Line A - Mezzogiorno. This is an interesting opportunity for all small and medium-sized enterprises located in southern Italy who will have the opportunity to find out the details of Line A's cascade loans, dedicated exclusively to the Southern territory. The total budget available is 1,630,000 euros. The funds, deriving from the PNRR NODES project, are aimed at promoting the implementation of industrial research projects and experimental development in the field of the tourism and culture industry. After the greetings of the rector of the University of Sannio Gerardo Canfora, the mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella, the director of Confindustria Benevento Anna Pezza, the president of ASI Benevento Luigi Barone there will be speeches by: Raffaella Di Nardo, Research and Innovation manager Nodes S.c.a.r.l, Barbara Pozzo of the University of Insubria, Research and Innovation manager of Spoke3 NODES, Piercarlo Rossi of the University of Turin, scientific manager of the CIRIL NODES project and Luca Farfan, of the Team cascade funding Nodes of Unioncamere Piemonte. During the day, the flagship project CIRIL (Cultural - Industry Regeneration Immersive Lab) will also be presented, which involves the University of Sannio as a partner of Spoke 3. It will also be possible to participate in the event remotely by connecting to the following link Sign up for the event