
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

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6. Primary agroindustry
6. Agroindustria primaria
Le sfide poste dal cambiamento climatico al settore vitivinicolo: le risposte del diritto
Nel settore vitivinicolo diversi fattori, in particolare l’innalzamento delle temperature e la variazione di disponibilità idriche, stanno chiedendo alla scienza risposte innovative che, per essere efficaci, necessitano sia di un allineamento con le esigenze delle realtà produttive, sia di una traduzione in linee di policy e regole giuridiche adeguate. Obiettivo dell’incontro del 24 maggio che a partire dalle 9.30 si terrà in Aula Grande, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di Pavia, è di offrire una visione integrata di questi aspetti, principalmente a beneficio delle aziende e degli operatori professionali del settore come avvocati, tecnologi alimentari, agronomi e esperti/studiosi della materia. La prospettiva scientifica di questo convegno sarà prevalentemente giuridica. L’intento è quello di affrontare, con giuristi esperti, delle problematiche tanto attuali quanto complesse, quali in particolare: l’impatto sul settore vitivinicolo della nuova PAC; la nuova disciplina di etichettatura del vino; il rapporto tra cambiamenti climatici, sviluppo sostenibile, tutela del paesaggio vitivinicolo e produzione di vino di qualità, verificando la fattibilità di una eventuale modifica dei disciplinari di produzione che salvaguardi qualità e identificazioni di origine; la prospettiva in ottica preventiva della collaborazione con le autorità di controllo. Il pubblico sarà poi invitato al dibattito coordinato da Carlo Gariboldi e aperto da alcuni interventi programmati di membri del gruppo di ricerca NODES esperti di altre discipline, nel tentativo di incrociare diverse prospettive ed avviare nuove sinergie e collaborazioni con il settore produttivo e gli stakeholders interessati. L'evento è patrocinato da OIV - Organizzazione Internazionale della Vigna e del Vino, da AIDA - Associazione Italiana Diritto Alimentare, dall'Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali della Provincia di Milano, dal Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Sociali dell'Università di Pavia e dallo IUSS - Scuola Superiore Universitaria di Pavia. Accreditamenti presso ordini professionali: Ordine degli Avvocati di Pavia: in corso di accreditamento Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali di Milano: l'evento partecipa al programma di formazione professionale continua dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali per 0,312 CFP con riferimento al Regolamento CONAF n. 162/2022.
6. Agroindustria primaria
Spoke 6 Assembly: appuntamento online il 23 Gennaio 2024
Lo Spoke 6 - Agroindustria primaria- organizza per il23 Gennaio 2024 una serie di incontri onlineper valutare da vicino, con i gruppi e i propri Partners, lo stato dei lavori dello Spoke in vista della General Assembly dell'Ecosistema. Il dettaglio del programma è in corso di definizione e sarà reso disponibile nei prossimi giorni. Tra le attività previste, loStato di avanzamento per i Work Package (Booster), l'analisi dello stato dell’arte e dei progressi compiuti dallo Spoke per ciascuna task e da ciascun partner secondo il Programma del Progetto NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - finanziato dai fondi MUR del PNRR-NextGenerationEU in cui saranno esaminati: Ecosystem’s engagement and development by Spoke Research Booster Competente Booster Innovation Booster Acceleration Booster Monitoring, evaluation and impact
6. Primary agroindustry
Infodays SPOKEUniversity of Pavia presents the funding opportunities of NODES Line B
On October 6th, in the Foscolo Auditorium, the University of Pavia is ready to present funding opportunities available through cascade funding calls, with a special focus on LINE B, and the services offered to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the North-Western region of Italy. This event is primarily dedicated to SMEs with operational headquarters in Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, or in the provinces of Pavia, Como, Varese, Bergamo, Brescia, Milan, Lodi, Piacenza, Cremona, and Mantua, as well as their suppliers. This event will provide a unique opportunity to understand how businesses can benefit from the funding provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The detailed agenda includes the following key sessions: 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Welcome coffee and registration 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM: Introduction to the NODES Ecosystem and Spoke 6 activities 11:15 AM – 11:30 AM: "Cascade Calls for Businesses." Presentation of funding opportunities for companies, with a particular emphasis on Line B 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Practical examples of financeable services – Brief presentations by NODES researchers involved in Spoke 6, interviewed by Carlo Gariboldi 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Networking lunch 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: "Line B – How to Submit Your Application?" – Information on attachments, financial eligibility, and the practical use of the Telemaco system, with the involvement of Unioncamere 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Personalized one-on-one meetings with the Technology Transfer Office of the University of Pavia, aiming to provide tailored support for accessing funding within the PNRR NODES framework. Participation requires registration. The event will take place in the Foscolo Auditorium, with the entrance located at Corso Strada Nuova 65, Pavia." Sign-up
6. Primary agroindustry
"Orto in festa" Spoke 6 celebrates the 250th Anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia
"Orto in Festa" will celebrate ancient agricultural cultivars and the research conducted within the NODES Spoke 6 Flagship Projects, specifically the "Primary Agroindustry" initiatives known as VINO (Vineyard management for vine production) and FORMIDABALÆ (Forage system to establish resilient maize, dairy, and biogas supply chains for a sustainable agricultural ecosystem). This event features an interactive exhibition open to the public, showcasing the research activities carried out by the researchers involved in these projects. Here are the NODES events: Interactive Exhibition (11:30 AM - 5:30 PM): The exhibition is curated by the researchers actively engaged in the VINO and FORMIDABALÆ projects. These projects are part of the PNRR initiative "Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione" under the NODES umbrella, with a focus on "Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile". Distinguished researchers from esteemed institutions such as the University of Pavia, the University of Turin, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and the University of Sassari will be participating. Project-themed Events (2:30 PM - 5:00 PM): The day also includes two insightful sessions hosted by Carlo Gariboldi, a respected editor at Provincia Pavese, focusing on the VINO and FORMIDABALÆ projects. FORMIDABALÆ Research: This session will delve into strategies to enhance the efficiency, animal welfare, and sustainability of dairy cattle in the context of climate change. The presentation will feature insights from Cerzoo, an innovative agro-zootechnical company. Special guest: Professor Antonio Gallo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). VINO Research: What does the future hold for the world of WINE? A conversation on market trends and the impact of climate change on wine production.
6. Primary agroindustry
Spoke 6 - NODES Cascade Calls Line A for the South of Italy
Spoke 6 is organizing a significant event in collaboration with the University of Pavia and the University of Sassari (UNISS), Southern partners, at the Consorzio Uno (University of Oristano; Chiostro del Carmine - Oristano). The meeting represents a unique opportunity for businesses to learn about the cascade calls of Line A, exclusively dedicated to the Mezzogiorno region, within the NODES Ecosystem - Northwest Digital and Sustainable. The call, funded by PNRR funds, aims to support companies in the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects. Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) can participate individually or collaboratively, and only large enterprises (LEs) in partnership with other companies. The goal is to reach companies strongly interested in introducing innovations in product, process, or service within the digital innovation field or pilot projects on specific technologies or innovative structures. The expressed projects are oriented towards high technological maturity levels (TRL) and innovation closer to the market (prototypical phase). During the event, NODES and Spoke 6 projects, particularly in Primary Agro-industry where the University of Pavia is the coordinator, will be presented. The cascade calls for research and innovation, as well as training activities for businesses, will also be introduced. This is a unique opportunity for businesses to share know-how, explore new technological and sustainable paths with excellent partnerships. The meeting will take place from 3:30 PM at the Chiostro del Carmine, Consorzio Università di Oristano, AULA 1, Primo piano. REGISTER STREAMING
6. Primary agroindustry
April 19th, in Pavia, presentation of calls and activities in the field of Primary Agro-industry - Spoke 6
A unique opportunity for businesses in the Northwest Italian territory. On April 19, 2023, at 5:00 PM, in the Aula Disegno of the main headquarters of the University of Pavia, Spoke 6 presents the cascade calls. The event is a unique occasion for all businesses interested in participating in the research projects of the NODES initiative. During the presentation, the two flagship projects of Spoke 6 will be introduced, focusing respectively on the integrated supply chain forage, livestock, and biogas, and vineyard management for grape and wine production. Furthermore, experts from Spoke 6 will explain the application guidelines to the NODES cascade calls, opportunities for businesses, admission criteria, and selection. The event provides an opportunity to connect with industry experts, learn about the latest developments in technological innovation and environmental sustainability, and network with other participants in the NODES project.
6. Primary agroindustry
PSR, PNRR and POR-FESR opportunities for businesses
The conference, held on Saturday, March 18th, at 3:00 PM in the Agrimedia hall of the Agricultural Mechanization Fair in Savigliano, outlined the upcoming opportunities for companies through the calls of the PSR, PNRR, and POR-FESR measures. In particular, the objectives and involvement of companies in the NODES project were explained, with specific reference to Spoke 6 (Primary Agro-Industry). Agricultural businesses and companies producing agricultural machinery will have the chance to secure funding to support their research and innovation activities, either individually or in collaboration with other companies and/or research entities, enhancing their competitiveness in national and international markets. The areas and themes of innovation will focus on the digitization and sustainability of products and processes.