
Università di Pavia
Università degli Studi di Pavia

The University of Pavia, established in 1361, holds the top position in the CENSIS ranking of prestigious Italian universities. It is renowned for its excellence in education, scientific research, third mission activities, sustainability initiatives, and international collaboration.


The University of Pavia coordinates the activities of the partners within the Spoke and provides its expertise in the field of primary agro-industry.

Logo Università degli Studi di Torino
 Università degli Studi di Torino


UniTO, founded in 1404, is a leading Italian mega university with a multidisciplinary approach and 27 departments. It offers excellent education and research programs in the fields of science, economics, and social sciences.


The University of Turin actively contributes to the project by leveraging its expertise in the field of agro-industry, particularly in the development of new processes for sustainable food production.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC)

The Cattolica University includes 4 campuses and 12 faculties, representing the largest non-state university institution in Europe.


The Cattolica University provides its competences on the theme of "Primary Agro-industry" with the ForMiDaBiLÆ project focused on the digitization and sustainability of the supply chain.

Public institution
ERSAF logo
ERSAF (Ente per i servizi ai settori agricoltura e foreste di Regione Lombardia)

ERSAF- Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e Foreste di Regione Lombardia - in accordance with its founding law (L.R. 31/2008), carries out activities related to research, experimentation, and the transfer of innovation.


ERSAF ensures the development of projects for the technology transfer of research activities, especially by creating digital platforms and innovative management solutions for local companies.

Sud's Partners
Università degli Studi di Sassari
Università degli Studi di Sassari

The University of Sassari was founded in 1558 and its institutional purpose is high-level training, scientific
research and the transfer of knowledge.


Research on climate change impacts on livestock and viticulture, identification of adaptation strategies at
farm and regional level.

Fondazione CMCC Centro Euromediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

CMCC’s mission is to investigate and model the Earth’s climate system and its interactions with society to
stimulate a sustainable growth and protect the environment.


Provision of climate projections under actual and future conditions, crop suitability analysis, climate change
impacts on crops and adaptation strategies.