
Thursday 20 April: presentation of the NODES project and Spoke 3

Evento Spoke 3 - Biella, 20 Aprile 2023
Spoke 3, Industry of tourism and culture, presents the Nodes project and the opportunities dedicated to businesses through participation in cascade funding

Spoke 3, Industry of tourism and culture, presents the Nodes project and the opportunities dedicated to businesses through participation in cascade funding

The presentation of the Nodes Project and Spoke 3 will be held on Thursday 20 April at 2.30 pm at the Città Studi Biella Congress Center. During the meeting, the cascade funding for companies will also be illustrated.

The event represents an important opportunity for the development of the territory in order to create virtuous synergies in the field of technological innovation and sustainability in the tourism and culture industry.

The event is open to companies, teachers and researchers, local stakeholders as well as all private citizens interested in the topics covered. The University of Insubria will be supported by the University of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Valle d'Aosta, Città Studi Biella and Comonext Innovation Hub.


Download the invitation and program of the event