
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

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4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
4. Montagna digitale e sostenibile
Dalla collaborazione tra Spoke 3 e Spoke 4 nasce il corso di alta formazione: I principi generali del bilancio per le strutture alberghiere e le imprese turistiche
Dalla collaborazione tra Spoke 3 - Industria del Turismo e della Cultura e Spoke 4 - Montagna Digitale e Sostenibile, nasce un nuovo corso di alta formazione dal titolo: I principi generali del bilancio per le strutture alberghiere e le imprese turistiche. Il corso si propone di fornire strumenti e conoscenze ad aziende e professionisti che operano nel campo del turismo.   Il corso, con un taglio manageriale, è rivolto a coloro che hanno la necessità di conoscere le logiche e la struttura del bilancio d’esercizio con particolare riferimento alle voci tipiche delle imprese ricettive. Nella prima parte del corso si analizzeranno i principi generali concernenti la redazione del bilancio aziendale, gli schemi e il contenuto dello stato patrimoniale e del conto economico, con una focalizzazione sugli aspetti maggiormente attinenti alle imprese di minori dimensioni.   Nella seconda parte, si farà ricorso ad un'esercitazione pratica dove verranno riprese le operazioni di gestione tipiche e si analizzerà il loro effetto sul bilancio. Inoltre, durante il corso verrà spiegato come utilizzare il bilancio riclassificato come strumento per prendere decisioni anche in una logica di digitalizzazione e sostenibilità.    Il corso si terrà in presenza dal 09/05/2024 al 16/05/2024. Per informazioni e iscrizioni scrivere a:   Per saperne di più clicca qui
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Great success of Spoke 4 Assembly
The Spoke 4 Assembly was held yesterday at the Luigi Einaudi Campus of the University of Turin, which saw the participation of numerous researchers from all the Spoke 4 Nodes universities. During the day, the scholars discussed the progress of the project and the new initiatives to be launched for internationalization and entrepreneurial development, for which two new working groups were created. The next appointment will be the NODES General Assembly on February 13th.  
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Digital and Sustainable Mountain: Opportunities for "cascade calls" presented for Southern Italy in Matera
The Spoke 4 of the NODES ecosystem presents the opportunities of "cascade calls" for the Southern regions Yesterday, an event was held in Matera at the University Campus of the University of Basilicata to present opportunities for businesses in the Southern regions within the "Digital and Sustainable Mountain - Spoke 4" of the "NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile" project. After greetings from Antonella Guida, Coordinator of the PhD Course "Cities and Landscapes: Architecture, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, History and Resources," and an introduction by Mauro Fiorentino, the project's technical-scientific committee representative for Unibas, the Director General of HUB NODES, Chiara Ferroni, explained the organization and functioning of the ecosystem. Marco Alderighi, project manager of Spoke 4, described the three Flagship projects "SMART WEST," "SUMMER," and "INTERFACE." Subsequently, partners and scientific coordinators of Spoke 4 intervened: Antonio Conte (University of Basilicata) and Ruggero Ermini (University of Basilicata), followed by Francesco Laio (Polytechnic University of Turin), who illustrated the calls, and Lavinia Tagliabue (University of Turin), who presented the training activities. Luca Farfan (Unioncamere Piemonte) also explained the functionalities of the platform for participating in calls.
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Spoke 4 presents the calls on Digital and Sustainable Mountain
Spoke 4 of the NODES ecosystem presents the opportunities of the "cascade calls" for the mountain territory Yesterday, an event was held at the headquarters of the University of Valle d'Aosta in Saint Christophe, presenting the funding calls for the "NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile" project and the application process, with a focus on Spoke 4 - Digital and Sustainable Mountain. After the greetings from Mariagrazia Monaci, Rector of the University of Valle d'Aosta, Chiara Ferroni, the General Director of HUB NODES, explained the organization and functioning of the project. Subsequently, the scientific coordinators of Spoke 4, including Marco Alderighi (project manager Spoke 4, University of Valle d'Aosta), Francesco Laio (Spoke 4 manager, Polytechnic University of Turin), and Laura Scomparin (Spoke 4 manager - University of Turin), along with Davide Poggi (innovation booster - Polytechnic University of Turin) and Alessandra Quarta (competence booster - University of Turin) provided insights. Roberto Strocco (project and territorial development manager, Unioncamere Piemonte) explained the functionalities of the platform for participating in the calls at
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
On Friday, February 17th, the first meeting of the Stakeholders Committee of Spoke 4 took place
Stakeholders Committee The first meeting of the Stakeholders Committee of Spoke 4 took place on Friday, February 17th, from 11:00 to 13:00. The Stakeholders Committee includes the scientific leaders of Spoke and the projects activated by it, researchers, and research centers involved, representatives of local administrations in Valle d'Aosta, major business representative organizations in the regions involved in the NODES ecosystem, and some references from the civil society of the regions where Spoke 4 operates. This meeting provided an opportunity to present the activities of Spoke 4 and the three Flagship Projects (SUMMER, SMART WEST, and INTERFACE) to all stakeholders. It aimed to gather reflections, suggestions, and indications from stakeholders to align all parties for the subsequent phases of Spoke 4's activities. Further meetings of the Stakeholders Committee are planned.