
Spoke 2 - NODES Cascading Calls Presentation Line A for the Mid-South.

NODES Spoke 2 Evento NAPOLI 16 maggio 2023 - Bandi Mezzogiorno Imprese Sud
First stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South 

Spoke 2 is organizing an important event at Palazzo Partanna - Sala D'Amato in Naples on May 16, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in collaboration with Confindustria Campania and the University of Basilicata and the University of Sannio in Benevento, partners in the South.

The event is a unique opportunity for companies to learn about the cascading calls of Line A, solely dedicated to the territory of the South, of Spoke 2 of the NODES Ecosystem - Digital And Sustainable Northwest.

The call for proposals, financed with PNRR funds, aims to support companies in the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MPMIs) in individual or collaborative mode and only large enterprises (GIs) in collaboration with other companies can participate.

During the event, the NODES and Spoke 2 projects - Green technologies and sustainable industry - of which the University of Turin is coordinator - as well as the cascading calls for research and innovation and training activities for companies will be presented, also leaving a window open for direct comparisons with stakeholders.

In this context, the foundations are being laid for innovative collaborations designed to renew the production fabric: this is a unique opportunity for companies to share know-how, pursue new environmentally friendly technological avenues and initiate partnerships with extraordinary potential, capable of making a decisive leap forward for industry on the sustainability front. 

