
Discover all the events organized by NODES, the Spokes, and its ecosystem, and participate from North to South.

2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
9th International Workshop on Layered and Nanostructured Materials
La 9° edizione del Workshop Internazionale sui Materiali Stratificati e Nanostrutturati (IWLNM 24), si terrà dal 23 al 26 giugno 2024 a Perugia, una bellissima città con un notevole patrimonio culturale e vita artistica e un eccezionale patrimonio architettonico. Il convegno raccoglie l'eredità delle precedenti edizioni (2006-Alessandria, Italia; 2008-Vercelli, Italia; 2010-Bochum, Germania; 2012-Campinas, Brasile; 2014-Mulhouse, Francia; 2016-Kutna Hora, Repubblica Ceca; 2018- Krakov, Polonia; 2022-Toledo, Spagna) focalizzato sulla sintesi, caratterizzazione e applicazioni di materiali lamellari come fosfati/fosfonati metallici, idrotalciti, argille, grafene, MXeni e materiali nanostrutturati, tra cui silicati e zeoliti, ossidi di metalli di transizione e ibridi organico-inorganici.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
ROUND GRIP - 3^ tappa a Torino per esplorare il tema della Simbiosi Industriale
Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla 3^ tappa di Round GRIP: Ti aspettiamo il 19 giugno 2024 (ore 9:30) nella Aula de Filippi - Ex Caserma Podgora, Via Accademia Albertina, 13. Nei prossimi giorni ti daremo maggiori informazioni riguardo al programma dell’evento. Iscriviti attraverso Eventbrite al più presto. CLICCA QUI.      
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
ROUND GRIP - 2^ tappa a Benevento per il ciclo di incontri Spoke 2 NODES
Il giorno 21 maggio 2024 - 9:30/13:00 una delegazione dello Spoke 2 si recherà presso l'Università del Sannio di Benevento, partner del Sud Italia, per la 2^ tappa del ciclo di incontri Round GRIP. (Dis)Valore Pubblico nella Transizione Energetica Benevento, Sala Convegni dell’Università degli Studi del Sannio PROGRAMMA 09:00 | Registrazione partecipanti 09:30 | Saluto con il Rettore dell’Università degli Studi del Sannio presso il Rettorato 10:00 | Inizio incontri presso Sala Convegni, Primo Piano Prof.ssa Cristina Prandi, Vice-Rettrice dell’Università di Torino e Coordinatrice Spoke 2 Prof. Paolo Esposito, Moderatore/Conclusioni Dott.ssa Maria Carmela Serluca, Assessore al Bilancio Comune di Benevento Dott.ssa Anna Pezza, Direttore Generale Confindustria Benevento Dott. Donato Madaro, Amministratore unico ASIA BENEVENTO S.p.A. Prof. Marco Consales, Università degli Studi del Sannio Prof. Maurizio Sasso, Università degli Studi del Sannio Prof. Eugenio Zimeo, Università degli Studi del Sannio Dott. Edoardo Braccio, Project Manager Spoke 2 13:00 | Pausa Pranzo 14:20 | Visita alla “Casetta” H ZEB – Struttura residenziale e laboratoriale di UNISANNIO 15:30 | Visita ai laboratori siti in piazza Risorgimento 16.30 | Rientro in rettorato ed eventuale visita alla Chiesa di Santa Sofia (Patrimonio mondiale UNESCO) e visita all’Hortus Conclusus
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
ROUND GRIP - 1^ tappa a Torino per il ciclo di incontri Spoke 2 NODES
Lo Spoke 2 - Green technologies e industria sostenibile - ha creato ROUND GRIP: si tratta di un ciclo di incontri multidisciplinari che promuove la collaborazione tra ricercatori e imprese, catalizzando l'innovazione dalla ricerca al territorio. L'obiettivo è creare un'innovative community: sinergie durature tra i partecipanti, integrando ricerca e industria per affrontare le sfide della transizione ecologica. Questo progetto rappresenta un ponte essenziale tra teoria e pratica, contribuendo attivamente alla sostenibilità ambientale e al progresso tecnologico. Il giorno 13 marzo 2024 - 9:30/14:00 presso la Sala Kyoto, Environment Park, Via Livorno 60, Torino si terrà la prima tappa del ciclo di incontri.  Attività previste: Innovazione sostenibile in primo piano: presentazione esclusiva di GRIP (GReen processes for Industrial Productions and cost-effective effluents valorisation), per mettere in luce i campi di ricerca più innovativi e promettenti nel settore delle tecnologie verdi. Esplorazione dei progetti vincitori dei fondi PNRR: sessione dedicata ai poster dei progetti vincitori della prima cut-off dei bandi a cascata Linea A, B e PhD industriali. Opportunità di networking: momenti di networking B2B e B2R, per favorire collaborazioni fruttuose, scambi tra aziende e ricercatori del settore e per, perché no, conoscere il proprio “vicino di casa”.  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
BIOINVESTIT - dove l'economia circolare incontra gli investitori
Il 5 marzo 2024 dalle ore 10 alle ore 13 presso la sede dell’Incubatore di UniTo 2i3T in Via Nizza 52 avrà luogo “BioInvestIT – dove l’economia circolare incontra gli investitori”, organizzato in collaborazione con Cluster Spring nell’ambito dell’ecosistema “NODES” – Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile – Spoke 2.  BioInvestIT è un forum di investimento annuale recentemente lanciato, dedicato alla bioeconomia circolare e aperto ad aziende affermate, start-up e progetti di ricerca provenienti dall’Italia e da altri paesi europei. Grazie ad un programma ricco di partner e collaborazioni, le aziende (Startup o PMI Innovative) potranno beneficiare di un networking strutturato e di un contatto diretto con attori ed investitori internazionali attraverso un percorso di crescita. L’agenda della giornata prevede: Saluti di Fiorella Altruda, Presidente 2i3T Presentazione di BioInvestIT di Mario Bonaccorso Tavola Rotonda La Bioeconomia circolare in Italia, Mario Bonaccorso Direttore Cluster Spring Ricerca ed eccellenza in UniTO: esperienze ed opportunità nella bioeconomia , Cristina Prandi, Vice rettore alla ricerca UniTo e Coordinatrice Spoke 2 - Green technologies e industria sostenibile NODES La piattaforma di bioeconomia Novamont per la rigenerazione territoriale – Alberto Fragapane, Relazioni Esterne e Centro Studi Novamont Il supporto di SACE alle imprese per il Green New Deal e l’innovazione – Luca La Banca, Relationship Manager Sales PMI Nord SACE Terra Next – Il programma Bioeconomy della Rete Nazionale Acceleratori di CDP Venture Capital – Gregorio Roccasecca – Program manager Terra Next Gli strumenti regionali a supporto della R&D&I: le opportunità di finanziamento nell’ecosistema della bioeconomia – Giovanni Amateis, Sistema universitario, diritto allo studio, ricerca e innovazione Direzione Competitività della Regione Piemonte Pitch Session e premiazione.  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 Assembly: appuntamento il 15 Gennaio 2024 a Torino
Lo Spoke 2 - Green technologies e industria sostenibile - si riunirà il 15 Gennaio 2024 a Torino per valutare da vicino, con i gruppi e i propri Partners, lo stato dei lavori dello Spoke in vista della General Assembly dell'Ecosistema. Il dettaglio del programma è in corso di definizione e sarà reso disponibile nei prossimi giorni. Tra le attività previste, lo Stato di avanzamento per i Work Package (Booster), l'analisi dello stato dell’arte e dei progressi compiuti dallo Spoke per ciascuna task e da ciascun partner secondo il Programma del Progetto NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - finanziato dai fondi MUR del PNRR-NextGenerationEU in cui saranno esaminati:   Ecosystem’s engagement and development by Spoke Research Booster Competente Booster Innovation Booster Acceleration Booster Monitoring, evaluation and impact
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 è parte della Settimana del Sociale - "Io Sono Impresa Sostenibile", Miasino (NO)
Edoardo Braccio, il Project Manager di Spoke 2 - Green Technologies ed Industria Sostenibile del Progetto NODES, parteciperà con un intervento intitolato "Il PNRR per un Nord-Ovest Sostenibile" all'evento "Io Sono Impresa Sostenibile". L'evento è programmato per il 1 dicembre 2023 presso Villa Nigra a Piazza Beltrami 5, Miasino (NO), all'interno della Settimana del Sociale, una settimana di incontri organizzata da Confartigianato Imprese Piemonte Orientale e partner per discutere sul benessere sociale. 
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Webinar presenting cascading calls (A, A Mid-South, B) for National Clusters.
Webinar presenting cascading calls Line A, Line B and Line A for the South dedicated to National Clusters On June 20, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., there will be a presentation event of the cascading calls Line A, Line B and Line A for Southern Italy organized by Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry of Ecosystem NODES, in collaboration with Proplast and Environment Park and dedicated to National Clusters.  The digital event will be coordinated by Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry, and will aim to provide information on funding and training opportunities for researchers and companies. During the event, NODES and Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry, cascading calls for research and innovation due June 30, and training activities for companies will be presented. Guidance on how to apply for funding will be provided. The event will conclude with a Q&A session and closing remarks.   Register to the event:  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
NODES Cascade Calls for Proposals Line A for the Mezzogiorno presented.
Third stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South  On June 12, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., the last stop of the Spoke 2 tour in Southern Italy will be held, with the aim of presenting the cascading calls Line A - Mezzogiorno. The event will take place in the Conference Room of the Chamber of Commerce Industry Handicraft and Agriculture North Sardinia in Olbia, thanks to the collaboration between the University of Basilicata, the University of Sannio of Benevento - both Southern Partners - Confindustria Centro Nord Sardegna, CNA Gallura and Confapi Sardegna. This day represents the last opportunity, in this series of events, for companies interested in discovering the details of Line A cascade funding, dedicated exclusively to the territory of Southern Italy. The calls include a total budget of €1,630,000, financed by PNRR funds, and aim to support the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects in the field of green technologies and sustainable industry. Spoke 2 thematic areas include green chemistry, sustainable energy, materials science and bioeconomy, promoting the unified concept of "One Planet, One Health." Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), either individually or in collaboration, and large enterprises (GIs), in partnership with other companies, are eligible to participate in the calls. The event will include presentations on NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry projects, cascading calls for research and innovation, training activities for companies, and will conclude with a Q&A session dedicated to companies.  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 - NODES Cascading Calls Presentation Line A for the Mid-South.
Second stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South  Spoke 2, following the success of the first cascading calls presentation event, is organizing a second meeting on June 7, 2023, at the Southeast Sicily Chamber of Commerce for Industry, Crafts and Agriculture in Catania, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in collaboration with the University of Basilicata and the University of Sannio in Benevento, partners in the South, and the sponsorship of the University of Catania, the Southeast Sicily Chamber of Commerce and Confindustria Catania. The June 7 event is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for companies to learn about cascading Line A calls, dedicated exclusively to the territory of Southern Italy. The calls have a total budget of €1,630,000, financed from PNRR funds, and are intended as a support tool for companies to carry out industrial research and experimental development projects in the field of green technologies and sustainable industry. The fully dedicated lines refer to: green chemistry, sustainable energy, materials science, bioeconomy - with the aim of promoting the unified concept of "One Planet, One health." Eligible to participate in the calls are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MPMIs) - in individual or collaborative mode - and large enterprises (GIs) - in collaboration with other companies During the event, NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry projects, cascading calls for research and innovation, and training activities for companies will be presented, concluding with a Q&A session for companies.  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
PMI, People Meet Innovation: Scenarios and opportunities under PNRR funds for small and medium-sized enterprises
Supporting the initiation of innovation processes in SMEs is a strategic and priority objective for Italy and for PNRR.  OGR Torino in collaboration with dpixel, Sellalab and Talent Gardenis promoting a day dedicated to innovation and SMEs in Piedmont, the Aosta Valley and the provinces of Como, Varese and Pavia The initiative will be an opportunity to learn concretely about the opportunities and financial support that the NODES project offers micro, small and medium-sized enterprises through the provision of vouchers for the acquisition of advanced and qualified services identified in the NODES Ecosystem Catalogue. In particular, programs implemented by partners dpixel, Sellalab and Talent Garden aimed at SMEs with the objective of accompanying businesses through paths of digital transformation and more generally process or product innovation will be illustrated. Through concrete experiences and interviews with entrepreneurs, it will be possible to understand how a company can innovate consistently with its specificities and size The event will take place on June 6 at 9:30 a.m. at OGR Turin, Mezzanine Hall, after registration. 
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Spoke 2 - NODES Cascading Calls Presentation Line A for the Mid-South.
First stage of presentation of cascading Line A calls for enterprises in the South  Spoke 2 is organizing an important event at Palazzo Partanna - Sala D'Amato in Naples on May 16, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in collaboration with Confindustria Campania and the University of Basilicata and the University of Sannio in Benevento, partners in the South. The event is a unique opportunity for companies to learn about the cascading calls of Line A, solely dedicated to the territory of the South, of Spoke 2 of the NODES Ecosystem - Digital And Sustainable Northwest. The call for proposals, financed with PNRR funds, aims to support companies in the implementation of industrial research and experimental development projects Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MPMIs) in individual or collaborative mode and only large enterprises (GIs) in collaboration with other companies can participate. During the event, the NODES and Spoke 2 projects - Green technologies and sustainable industry - of which the University of Turin is coordinator - as well as the cascading calls for research and innovation and training activities for companies will be presented, also leaving a window open for direct comparisons with stakeholders. In this context, the foundations are being laid for innovative collaborations designed to renew the production fabric: this is a unique opportunity for companies to share know-how, pursue new environmentally friendly technological avenues and initiate partnerships with extraordinary potential, capable of making a decisive leap forward for industry on the sustainability front.   
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Thursday 13 April Tech for Good: Innovation in Green Technologies
Spoke 2 of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem presents opportunities for companies through participation in cascade calls On 13 April 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., in Turin, at the Auditorium ALDO MORO in via verdi 41 the University of Turin - coordinator of Spoke 2 "Green Technologies and sustainable industries" - will present, together with its partners and the NODES ecosystem, the activities of the Spoke and the objectives of the research and innovation programme, with a specific focus on funding opportunities for companies, cascade calls and training initiatives. The event is a unique opportunity for companies and researchers to learn about cascade calls, training initiatives, academic PoCs and industrial Phd. But that is not all. The challenge is to create ideal conditions for potential connections between researchers and companies, for the development of innovative green technologies and to foster industrial sustainability. During the event, the NODES and Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry ecosystem will be presented, as well as the funding opportunities for companies through the tool of cascade calls illustrated in an in-depth session by the Spoke 2 scientific referees. The event is open to companies, lecturers and researchers, local stakeholders and all citizens interested in the topics discussed. Joining UniTo will be the Polytechnic of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Insubria, the University of Pavia, Environment Park, Proplast, 2I3T and OGR Tech.