
Infoday Funding Line A - industrial research, collaborative projects with enterprises

Logo Spoke 1 Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Aerospace and Sustainable mobility

With the reopening of the NODES Funding Calls, opportunities for companies in the Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility sectors, overseen by Ecosystem Spoke 1, are back.

Partecipa all'infoday dedicato a Linea A il 19/09 alle 15.15, e prenota un confronto con i referenti scientifici dei tre Flagship Project sui progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale da presentare.
Attend the infoday dedicated to Line A on Sept. 19 at 3:15 p.m., and book a discussion with the scientific leaders of the three Flagship Projects on the industrial research and experimental development projects to be submitted.

The window to apply is open from September 1 to October 31, 2023.

Registrations and reservations


Grant funding for a minimum of 40 percent, up to a maximum of 80 percent
Line A in short:

Collaborations between companies in the ecosystem and with research organizations in Spoke 1, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility for industrial research and experimental development projects, with starting technology maturity level 4 or higher (TRL).
Grant funding for a minimum of 40 percent, up to a maximum of 80 percent.

Programma evento Linea A Spoke 1 - 19/09/2023
Slide presentate all'evento