
THE FUTURE IN MEMORY: archives, territory and digitalisation


An interesting conference entitled: The future in memory: archives, territory and digitalisation will be held on Friday 29 September, at 2.00 pm, in the Aula Magna of the University of Insubria in Como Sant'Abbondio.


During the meeting, attention will be paid to the archive as a "common good", highlighting its fundamental role as a "place of memory" and at the same time, enhancing the essential legal, political, economic, artistic, administrative and operational, which make it a tool linked to every aspect of daily life: a cultural heritage of the community that everyone has the right (and duty) to consult, from which to draw nourishment for the better construction of the future.


In this perspective, the conference will host teachers, institutional representatives and archivists, in particular, from the Insubre territory, called to share experiences, orientations, perspectives, as well as relevant projects on the subject of digitalisation.

Locandina Convegno 29/09/23