
"Orto in festa" Spoke 6 celebrates the 250th Anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia

orto botanico

"Orto in Festa" will celebrate ancient agricultural cultivars and the research conducted within the NODES Spoke 6 Flagship Projects, specifically the "Primary Agroindustry" initiatives known as VINO (Vineyard management for vine production) and FORMIDABALÆ (Forage system to establish resilient maize, dairy, and biogas supply chains for a sustainable agricultural ecosystem). This event features an interactive exhibition open to the public, showcasing the research activities carried out by the researchers involved in these projects. Here are the NODES events: 


  • Interactive Exhibition (11:30 AM - 5:30 PM): The exhibition is curated by the researchers actively engaged in the VINO and FORMIDABALÆ projects. These projects are part of the PNRR initiative "Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione" under the NODES umbrella, with a focus on "Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile". Distinguished researchers from esteemed institutions such as the University of Pavia, the University of Turin, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and the University of Sassari will be participating.


  • Project-themed Events (2:30 PM - 5:00 PM): The day also includes two insightful sessions hosted by Carlo Gariboldi, a respected editor at Provincia Pavese, focusing on the VINO and FORMIDABALÆ projects.                                                                                                                                                                                                
    • FORMIDABALÆ Research: This session will delve into strategies to enhance the efficiency, animal welfare, and sustainability of dairy cattle in the context of climate change. The presentation will feature insights from Cerzoo, an innovative agro-zootechnical company. Special guest: Professor Antonio Gallo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore).                                                             
    • VINO Research: What does the future hold for the world of WINE? A conversation on market trends and the impact of climate change on wine production.


Event Programme