
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

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3. Culture and tourism industry
6. Primary agroindustry
SPOKE 6 and its research projects for the 250th anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Pavia
On September 24, 2023, at the courtyards of the Botanical Garden of the University of Pavia, 20 researchers from SPOKE 6, representing the Universities of Pavia, Turin, Sassari, and Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Piacenza, shared their research experiences with over 827 visitors.    The Interactive Exhibition: NODES    The day began with seven research booths, curated by the researchers involved in the "Vino" and "Formidabalæ" flagship projects. This exhibition offered visitors the opportunity to understand the work of the researchers and the innovations developed within the context of NODES.    Through videos, images, and experiments, the research in the primary agro-industry sector was highlighted, promoting dialogue between the academic world and civil society to foster innovation and sustainability in agriculture.    The Two Flagship Projects    In the afternoon, two roundtables focused on SPOKE 6's flagship projects, "Formidabile" and "Vino," allowing for an in-depth exploration of the two primary research areas.    The Exhibition and Farmer's Market of Local Varieties    The "X Exhibition and Farmer's Market of Traditional Lombard Local Varieties," allowed the public to discover and appreciate the ancient agricultural cultivars of Lombardy.    Visitors had the opportunity to taste traditional products, know rare varieties of local crops, and learn about the importance of preserving these agricultural traditions for biodiversity and sustainability.                              
7. Agroindustria secondaria
Questionario: Ricerca di metodi innovativi e sostenibili per la conservazione della carne
Innovazioni sulla conservazione della carne L’orientamento dell’industria alimentare verso l’adozione di specifiche innovazioni è legato all’accettabilità dei consumatori.   I ricercatori dell’Università di Torino (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie) e dell’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo stanno conducendo uno studio con l’obiettivo di raccogliere le opinioni dei consumatori relativamente alle innovazioni tecnologiche che portano ad allungare il periodo di conservazione della carne.   A tal fine è stato predisposto un questionario che permetterà di raccogliere le opinioni dei consumatori dal titolo: Innovazioni sulla conservazione della carne.   Per rispondere alle domande del questionario clicca QUI!   Il tuo contributo sarà di grande importanza per la ricerca e per orientare le imprese verso le diverse innovazioni su cui sta lavorando la ricerca scientifica, come l’utilizzo di antiossidanti naturali o estratti vegetali durante la fase di preparazione degli hamburger, oppure la creazione di un sottile strato edibile attorno al prodotto utilizzando proteine di soia o gelatine di origine naturale. RISPONDI AL QUESTIONARIO
1. Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile
Mobilità sostenibile e Nanotecnologie, Spoke 1 a NanoInnovation 2023
I ricercatori dello Spoke 1 portano le loro conoscenze a NanoInnovation, edizione 2023. Un evento nazionale di riferimento dedicato alle nanotecnologie e le loro applicazioni nei diversi settori, dalle scienze materiali alle scienze della vita, con un programma di quest'anno è fortemente orientato all'innovazione e agli aspetti di mercato, pienamente in linea con gli obiettivi dell’Ecosistema. L’evento è uno spazio di confronto tra accademia, ricerca, imprese e stakeholder, con le ultime novità nella ricerca applicata su micro e nanotecnologie. Sulle le aree tematiche di Spoke 1, ricercatrici e ricercatori hanno organizzato un simposio dedicato al ruolo dell’idrogeno e dell’energia elettrica per il mondo dei trasporti di domani. In particolare, sono stati trattati temi quali il grande potenziale dell’idrogeno sulla mobilità su terra, aria e mare, ma anche l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi di stoccaggio di energia relativi ai motori elettrici, sempre più diffusi. L’evento è stato un’ottima occasione di confronto tra accademia e industria, per arrivare più velocemente a sistemi e infrastrutture di trasporto più puliti, più verdi e più connessi.   Scopri di più   Hanno partecipato il professor Giuseppe Scellato, coordinatore scientifico di Spoke 1, la professoressa Paola Rizzi e il professor Gabriele Ricchiardi, di Università di Torino, e la dottoressa Enrica Fontananova, ricercatrice senior presso CNR-ITM
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
A new molecule to counteract sarcopenia in the eldelrly
What is sarcopenia e which are the available treatments? It is a condition characterized by the loss of muscle mass and strenght due to aging: over 65 years, sarcopenia affects more than 40% of individuals. In the elderly, it represent one of the most important risk factors in terms of falls, disability and mortality. It is possible try to prevent sarcopenia or delay its occurrence by exercising and following a proper diet.  Until today, effective pharmacological treatments are not available: the only option involves increasing muscle mass by inhibiting myostatin, a protein that normally limits muscle fiber growth. By inhibiting myostatin, muscle can gain volume. However, the significant increase in muscle mass induced in patientas is not sufficient to ensure prolonged muscle performance beyond momentary effort.    ActR-Fc-nL G3: a new effective therapeutic option for sarcopenia. For years, at the Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO), new therapeutic strategies have been studied to counteract sarcopenia at the preclinical level, in collaboration with the Swiss company Pharmafox Therapeutics. Recently, Professor Boido e Doctor Schellino (affiliated with NICO and the Department of Neuroscience, Univeristy of Turin) have published an interesting study in the journal Aging and Disease. Using an older mouse model, called ActR-Fc-nLG3, which in addition to acting on myostatin also aims to improve muscle innervation.  Indeed, the muscles to contract must be properly innervated by motoneurons (specific neurons responsible for sending and trasporting movement signals). ActR-Fc-nLG3 promotes the innervation of muscles made hyperthophic by myostatin inhibition, ensuring prolonged endurance during physical exertion. Compared to conventional treatment, the administration of ActR-Fc-nLG3 is capable of improving the stability of neuromuscular joints (the points of contact between motoneurons and muscle fibers) and their innervation, preventing muscle atrophy: this allowed an improvement in motor performance, and in particular an increase in strenght and resistance to prolonged physical exertion in mice treated with ActR-Fc-nGL3.  The application of this approach could also be extended to other diseases similarly characterized by muscle atrophy and innervation deficits, such neuromuscular diseases (including Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis and Spinal Muscular Atrophy), thereby expanding its potential use across a broad range of conditions.          Copyright: © 2023 Schellino R. et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.    
3. Culture and tourism industry
Funding for innovation projects: Calls and opportunities for startups and SMEs
On the morning of Thursday 14 September 2023, at ComoNext, Innovation Hub partner of Spoke3 - Tourism Industry and Culture, a meeting entitled "Financing for innovation projects - Calls and opportunities for startups and SMEs" was held, in collaboration with Invitalia and the University of Insubria. After the initial greetings by Elena Zaffaroni, incubation area representative and Sara Lucca, project financing area representative, the interventions of the speakers involved followed. Fabio Comi of Invitalia presented the general lines of the Smart and Start Italia (SSI) measure, dedicated to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups established no more than 60 months ago. Following this was Nicola Renato De Carlo, founder of Tutornow, who brought his experience of participation to the measure just described, after briefly introducing the main reference themes for the startup. The word then returned to Invitalia, which, again in the person of Fabio Comi, described the criteria of the Brevetti+ call, functional to the valorisation of patents already available to companies, soon to open on 10/24/2023. The last speech was by Chiara Cappellini, Uninsubria's administrative contact for the Nodes project, focused on the presentation of the NODES ecosystem and the Line A and Line B cascade calls which will close on 31/10/2023. The meeting, which saw the participation of 36 participants, ended with the collection of several questions from the public. Following the event, the one-to-one meetings booked by the companies were managed by ComoNExT, in particular seven companies exchanged ideas both in reference to the initiatives promoted during the meeting and in relation to the creation and development of new startups.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Biological materials: an excellent ally for regenerative medicine in the treatment of ostearthritis
In the Laboratory of Human Anatomy of the Università del Piemonte Orientale, directed by Professor Francesca Boccafoschi, research work focuses on regenerative medicine. In this context, master's graduate Emma Zanella and master's student Irene Regano are working on the project ''Psycochemical characterization and biological performances of an ECM-derived hydrogel: role in articular cartilage regeneration''. The ambitious goal of this project is to develop and characterize biomaterials capable of supporting the structural and fucntional regeneration of articular cartilage.   This tissue, indeed, can be the target of various degenerative diseases, including osteoarthritis (OA) which represents an emerging medical challenge. This condition is characterized by high inflammation, reduced lubrification and abnormal cellular behavior at the joint level, which gradually lead to pain and stiffness in movements, strongly affecting the quality of life of patients.    In the current context of ageing of the general population, the prevalence of OA is expected to grow as well as its clinical relevance.  Current therapeutic approaches mainly involve the administration of anti-inflammatories and intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid. However, these methods only provide symptom control and are ineffective in halting the progression of the disease. In severe cases, therefore, surgical intervention, such as joint replacement with prosthetics, becomes the solution.     Considering the incapacity of articular cartilage to regenerate as a result of damage and the current lack of therapeutic strategies to support the functional restoration of this tissue, the study of innovative biomaterials for the treatment of osteoarthritis is of increasing interest.  The project focuses on the characterization of a natural hydrogel derived from decellularized bovine pericardium. This hydrogel combines the high flexibility and adaptability of polymer networks with the intrinsic bioactivity of biological matrices.  Since the cartilage primarly consists mainly of extracellular matrix which is significantly degraded in osteoarthritic contexts, the use of hydrogel capable of providing a suitable microenvironment for resident cells is a potentially promising strategy.     
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Call to action - Business connection webinar
Approaching the deadline of the NODES calls on October 31, Environment Park and Proplast - co-managers of the CLEVER and CGREEN Innovation Clusters and partners of Spoke 2 - will organize a business connection webinar on October 5, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The main goal of the event will be to give companies the opportunity to present their offer or request for innovative services in slots of only three minutes. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to leave their contact information to facilitate follow-up networking. If you work in the field of green technologies and would like to present your company, it is critical that you do not miss this unique opportunity. Let us know of your interest by sending an email by Sept. 29 to or, and you will receive the template for your pitch, which will allow you to best highlight your proposal/request. And for those who plan to attend the event without submitting a pitch, don't worry! Mark the date and stay tuned for the registration link, which will be made available soon!  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
A digital twin developed at Politecnico di Torino to support the design of lung ventilation systems
A digital twin to predict the functioning of lung ventilation devices.   The ''digital twin'' of a medical device is a virtual representation of the device itself created using data and models. It allows to monitor and analyze the device's operation, optimizing performace and testing diffeent configurations or updates virtually before applying them to the real device.  The research group led by Professor Audenino is developing at Politecnico di Torino a digital twin of an innovative non-invasive ventilation system with reduced oxygen consumption. Using engineering modeling techniques, the ongoing development of this twin will allow both to predict the behavior of the device to vary its configuration and to predict the effect of the therapy provided by the device on patients with various lung conditions. In particular, using virtual replication it is possible to evaluate different ventilation interfaces (such as a helmet or mask), providing useful information to the design of the device and its circuit, including the quality of air breathed by the patient during therapy.    Thanks to this innovative approach, new perspectives are opening up in the field of medical design, contributing to ensure safer and more effective solutions for the well-being of patients. 
Hub Nodes
Riaperti i Bandi a cascata per le imprese del Nord-Ovest
Il 1 settembre 2023 si sono riaperte le finestre di presentazione delle domande per i finanziamenti MUR-PNRR dell'Ecosistema NODES per la Linea A e Linea B. La scadenza per l'invio della documentazione è fissata per il 31 ottobre 2023. All'interno della sezione dedicata è possibile consultare i relativi bandi (vedi link sotto).   Linee A - seconda finestra Bandi a cascata con contributi a fondo perduto per realizzare progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale nei territori dell’Ecosistema NODES (Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, province di Como, Pavia, Varese)  Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7 LINEA B - seconda finestra Bandi a cascata con contributi a fondo perduto fino al 50% per agevolare l’accesso a servizi di innovazione su territorio dell’Ecosistema NODES (Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, province di Como, Pavia, Varese). Rispetto alla precedente finestra, sono stati introdotti nuovi criteri in materia di affidabilità economica e finanziaria. Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   Nelle prossime settimane l'Ecosistema NODES organizzerà insieme agli Spoke, ai partner e stakeholder, momenti di incontro e approfondimento per illustrare le possibilità offerte dagli strumenti e per permettere alle imprese di cogliere al meglio le opportunità per fare innovazione.  
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
SPOKE 2 | FORMATION COURSES - Proplast Consortium
Proplast - innovation hub partner of Spoke 2 - are offering a series of online training courses for businesses interested in learning more about plastics materials and industrial applications.   September:  Introduction to ecodesign Introduction to molding technologies October: High-performance thermoplastics  Introduction to elastomers November: Packaging in the cosmetics industry  Introduction to plastics  
7. Agroindustria secondaria
Questionario: Valorizzare la filiera frutticola e vitivinicola attraverso il settore della birra artigianale
Un questionario rivolto a consumatori e produttori per aiutare la ricerca a valorizzare la filiera frutticola e vitivinicola attraverso il settore della birra artigianale I ricercatori dell’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo hanno dato inizio a uno studio volto a indagare la percezione di consumatori e di produttori di birra verso l’utilizzo in birrificazione di prodotti  sostenibili e locali derivanti dalle filiere ortofrutticole o vitivinicole locali.   Clicca QUI per rispondere alle domande del questionario Valorizzazione della filiera frutticola e vitivinicola attraverso il settore della birra artigianale! La tua opinione è fondamentale per raggiungere gli obiettivi della ricerca e per esplorare il mondo di nuove birre sostenibili e locali.    Il questionario è aperto a produttori e a consumatori di birra.   I risultati di questo studio contribuiranno ad acquisire informazioni utili al settore della birra artigianale per:     ● valorizzare la professione dell’artigiano birraio come promotore dei territori e innovatore sostenibile;   ● comprendere la potenziale applicazione di frutta locale e/o dei sottoprodotti della filiera ortofrutticola o vitivinicola come materie prime nel processo produttivo della birra italiana artigianale;   ● selezionare filiere vegetali nuove da sfruttare nell’elaborazione di prodotti di cui è emergente l’interesse dei consumatori e guidare i produttori nella realizzazione di un nuovo prodotto “sostenibile e locale” vincente sul mercato.   RISPONDI AL QUESTIONARIO
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
New biomass chelating agents for diangostic and therapeutic applications
The metallic complexes used as molecular probes for diagnostic and therapeutic applications are constructed usign chelating agents entirely derived from fossil sources and poorly biodegradable, leading to a growing environmental impact. The collaboration between the research groups of the Department of Drug Sciences and the Department of Sciences and Technological Innovation at UPO has produced a chelating agent (EHDTA) using raw materials derived from waste biomass and highlighted its significant potential in forming complexes with metallic ions of diagnostic and therapeutic interest.  The study, conducted in collaboration with a diagnostic industry company and with the Universities of Milan and Debrecen, is in the process of being published in a prominent international scientific journal. 
Hub Nodes
Bandi imprese Mezzogiorno: c'è tempo fino al 30 settembre!
Si avvisa che i termini di chiusura della cut-off per i Bandi a cascata - Linea A - Mezzogiorno è stato procrastinato alle ore 23:59 del 30 Settembre 2023.  Le imprese del Mezzogiorno (Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Puglia, Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna), potenziali beneficiarie ammissibili come da bando, avranno quindi, più tempo per sottomettere le domande di finanziamento e rielaborare i progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale che promuovano l’innovazione di prodotti, servizi e/o processi negli ambiti delle tematiche dell'Ecosistema NODES. Chi avesse già presentato domanda di finanziamento su piattaforma Telemaco ha facoltà di ripresentarla nel nuovo termine, corredandola nuovamente di tutta la documentazione richiesta. Si invitano gli interessati a prendere visione della documentazione aggiornata disponibile ai link dei singoli Bandi. LINEA A - MEZZOGIORNO Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Virtual Reality in support of cognitive rehabilitation
Recently, the Augmented Human paradigm has been introduced, which aims to enhance physical, mental, and social capabilities of individuals through the adoption of eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions.  The Health sector is fertile ground for the dissemination of these technologies as it can guarantee benefits for doctors, who may have at their disposal innovative tools during diagnosis, intervention or evaluation. Patients can benefit from personalizet treaments, and these technologies, can also simplify and enhance communication, consequently improving the doctor-patient relationship. This improvement is crucial for expediting and achieving a full recovery.    In this perspective, the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Turin and the 3D Lab affiliated with the Department of Management and Production Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin have initiated a collaboration aimed at designin an XR solution to carry out cognitive tests or simple improvements of the patients' state of mind through shared virtual environments that allow sessions to be conducted in familiar settings and remotely with specialists. 
3. Culture and tourism industry
New technologies to be used in the fields of textiles, communication and gender equality. The Spoke 3 visits ComoNext.
Professor Barbara Pozzo, scientific representative of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture industry, visited the ComoNExT technological innovation hub (already a partner of the Nodes project) in order to evaluate new synergies within the NODES project in relation to possible projects to be developed in the fields of textiles, communication and gender equality.   During the day, Professor Pozzo was able to visit two important entrepreneurial realities; two startups born within the ComoNExT incubator and which have become consolidated small and medium-sized businesses.   Specifically: DKR srl, a dynamic software house specialized in the fields of virtual reality, augmented reality and Metaverse, websites and web marketing, mobile app development and back/front-end software. The meeting focused on the topic of virtual reality and the metaverse and what applications and services can be enabled by these technologies. The visit then concluded with the test of VR headset applications, in particular one developed by DKR srl in the cultural sector.   Finally, SenseCatch srl, a company expert in the application of neuromarketing technologies. The meeting focused on in-depth analysis of these methods of collecting information, thanks also to examples of projects carried out by the company. The visit concluded with the testing of the technologies (eye tracker, micro-sweating detector) compared to the viewing of some advertising spots.