
Funding for innovation projects: Calls and opportunities for startups and SMEs


On the morning of Thursday 14 September 2023, at ComoNext, Innovation Hub partner of Spoke3 - Tourism Industry and Culture, a meeting entitled "Financing for innovation projects - Calls and opportunities for startups and SMEs" was held, in collaboration with Invitalia and the University of Insubria.

After the initial greetings by Elena Zaffaroni, incubation area representative and Sara Lucca, project financing area representative, the interventions of the speakers involved followed.

Fabio Comi of Invitalia presented the general lines of the Smart and Start Italia (SSI) measure, dedicated to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups established no more than 60 months ago.

Following this was Nicola Renato De Carlo, founder of Tutornow, who brought his experience of participation to the measure just described, after briefly introducing the main reference themes for the startup.

The word then returned to Invitalia, which, again in the person of Fabio Comi, described the criteria of the Brevetti+ call, functional to the valorisation of patents already available to companies, soon to open on 10/24/2023.

The last speech was by Chiara Cappellini, Uninsubria's administrative contact for the Nodes project, focused on the presentation of the NODES ecosystem and the Line A and Line B cascade calls which will close on 31/10/2023.

The meeting, which saw the participation of 36 participants, ended with the collection of several questions from the public.

Following the event, the one-to-one meetings booked by the companies were managed by ComoNExT, in particular seven companies exchanged ideas both in reference to the initiatives promoted during the meeting and in relation to the creation and development of new startups.