
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

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2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Hub Nodes
Tutti i bandi NODES dell'Ecosistema
  Tutte le finestre di presentazione per la partecipazione ai Bandi NODES sono al momento chiuse.   Consulta tutti i bandi pubblicati e i relativi documenti.   ____________________   Bandi chiusi   BANDI a cascata per le imprese   LINEA A - IIa finestra [chiusi il 31.10.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   LINEA B - IIa finestra [chiusi il 31.10.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7 LINEA A - MEZZOGIORNO [chiusi il 30.09.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   LINEA A - Ia finestra [chiusi il 30.06.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   LINEA B - Ia finestra [chiusi il 30.06.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7     Altri bandi e avvisi manifestazione interesse   Bandi Industrial PhD [chiusi il 25.07.2023] Spoke 7 n.2 [chiusi il 21.07.2023] Spoke 4 n.2 [chiusi il 09.06.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   Bandi PoC Accademici [chiusi il 09.01.2024] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 5 [chiusi il 30.06.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7 [chiusi il 16.06.2023] Spoke 5   Avvisi Students' Challenges [chiusi l'11.04.2024] Spoke 5 [chiusi il 20.03.2024] Spoke 2 [chiusi il 23.02.2024] Spoke 4 PoliTo - Spoke 4 UniVdA - Spoke 6  [chiusi il 09.06.2023] Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 7   [chiusi il 15.05.2023] Spoke 4   FAQ Consulta le FAQ dei bandi NODES disponibili a questa pagina   AGGIORNAMENTI Integrazioni Bandi a cascata ed estensione termini agg. del 17/05/2023: a questa pagina  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 presents the specialization course in Fashion Law: "The legal problems of the fashion supply chain"
Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry presents the specialization course in Fashion Law "The legal problems of the fashion supply chain".   The course organized by the University of Milan and the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, aims to offer in-depth skills in the fashion sector to legal operators active within fashion companies (corporate lawyers), those who work closely with these companies (lawyers and consultants), as well as training those who aspire to take on these roles.   60 hours of online lessons held by teachers from the University of Milan, the University of Insubria, lawyers from leading law firms in the sector, general counsel of fashion houses, notaries, operators and top experts in the fields treated.   The function of the course can be summarized in the satisfaction of the needs of specialized professional training in a sector which constitutes one of the areas of greatest use of highly qualified human resources. The employment opportunities are numerous and concern all the various aspects of the fashion supply chain.   The specialization course will be held on a weekly basis (every Monday) from 18/03/2024 to 01/07/2024 from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm and during the lessons various topics will be addressed including: contracts in the world of fashion, the Made in Italy, law, new technologies and fashion. The complete program is attached. Registrations are open until March 11, 2024   For further information and registration, see link    
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Innovation in Cognitive Rehabilitation: a digital and motivational approach
The Research Module 5 of the flagship project TINCARE of the Spoke 5, aims to develop and validate a platform for the cognitive rehabilitation of elderly fragile people. To ensure accessibility to rehabilitation protocols, digitalization can help: if made available from one's own home, rehabilitation protocols could be easier for users to access and also more readily available for healthcare personnel administering them. In the clinical settings there is increasing importance placed on personalized treatment approaches, based on the individual characteristics and needs of each patient.     Per questo il gruppo di ricerca BIP, che ha come responsabile scientifico la professoressa Katiuscia Sacco, ha avviato una collaborazione con Brainer Srl, un'azienda che si occupa di sviluppare prodotti utili alla riabilitazione cognitiva digitale. L'obiettivo della collaborazione è quello di proporre nell'ambito delle proprie ricerche alcuni esercizi le cui meccaniche sono basate sulla riabilitazione cognitiva standard, che si effettua tipicamente in formato carta e matita, implementati con alcuni elementi fondamentali della gamification, che consentono di coinvolgere l'utente anche dal punto di vista motivazionale. Si ritiene, inoltre, che la proposta di compiti ecologici sia rilevante perché in grado di simulare situazioni di vita quotidiana in cui le persone anziane fragili potrebbero riscontrare maggiore difficoltà. Inoltre, l'interesse di ricerca del gruppo BIP è orientato verso la gratificazione estetica e il suo effetto sulla motivazione intrinseca. dal momento che la motivazione dei pazienti è spesso un fattore determinante nel successo di protocolli riabilitativi, è fondamentale tenerne conto nelle procedure terapeutiche. In tal senso, entra in gioco la Neuroestetica, una disciplina che si occupa di indagare il legame tra bellezza e funzioni cerebrali, fra cui come apprendimento, memoria, attenzione e anche motivazione.    La collaborazione tra il gruppo di ricerca BIP e Brainer Srl ha quindi lo scopo di studiare quali potranno essere le caratteristiche di protocolli riabilitativi digitali in grado massimizzare la motivazione all'aderenza terapeutica, utilizzando elementi musicali, visivi e di gamification.       
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Flagship Projects Meeting
The first Spoke 3 Flagship Projects Meeting was held on Thursday 1 February 2024 at the Department of Management of the University of Turin.   Researchers from the University of Insubria, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont, University of Valle d'Aosta, Città Studi Biella and ComoNext Innovation Hub participated in the event. The objective of the meeting was to start a fruitful collaboration between researchers from the universities involved in the NODES project in reference to the research topics of the CIRIL - Cultural-Industry Regeneration Lab and TOEP - Tourism Open-ended Experimentation Platform flagship projects.   In the first phase of the meeting, Prof. Piercarlo Rossi of the University of Turin and Prof. Stefania Cerruti of the University of Eastern Piedmont presented the flagship projects, recalling their objectives and highlighting the current state of progress activities.   Specifically, Prof. Rossi, regarding the CIRIL flagships project, explained that we are currently proceeding with the reconnaissance of the technologies, the monitoring of the initiatives on the national territory (mixed reality device building kit), the acquisition of the instrumentation, and the activation of cultural cluster asset and digital textile hub activities.   Regarding the TOEP project, Prof. Cerutti clarified that the design of the middleware, the delivery architecture and the API standards are being defined. Furthermore, we are proceeding with the recognition of integrated solutions (public databases and federatable services), data sources and acquisition methods, the activation of the thematic cluster and the implementation of innovation initiatives in territorial branding.   Both flagship projects are proceeding in collaboration with partners from the South for the creation of startups.   Once the presentation was concluded, the main lines of research and their areas of relevance were then illustrated; these include: Fashion design, Management and sustainability, Intersection between Cultural Heritage and Natural Conservation (Museums, Archaeological and Historical Places, Landscape), Multimedia Narratives and Digital Creativity, Digital Tourism and Destination Management and Lifestyle tourism and marketing.  
6. Primary agroindustry
Spoke 6 presents the first student challenge!
Spoke 6 "Primary Agroindustry," has officially kicked-off the first student challenge, providing businesses with the unique opportunity to present innovation and digitalization challenges to digital marketing students of the University of Pavia.    This challenge, tailored for Business to Consumer (B2C) proposers within the primary agroindustry sector, will actively involve students in crafting digital marketing plans. The primary objective is to build brand awareness and engagement, with a focus on both national and international competitiveness.    Proposals should articulate how the firm is currently adopting or plans to leverage digital communication tools. This includes strategies for promoting the company's history, sustainability efforts, and product quality, emphasising cultural identity, innovation, and sustainability practices.   This initiative allows students to test their theoretical knowledge in practical, real-world contexts and fosters collaboration between academia and the entrepreneurial sphere. By encouraging innovation and developing creative solutions, the Challenge aims to deliver an enriching experience for all participants.    For further details, please click here below.    CHECK THE CALL HERE
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Clone of Clone of Spoke 2 at Ecomondo fair: innovation, networking and tangible successes
It is with great satisfaction that the delegation of Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry concludes its participation in the prestigious Ecomondo fair, hosted by the stand of the University of Turin. Ecomondo 2023 was a unique opportunity to network with companies in the Green world and to present the NODES - Northwest Digital And Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem. We could have talked with the more than 1,500 exhibiting brands, or the 300 buyers, or even more importantly with the delegates from the 280 nations represented... but we confess we couldn't make it ;-) Nevertheless, we walked many steps, to visit the other booths and shake hands and tell our stories of innovation, education and technologies. Spoke 2 also had a chance to get noticed thanks to the participation of Proplast, a Spoke partner innovation hub, which presented a poster during the session "Towards a national program for industrial symbiosis: perspectives and opportunities for Italy." The poster, available in the attachments, provides a detailed overview of NODES and the specific activities of Spoke 2. During the event, we had the pleasure of congratulating in person the company IRIS s.r.l., winner of the NODES Line A grant. IRIS s.r.l.'s presence at the fair not only helped strengthen the reputation of Spoke 2, but also led to a well-deserved recognition. IRIS s.r.l. was honored by the Foundation for Sustainable Development as one of the top ten companies in the field of circular water management. These kinds of tangible successes demonstrate the effectiveness of the synergies generated within this innovation ecosystem.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Clone of Clone of Clone of Spoke 2 at Ecomondo fair: innovation, networking and tangible successes
It is with great satisfaction that the delegation of Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry concludes its participation in the prestigious Ecomondo fair, hosted by the stand of the University of Turin. Ecomondo 2023 was a unique opportunity to network with companies in the Green world and to present the NODES - Northwest Digital And Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem. We could have talked with the more than 1,500 exhibiting brands, or the 300 buyers, or even more importantly with the delegates from the 280 nations represented... but we confess we couldn't make it ;-) Nevertheless, we walked many steps, to visit the other booths and shake hands and tell our stories of innovation, education and technologies. Spoke 2 also had a chance to get noticed thanks to the participation of Proplast, a Spoke partner innovation hub, which presented a poster during the session "Towards a national program for industrial symbiosis: perspectives and opportunities for Italy." The poster, available in the attachments, provides a detailed overview of NODES and the specific activities of Spoke 2. During the event, we had the pleasure of congratulating in person the company IRIS s.r.l., winner of the NODES Line A grant. IRIS s.r.l.'s presence at the fair not only helped strengthen the reputation of Spoke 2, but also led to a well-deserved recognition. IRIS s.r.l. was honored by the Foundation for Sustainable Development as one of the top ten companies in the field of circular water management. These kinds of tangible successes demonstrate the effectiveness of the synergies generated within this innovation ecosystem.
6. Primary agroindustry
A great kick off for the Spoke 6 Assembly
Tuesday, January 23rd, the University of Pavia successfully hosted the Assembly of Spoke 6 in an online format. The event saw significant participation, with 66 researchers involved in the flagship projects Vino and Formidabilae.    The meeting kicked off with a general presentation that delved into the structure and progress of Spoke 6's work. Following this initial overview, participants actively engaged in two thematic working groups.    The first group, dedicated to Internationalization, involved 27 participants. Discussions covered crucial topics related to the international projection of the flagship projects, highlighting the importance of collaborations and synergies on a global scale.    The second group, focused on Industrial Development, gathered 34 participants, including the 5 Industrial PhD students associated with Spoke 6 and the awardees of academic POCs. Conversations focused on industrial development strategies, innovations, and synergies between the academic and industrial worlds.    The Spoke 6 Assembly proved to be a crucial opportunity to strengthen collaboration among researchers, promote internationalization, and foster industrial development. The enthusiasm generated during the event anticipates new advancements and successes for the flagship projects Vino and Formidabilae in the landscape of university research.                  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Assembly: researchers comparing entrepreneurship and internationalization
On Friday 19 January 2024, the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry held its first Spoke 3 Assembly in Lomazzo (CO) at the ComoNext Innovation Hub.   The researchers and all the staff of the institutions involved in the spoke3 activities were present or connected remotely at the event: University of Insubria, University of Eastern Piedmont, University of Turin, University of Sannio- Benevento, University of Salento COmoNExt and Cittàstudi Biella. During the morning, the progress of the project activities of each project WP was illustrated and any critical issues and actions to be taken in the coming months were discussed.   In the afternoon, the work of Spoke 3 focused on transversal issues relating to the development of entrepreneurship and internationalization with the aim of identifying objectives and activities to be carried out within the project.   In relation to internationalisation, various initiatives have been identified which involve the involvement of foreign institutional partners to promote the activities of the Spoke and the ecosystem outside national borders.   With respect to the theme of entrepreneurship, the possible critical issues linked to the thematic nature of the spoke3 were explored and some actions aimed at overcoming these critical issues were hypothesized.   Lastly, the functional work process was defined to bring together the ideas of all the Spoke partners, identifying contact persons for both themes in all the project partners who will work to build a shared proposal of viable actions.  
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Review of the goals and commitment to the area, Spoke 1 meeting adjourned
Spoke 1's 2024 begins with the assembly of Project Partners, an excellent opportunity to update priorities by looking at the needs of the ecosystem's industrial actors, relative to Aerospace and Sustainable mobility. During the meeting, the progress and state of the art of the project, the results of past business funding initiatives and upcoming and current opportunities were reported, but most importantly, the future goals of Spoke 1 were reviewed and defined, particularly in regard of internationalization and business development. The Spoke Partners defined a new schedule of activities useful for strengthening the fabric of the Ecosystem, with the link between research and innovation always at the center, for the resilience of existing supply chains, and support for the development of business potential. In the next the upcoming NODES General Assembly, all Spokes will have an opportunity to exchange views to identify critical issues and solutions to be put in place to continue to contribute to the growth of an ever increasingly Digital and Sustainable Northwest. The event was hosted by I3P on January 23, 2024
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Spoke 5 towards the NODES Ecosystem General Assembly
Spoke 5 - Industry of Health and Silver Economy - recently meet online on January 10, 2024 to take a crucial step in the analysis of the state of work for the upcoming General Assembly of the Ecosystem.  Bringing together the working groups and partner involved, the event provided a valuable opportunity to closely examine the progress made so far, starting from the point-by-point progress of the invidual Work Packages.   During the meeting, the creation of two new Working Group on the themes of internationalization and enterpreneurial development was announced. These groups will actively work to bring together ideas, experiences and good practice, promoting proposals that will be presented during the next General Assembly, scheduled to take place at the University of Pavia on February 13, 2024, providing fertile ground for shared growth and development among the various actors involved.     The online meeting of 10 January has not only highlighted the progress made until now, but also laid the foundations for an even closer collaboration and knowledge sharing, which promises to be fundamental for the future success of the Ecosystem. 
4. Digital innovation toward sustainable mountain
Great success of Spoke 4 Assembly
The Spoke 4 Assembly was held yesterday at the Luigi Einaudi Campus of the University of Turin, which saw the participation of numerous researchers from all the Spoke 4 Nodes universities. During the day, the scholars discussed the progress of the project and the new initiatives to be launched for internationalization and entrepreneurial development, for which two new working groups were created. The next appointment will be the NODES General Assembly on February 13th.  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Medical examinations in Metaverse
The metaverse is a virtual space where multiple users can interact, including doctors and patients among them.      Today, there is a widespread adoption of digital therapies in home-based treatment, both for continuos monitoring and rehabilitation. In fact, digital therapies can reduce burdens on healthcare facilities by encouraging remote rehabilitation and follow-up visits through the adoption of the ''Augmented Humans'' paradigm, where immersive XR technologies and artificial intelligence assessment tools support the activities of physicians in patient care.    The Department of Human Anatomy at the University of Turin and the 3D Lab belonging to the Department of Management and Production Engineering of the Polytechnic of Turin have developed a preliminary shared Virtual Reality environment that enables interaction between two users, doctor and patient. This means having a tool for telerehabilitation and to support territorial assistance.  This type of assistance can be particularly useful, especially but not exclusively, for vulnerable individuals (e.g. the elderly) whose movements are limited. All of this falls within Research Module 7 of the Flagship Project TINCARE titled: Monitoring mood and cognitive status of patients in the Metaverse.  The goal of this environment is to make it possible to perform excercises that can lead to the assessment of the patient's cognitive state by the doctor within the Metaverse.    The test phase for the validation of the exercises and the optimization of the user experience will start soon.   
Hub Nodes
Bandi imprese Linea A - Mezzogiorno: 60 imprese finanziate per 8,7 milioni di euro. Pubblicati gli esiti delle valutazioni.
Grazie ai fondi messi a disposizione dal MUR-PNRR NextGeneration EU, l'Ecosistema dell'innovazione NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - si appresta a finanziare con quasi 8,7 milioni di euro anche 60 imprese del Sud d'Italia che hanno presentato progetti di ricerca e innovazione nell'ambito dei Bandi a cascata per il mezzogiorno.     Come da tabella di marcia le commissioni hanno terminato le valutazioni per le molte domande pervenute e definito così le iniziative ammesse al finanziamento per ciascun Bando emanato dai 7 Spoke, portando ad esaurimento i fondi allocati.    L'importo totale dei contributi erogati da NODES ammonta esattamente a € 8.692.919,78, e saranno destinati a finanziare 32 progetti che vedono protagonisti i territori di Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna. Quasi 200 mila euro in più del previsto per riuscire così a coprire mediamente per oltre i due terzi il valore complessivo dei progetti, pari a quasi 12,9 milioni di euro.   Sul portale dell'Ecosistema sono disponibili le graduatorie delle proposte “Ammissibili e Finanziabili” e quelle “Ammissibili Senza Fondi” per esaurimento risorse disponibili.   Si invitano gli interessati a prendere visione della documentazione aggiornata disponibile ai link dei singoli Bandi.   LINEA A - MEZZOGIORNO Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   La finestra dei bandi, gestiti dall'Ecosistema grazie alla collaborazione con Unioncamere Piemonte, partner EEN - Enterprise Europe Network, si era chiusa lo scorso 30 settembre 2023 e aveva visto candidate 155 domande per progetti di innovazione e un totale complessivo di contributi richiesti pari a circa 31,5 milioni di euro. Leggi di più qui.  
Hub Nodes
Avviso di consultazione pubblica sul Piano Triennale di Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza
In vista dell’aggiornamento del Piano Triennale di Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza (PTPCT) per il triennio 2024-2026, la Società avvia una consultazione pubblica aperta per raccogliere osservazioni e proposte sulla bozza di Piano, reperibile a seguire.    Tutti gli stakeholders sono pertanto invitati a far pervenire - entro le ore 12:00 del 21 gennaio 2024 - le rispettive proposte di modifiche ed integrazioni, delle quali si terrà conto nel percorso di predisposizione e adozione interna.   Per formulare le suddette proposte è possibile scrivere al RPCT della Società, all’indirizzo mail inserendo quale oggetto della e mail: "CONSULTAZIONE PUBBLICA - AGGIORNAMENTO PTPCT".    Link al Piano e suoi allegati:   Bozza del Piano Triennale per la Prevenzione della Corruzione e Trasparenza Allegato 1 - Gestione del rischio Allegato 2 - Obblighi di pubblicazione Allegato 3 - Riferimenti normativi e di prassi. Definizioni di corruzione e trasparenza