
Spoke 3 presents the specialization course in Fashion Law: "The legal problems of the fashion supply chain"

Spoke 3 - Corso di Perfezionamento in Fashion Law

Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry presents the specialization course in Fashion Law "The legal problems of the fashion supply chain".


The course organized by the University of Milan and the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, aims to offer in-depth skills in the fashion sector to legal operators active within fashion companies (corporate lawyers), those who work closely with these companies (lawyers and consultants), as well as training those who aspire to take on these roles.


60 hours of online lessons held by teachers from the University of Milan, the University of Insubria, lawyers from leading law firms in the sector, general counsel of fashion houses, notaries, operators and top experts in the fields treated.


The function of the course can be summarized in the satisfaction of the needs of specialized professional training in a sector which constitutes one of the areas of greatest use of highly qualified human resources. The employment opportunities are numerous and concern all the various aspects of the fashion supply chain.


The specialization course will be held on a weekly basis (every Monday) from 18/03/2024 to 01/07/2024 from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm and during the lessons various topics will be addressed including: contracts in the world of fashion, the Made in Italy, law, new technologies and fashion. The complete program is attached.

Registrations are open until March 11, 2024


For further information and registration, see link



Specialization course program in Fashion Law