
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

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5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Hub Nodes
Bandi imprese Linea A - Mezzogiorno: 60 imprese finanziate per 8,7 milioni di euro. Pubblicati gli esiti delle valutazioni.
Grazie ai fondi messi a disposizione dal MUR-PNRR NextGeneration EU, l'Ecosistema dell'innovazione NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - si appresta a finanziare con quasi 8,7 milioni di euro anche 60 imprese del Sud d'Italia che hanno presentato progetti di ricerca e innovazione nell'ambito dei Bandi a cascata per il mezzogiorno.     Come da tabella di marcia le commissioni hanno terminato le valutazioni per le molte domande pervenute e definito così le iniziative ammesse al finanziamento per ciascun Bando emanato dai 7 Spoke, portando ad esaurimento i fondi allocati.    L'importo totale dei contributi erogati da NODES ammonta esattamente a € 8.692.919,78, e saranno destinati a finanziare 32 progetti che vedono protagonisti i territori di Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna. Quasi 200 mila euro in più del previsto per riuscire così a coprire mediamente per oltre i due terzi il valore complessivo dei progetti, pari a quasi 12,9 milioni di euro.   Sul portale dell'Ecosistema sono disponibili le graduatorie delle proposte “Ammissibili e Finanziabili” e quelle “Ammissibili Senza Fondi” per esaurimento risorse disponibili.   Si invitano gli interessati a prendere visione della documentazione aggiornata disponibile ai link dei singoli Bandi.   LINEA A - MEZZOGIORNO Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 7   La finestra dei bandi, gestiti dall'Ecosistema grazie alla collaborazione con Unioncamere Piemonte, partner EEN - Enterprise Europe Network, si era chiusa lo scorso 30 settembre 2023 e aveva visto candidate 155 domande per progetti di innovazione e un totale complessivo di contributi richiesti pari a circa 31,5 milioni di euro. Leggi di più qui.  
Hub Nodes
Avviso di consultazione pubblica sul Piano Triennale di Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza
In vista dell’aggiornamento del Piano Triennale di Prevenzione della Corruzione e della Trasparenza (PTPCT) per il triennio 2024-2026, la Società avvia una consultazione pubblica aperta per raccogliere osservazioni e proposte sulla bozza di Piano, reperibile a seguire.    Tutti gli stakeholders sono pertanto invitati a far pervenire - entro le ore 12:00 del 21 gennaio 2024 - le rispettive proposte di modifiche ed integrazioni, delle quali si terrà conto nel percorso di predisposizione e adozione interna.   Per formulare le suddette proposte è possibile scrivere al RPCT della Società, all’indirizzo mail inserendo quale oggetto della e mail: "CONSULTAZIONE PUBBLICA - AGGIORNAMENTO PTPCT".    Link al Piano e suoi allegati:   Bozza del Piano Triennale per la Prevenzione della Corruzione e Trasparenza Allegato 1 - Gestione del rischio Allegato 2 - Obblighi di pubblicazione Allegato 3 - Riferimenti normativi e di prassi. Definizioni di corruzione e trasparenza    
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
The Researchers of the NODES project took part in the 84th Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology
From 14 to 17 December last, the 84th Congress of the Italian Society of Cardiology was held in Roma, a prestigious event that brought together top Italian experts to discuss and share the latest scientific advances in cardiology.     Dr. Ines Basso, representing the group of Nurses Researchers of University of Piemonte Orientale, led by Prof. Dal Molin, presented the protocol of the study relating to the Research Module 1 of the Flagship Project TINCARE.   The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a new care model aimed at facilitating the transition from hospital to home for individual hospitalized following an episode of heart failure in reducing hospital readmissions. An experienced nurse will conduct a support intervention to help the patient and their family to improve their self-care and self-manage the disease, also thanks to the use of innovative technological devices to early detect any worsening conditions.  Given the progressive ageing of the population, it is important to design new treatment solutions that can ensure sustainability and effectiveness in responding to the health needs of a society that is changing the demographic structure of its population.   
Hub Nodes
Bandi per le imprese NODES. Si chiude l'anno: i prossimi passi per il 2024.
Nel 2023 NODES non ha perso occasione per dare i numeri.  Stiamo parlando di quelli relativi alle imprese che hanno partecipato ai Bandi a cascata dell'Ecosistema dedicati ai finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca industriale, sviluppo sperimentale e percorsi di accesso a servizi di innovazione. Un veloce riepilogo per chi si fosse perso le puntate precedenti:    Linea A e B - I cut-off: 276 domande ricevute per un valore di 46,9 MLN di euro;  Linea A - Mezzogiorno: 155 domande per un valore di 31,5 MLN di euro; Linea A e B - II cut-off: 229 domande e un valore totale di 38,0 MLN di euro. La bellezza di 660 domande per ricerca e innovazione presentate dalle imprese del territorio dell'Ecosistema - dal "Nord-Ovest" al Sud del Paese - capaci di rappresentare 116 milioni di euro di investimenti. Progetti che NODES è chiamata a valutare uno a uno per attribuire i fondi messi a disposizione dal MUR in base al Programma PNRR-NextGenerationEU.   Gli esiti dei primi bandi sono già stati pubblicati con 83 proposte ammesse: 57 progetti per ricerca e sviluppo, 26 per i servizi di innovazione. Le prime 138 imprese - quelle ammesse al finanziamento per la I cut-off - hanno ormai avviato i lavori. Per loro l'Ecosistema ha previsto un ciclo di laboratori "Imprese@NODES" per incontrare le realtà, avviare con loro i progetti e supportarle in tutte le fasi: dopo il primo incontro "Boost your project" di dicembre, al rientro dalle feste, l'11 gennaio si terrà il secondo laboratorio "Smart buyers".  E per tutti gli altri? Le commissioni stanno lavorando senza sosta per portare a termine le valutazioni e stilare le graduatorie di attribuzione. I risultati dei Bandi Linea A - Mezzogiorno saranno disponibili a partire dalla terza settimana di gennaio.  A febbraio, sarà la volta dell'elenco delle imprese finanziabili a valere sulla seconda cut-off dei Bandi Linea A e B che si erano chiusi, per ultimi, lo scorso 31 ottobre.    A quel punto non saranno solo i numeri a parlare, ma anche i progetti. Rivedi tutti i bandi dell'Ecosistema NODES    
5. Industria della salute e silver economy
La Società Italiana per l'Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC) presenta il ''Il Workshop sui sensori inerziali per l'analisi clinica della mobilità: strategie per un uso consapevole''
Il monitoraggio della mobilità in ambulatorio e in condizioni di vita reale, la nuova frontiera della medicina personalizzata, è possibile attraverso un uso consapevole dei sensori inerziali.    I sensori indossabili di tipo inerziali essendo leggeri e miniaturizzati possono consentire una valutazione oggettiva e dettagliata del movimento umano ma allo stesso tempo anche più rapida, pratica e accessibile sia in un contesto ambulatoriale che di vita quotidiana. Tuttavia, è necessario che chi utilizza i sensori inerziali sia pienamente consapevole delle loro potenzialità e dei loro limiti.  Il workshop offerto dalla Società Italiana per l'Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), comprendendo parte teorica e pratica, rappresenta un'occasione fondamentale, specialmente per i clinici, per prendere consapevolezza con l'uso di questi sensori.  Durante la parte teorica verranno descritti i sensori e forniti i metodi per estrarre i principali parametri di interesse dal punto di vista clinico.  Durante la parte pratica i partecipanti verranno coinvolti in modo interattivo e verranno analizzati i dati provenienti da cammini patologici di varia natura, oltre a fornire le linee guida per acquisizioni appropriate.  Questo workshop ha inoltre la peculiarità di fondere le competenza ingegneristiche a quelle cliniche grazie ad un corpo docente proveniente da entrambi i mondi.    L'evento, che si svolgerà giovedì 22 febbraio 2024, è organizzato secondo la struttura Hub & Spoke.  Sarà possibile partecipare esclusivamente in presenza in una delle otto sedi italiane: Torino (sede HUb), Ancora, Milano, Bologna, Roma, Padova, Catania e Sassari. Al seguente link sono disponibili tutte le informazioni e la locandina ufficiale.  Le iscrizioni al workshop sono aperte e ci si registra tramite Google Form entro il 18 febbraio.  La partecipazione è gratuita per i soci SIAMOC per l'anno solare 2024 (a parte per gli studenti di laurea triennale e magistrale per cui invece è gratuita e non viene richiesto di associarsi). Per maggiori informazioni sulle modalità di associazione consultare il seguente link.  Il numero di posti è limitato e conviene affrettarsi ad iscriversi.  La sede Hub è rappresentata dal Politecnico di Torino a cui fanno riferimento l'ing. Marco Caruso (direttore scientifico dell'evento) e dal prof. Andrea Cereatti, entrambi coinvolti nelle attività del progetto TINCARE all'interno dell'ecosistema NODES.  Il programma dettagliato dell'evento è disponibile nella locandina in allegato. Alla fine della giornata verrà fornito un attestato di partecipazione.    Chiunque necessitasse di maggiori informazioni può contattare l'ing. Marco Caruso al contatto 
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
National Energy Technology Cluster, NODES at the assembly for the Cluster's Innvoation Roadmap
The National Energy Technology Cluster organized a dynamic meeting aimed at promoting collaboration and innovation in the energy sector. The event, which brought together industry leaders, experts and stakeholders, focused on experience and knowledge sharing, highlighted by a presentation that outlined the Cluster's technology and development roadmap. The event also brought to light the role of different NRP-related activities related to the sector. The NODES Ecosystem had the opportunity to present the different actions, partners, and collaborations of actors in the Northwest of Italy. Miriam Pirra, coordinator of activities dedicated to Ecosystem Engagement and Development actions for Spoke 1, highlighted the importance of regional collaboration and the work of the different Ecosystem Spokes in achieving sustainable energy goals. As a platform for dialogue, networking, and exchange of ideas, the event not only facilitated meaningful connections but also created an environment conducive to promoting positive changes in the energy sector. This collective effort represents a step forward in the shared pursuit, at all geographic levels, of a more sustainable and resilient energy future.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Circular Economy in Scotland, how to learn from foreign experiences: the Nodes project arrives in Aberdeen
On 7 December 2023, Prof. Patrizia Gazzola, professor at the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, went to Scotland to participate in an event entitled: A Circular Scotland In Europe.   The conference, which is part of a cycle of 4 events coordinated by the University of Aberdee, was held at the P&J Live Aberdeen conference centre, bringing together various personalities from both the academic world and the world of institutions.   During the meeting, the NODES project and the activity carried out by Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry as an Italian best practice in research on sustainable and in particular circular tourism were presented. We talked about sustainability, both in terms of innovation in the production system of the tourism system, but also in the digitalisation of small and medium-sized businesses so that they can reduce costs and waste.   Prof. Gazzola, who spoke in the panel: "Unpacking circular economy capabilities: a comparison with advances in the countries of the European Union", illustrated the Italian experience of circular economy in general and linked to tourism in particular. He also specified that its application can contribute to increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of ecosystem companies through the implementation of innovation and digitalisation processes specific to the territory.   Finally, we talked about how to enhance cultural heritage with the creation of company museums. The various moments of discussion were useful and fruitful for exchanging different experiences, new circular economy ideas and new applications as well as new network relationships to share with the other Nodes participants.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Uninsubria students taking lessons from ComoNext Innovation Hub
On Monday 11 December 2023, an event dedicated to Sustainable Tourism students of the University of Insubria entitled: "Innovation Trekking" was held at COMONExT Innovation Hub, partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry.   During the day the students had the opportunity to meet representatives of the GReD - Geomatics Research & Development srl company, who illustrated cutting-edge solutions for the precise monitoring of movements on structures and terrain, highlighting the relevant applications in the sector tourist. In particular, GNSS detection technologies, fundamental to understanding the HEMOC project, were explored in depth. The presentation focused on the generation of data relating to the measurement of microdisplacements of the monitored buildings, underlining the integration of monitoring, virtual reality and cultural heritage.   Subsequently, the company DkR srl introduced the concepts of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (RM), highlighting how these technologies would be integrated into the HEMOC project. He explained how such tools would enable immersive and intuitive visualization of the data generated by the technologies provided by G-RED.   Finally, DkR representatives involved the students in the Marketing Lab laboratory, offering them the opportunity to directly experience Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality technologies via headsets. This practical session allowed students to experience firsthand the immersive experience offered by the technologies presented during the event.   The meeting proved to be a unique opportunity for the students to deepen their understanding of advanced technologies applied to monitoring and visualization, thus contributing to their study path in the field of sustainable tourism.  
3. Culture and tourism industry
Nodes on display. The exhibition dedicated to "images of sustainability" debuts in Vercelli
The inauguration of the exhibition: "Nodes on display. Images of sustainability" was held on Friday 1 December at the GIOIN Space of the Municipality of Vercelli, which will be possible to visit until 20 December 2023. The event, organized by the University of Eastern Piedmont, partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, with the patronage of the Municipality and Province of Vercelli, had as its object the display of 32 international posters on environmental sustainability. Thirty-two posters divided into five sections: “Pollution”; “There's new air! Global warming"; “Living to live: the network of life”; “Biodiversity: the beating heart of the Earth”; “Care and reciprocity”; as well as an out-of-section manifesto that underlines the need and possibility of change (Sebastian Becerra Corral, “Let's change the pace of our economy', Mexico, 2020). The images selected by the curator Annalisa D'orsi, coming from the archives of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, grouped into five categories, are innovatively used by the exhibition as tools for dialogue with the territory, to fuel a reflection on the relevance of culture and imaginary in the transition towards a more sustainable society. The idea is simple but the challenge is complex: if we want to think and practice a sustainable way of life, our culture must also change. After the institutional greetings of the Municipality, as requested by the curator, all the people who spoke spent part of their speech to describe a word that they consider crucial from the point of view of environmental sustainability. The words were: intersectionality, education, research, circularity, heritage, biodiversity, culture. During the meeting, the NODES ecosystem was also presented and, in particular, the work of the UPO Spoke 3 research group.   Among the people who spoke were: councilor Gianna Baucero of the Municipality of Vercelli, Prof. Roberta Lombardi, teacher and director of DISSTE UPO, Prof. Filippo Fassina, representing DISUM UPO, Prof. Stefania Cerutti, teacher and scientific director NODES Spoke 3 UPO research group, Prof. Davide Porporato, member professor NODES Spoke 3 UPO research group, Gabriele Varalda representative of the Ecomuseo delle Terre d'Acqua, Sara Ghirardi of the Atlantis Research Center (CRA) and the anthropologist cultural, NODES Spoke 3 Upo research fellow as well as curator of the exhibition and catalog Annalisa D'Orsi. Finally, during the inauguration, two seminars were presented which will take place on 6 and 14 December 2023 in the exhibition space, co-organised together with the Province of Vercelli and the Ecomuseo delle Terre d'Acqua. - Wednesday 6 December, from 5pm to 7.30pm: “Tourism, agriculture and biodiversity. Sustainable and complementary actions". - Thursday 16 December, from 5pm to 7.30pm: “Biodiversity in rice fields. Study and protection".  
7. Agroindustria secondaria
Quale innovazione tecnologica, digitale e sostenibile per l'Agri-Food?
Un workshop tenuto da Spoke 7 nell'ambito delle iniziative EIT food   Le ricercatrici e i ricercatori dello Spoke 7 hanno partecipato a una giornata organizzata nella sede Unito di Cuneo dall'Università di Torino e dal CEIP - Centro Estero Internazionalizzazione Piemonte nell'ambito delle iniziative di EIT Food.    Il pomeriggio è stato focalizzato a raccontare l'esperienza dello Spoke 7 del progetto NODES. Al workshop, dal titolo Quale innovazione tecnologica, digitale e sostenibile per l'Agri- Food?, hanno partecipato studentesse, studenti e imprese del territorio.    L'incontro è stato introdotto da Mauro Gola (presidente della Camera di commercio di Cuneo). Dario Vallauri (Polo Agrifood MIAC Scpa Cuneo e NODES) ha presentato un intervento dal titolo NODES – Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile: Le linee di azione dello Spoke 7 a supporto della sostenibilità dell’Agrindustria Secondaria.   La presentazione è proseguita con interventi di ricercatori e ricercatrici degli atenei sulle attività condotte da NODES per il comparto agrifoody: Dario Peirone (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università di Torino e Presidente Ceipiemonte), Danilo Demarchi (Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Politecnico di Torino), Milena Viassone (Dipartimento di Management "Valter Cantino", Università di Torino), Andrea Mahmuti (Dipartimento di Management "Valter Cantino", Università di Torino), Judy Song (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università di Torino) e Naji Sulaiman (Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche).      
Press releases
3. Culture and tourism industry
Sustainable and Circular Economy: the textile sector at the forefront to promote change
Yesterday, a Spoke 3 – Tourism and Culture Industry conference was held entitled: Sustainable and Circular economy: The case of Textile Industry.   The first session was presented in the main hall of the University of Insubria of Como Sant'Abbondio and brought together illustrious scholars from abroad who spoke about: international law, fast fashion and circular economy also presenting several very interesting case studies.   Prof. Barbara Pozzo, scientific director of the Nodes Project for Uninsubria, held a speech entitled: The challenges of sustainability for companies in the textile-fashion sector: the NODES Project, through which she illustrated to those present the Nodes project and the positive implications it can have on companies operating in the textile and fashion sector that approach sustainability.   In the afternoon the event moved to the Como – Lecco Chamber of Commerce where important exponents of the Como textile sector reported their entrepreneurial experience. Virtuous examples of circular economy were presented; sustainability is the basis of a new way of doing business and the textile sector is working to ensure that there is an effective paradigm shift. Great attention to the environment, the use of recycled materials and thoughtful production are the basis of the change.
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Clone of Spoke 2 at Ecomondo fair: innovation, networking and tangible successes
It is with great satisfaction that the delegation of Spoke 2 - Green Technologies and Sustainable Industry concludes its participation in the prestigious Ecomondo fair, hosted by the stand of the University of Turin. Ecomondo 2023 was a unique opportunity to network with companies in the Green world and to present the NODES - Northwest Digital And Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem. We could have talked with the more than 1,500 exhibiting brands, or the 300 buyers, or even more importantly with the delegates from the 280 nations represented... but we confess we couldn't make it ;-) Nevertheless, we walked many steps, to visit the other booths and shake hands and tell our stories of innovation, education and technologies. Spoke 2 also had a chance to get noticed thanks to the participation of Proplast, a Spoke partner innovation hub, which presented a poster during the session "Towards a national program for industrial symbiosis: perspectives and opportunities for Italy." The poster, available in the attachments, provides a detailed overview of NODES and the specific activities of Spoke 2. During the event, we had the pleasure of congratulating in person the company IRIS s.r.l., winner of the NODES Line A grant. IRIS s.r.l.'s presence at the fair not only helped strengthen the reputation of Spoke 2, but also led to a well-deserved recognition. IRIS s.r.l. was honored by the Foundation for Sustainable Development as one of the top ten companies in the field of circular water management. These kinds of tangible successes demonstrate the effectiveness of the synergies generated within this innovation ecosystem.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Nanovescicles associated with the matrix: miniature heroes against chronic inflammation
 Chronic inflammation is a common persistent immune response observed in various degenerative diseases that can promote chronic disease.   In this context, immunomodulation, which involves the ability to instruct immune cells to move from an inflammatory to a regeneate state, thus promoting the resolution of pathology, represents an intriguing solutions.  In regenerative medicine, various strategies can be used to achieve this effect, including exploiting the intrinsic regenerative potential of innovative biological materials: extracellular matrix-associated nanovescicles. These tiny structures, ranging in size from 50 to 400 nanometers, are secreted by cells in various tissues and released into the extracellular matrix and anchored firmly to it. Their presence has been identified in the extracellular matrix of different tissues, such as the skin, heart and intestinal submucosa.   
3. Culture and tourism industry
Sustainability Practice: students meet professional sustainability companies
The first meeting of the cycle Sustainability in practice – Students meet best practices in sustainability will be held on Friday 24 November 2023 at the Eco fraction of Baggero and the Water mill, Merone (CO). The event is organized by the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3 and sees the involvement of Professor Roberta Minazzi and Doctors Daniele Grechi and Francesca Rizzi who will have the task to accompany the students on site and guide them along the learning path of the case study together with sector managers who operate in the field of sustainability. In fact, the project aims to promote a cycle of company visits on the topic of sustainability directly to places that represent interest and best practices. Students will be able to experience firsthand the sustainability practices implemented by the live testimony of managers and project leaders. Participants will be able to apply theory to practice and develop appropriate entrepreneurial skills by listening to the real experiences of managers and company directors in the public and private sector. The aim of the seminars is to offer an applied vision of the topic of sustainability as a driver for the development of the territory and the valorization of culture. The event on 24 November aims to integrate the skills of the students of the three-year and master's degrees from an entrepreneurial perspective by putting them in contact with the actors in the public and private sector in which they will be working; the mission of the project is to provide students with managerial skills aimed at training future managers of the tourist destination. The second meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2023 at the Silk Museum in Como.    
Hub Nodes
PoC Accademici: pubblicati i nuovi bandi della II finestra
Su questo sito sono disponibili i bandi e relative documentazioni per partecipare alla seconda finestra dei PoC Accademici.   Dal 16 novembre i ricercatori in team potranno presentare le proprie proposte progettuali per i temi di ricerca e innovazione proposti dagli Spoke dell'Ecosistema:   - Spoke 1: Aerospazio e mobilità sostenibile - Spoke 2: Green technologies e industria sostenibile - Spoke 3: Industria del turismo e cultura - Spoke 5: Industria della salute e silver economy   I bandi chiudono il 09 gennaio 2024.   Bandi PoC Accademici - IIa finestra Spoke 1 - Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 5