
A remote assistance intervention to improve the management of patients with heart failure discharged from the hospital

A telephone nursing coaching program with tele-monitoring of vital signs to reduce hospital readmissions and improve the patients' ability to self-care.

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome associated with disabling symptoms that worsen the quality of life and lead to frequent hospitalizations. 


In recent years, medical advances in the management of heart failure have extended life expectancy but have also made the treatment regimen more complex. To prevent episodes of flare-up, for example, the person must learn to limit fluid intake, reduce salt consumption, strictly adhere to therapy and monitor weight daily. 


An educational program managed by an experienced nurse, in collaboration with specialist physicians, which involves the active involvement of the patient in their treatment plan, including through a tele-monitoring system of vital parameters, could reduce hospital service utilization and improve people's quality of life and well-being. 


The nurse, in fact, for his extensive expertise in the clinical and educational field, plays a crucial role in improving the ability to identify symptoms and self-manage of the disease. 


After an initial mutual knowledge, the patient who will participate in the research will be contacted by phone by healthcare every two weeks. He will be supported in recognizing any episodes of disease exacerbation and educated onn the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it will be equipped with a kit for tele-monitoring of weight, blood pressure, heart rate and bood oxygen saturation. 


Thanks to the technology, the vital signs measured by the patient will be automatically sent to the nurse who, remotely, can monitor person's health status and, if needed, implement the necessary actions to prevent aggravation.