
Presented and exemplified the services that can be funded with Line B - Spoke 1 Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility

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Spoke 1 PartnersAerospace and Sustainable mobility, presented the Catalogue of Fundable Innovation Services for Businesses, illustrating with practical examples the opportunities for grant funding of cascade call Line B.

During the Infoday, Spoke 1's scientific coordinator, Giuseppe Scellato, described the project's thematic areas and the b-line for fundable services for innovation and business development, with its dedicated catalog.

Spoke 1 Partners, Politecnico di Torino/Environment Park, University of Turin, Fondazione Piemonte Innova (Polo ICT), and business incubator I3P later illustrated the services through practical, real-world examples

Participating companies later had the opportunity to engage directly with ecosystem partners.

The recording of the event is available on the Ecosystem NODES YouTube channel.


Click here to watch the even (ita)


Foto by Patrick Fore onUnsplash


Services catalogue
The presentation of Spoke 1 and Line B