
Spoke 4 presents the calls on Digital and Sustainable Mountain

Spoke 4 presentazione bandi
Spoke 4 of the NODES ecosystem presents the opportunities of "cascade funding" for the mountainous territory
Spoke 4 of the NODES ecosystem presents the opportunities of the "cascade calls" for the mountain territory

Yesterday, an event was held at the headquarters of the University of Valle d'Aosta in Saint Christophe, presenting the funding calls for the "NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile" project and the application process, with a focus on Spoke 4 - Digital and Sustainable Mountain.

After the greetings from Mariagrazia Monaci, Rector of the University of Valle d'Aosta, Chiara Ferroni, the General Director of HUB NODES, explained the organization and functioning of the project.

Subsequently, the scientific coordinators of Spoke 4, including Marco Alderighi (project manager Spoke 4, University of Valle d'Aosta), Francesco Laio (Spoke 4 manager, Polytechnic University of Turin), and Laura Scomparin (Spoke 4 manager - University of Turin), along with Davide Poggi (innovation booster - Polytechnic University of Turin) and Alessandra Quarta (competence booster - University of Turin) provided insights. Roberto Strocco (project and territorial development manager, Unioncamere Piemonte) explained the functionalities of the platform for participating in the calls at

Spoke 4 presentazione bandi