
All the news about NODES and its innovation ecosystem: projects, partners, announcements, and events.

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3. Culture and tourism industry
Hub Nodes
General Assembly NODES: numeri confortanti dopo 9 mesi di progetto
Il 10 luglio si è tenuta a Torino l'Assemblea Generale dell'Ecosistema dell'innovazione.  Lunedì 10 luglio a Torino è stata una giornata molto calda per l’Ecosistema NODES. Vuoi per il sole che picchiava sulla Cavallerizza Reale. Ma soprattutto perché lì, nell’Aula Magna dell’Università, si è tenuta l’Assemblea Generale dell’Ecosistema dell'innovazione.    Un momento importante di confronto e allineamento per il ricco gruppo di lavoro costituito dalle delegazioni di tutti i 24 partner coinvolti: gli atenei, i poli d'innovazione, i centri di ricerca, gli incubatori, i competence center e acceleratori.   Cristina Prandi - Vice Rettore dell'Università di Torino - ha fatto gli onori di casa salutando le oltre 120 persone presenti - "Grazie a questo progetto, per la prima volta gli atenei sono responsabilizzati ad erogare fondi ai privati: una nuova modalità di relazione per le strutture pubbliche della ricerca che esige la piena correttezza nell’uso delle risorse".    Nell'arco della giornata, Chiara Ferroni, Direttore Generale di HUB NODES, ha portato avanti i lavori dell’assemblea ribadendo gli importanti risultati raggiunti e le strategie condotte dall’Ecosistema per cogliere le opportunità messe in campo dai fondi MUR - PNRR in materia di innovazione, ricerca e trasformazione tecnologica per il territorio del Nord-Ovest e il Sud d’Italia.    Dopo nove mesi di attività, i numeri iniziano ad avere una fisionomia importante per comprendere l'impatto del progetto NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile, avviato a ottobre 2022 e che si concluderà a fine settembre 2025. 
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Relaxometric Investigation of Fe(III) Complexes and Their Supramolecular Adducts
Contrast agents (CAs) are used in over 40% of the tens of millions of MRI clinical examinations performed each year. All CAs approved for clinical use are complexes based on the metal ion Gd(III).   Approximately 50 tons of this element, which belongs to rare earths, are administered to patients every year.  However, the production of rare earths is only 1% in the EU but 90% in China. In addition, these elements are challenging to extract usign environmentally sustainable processes and to recover after use.  To correct these imbalances and strengthen its value chains, the EU aims to find viable alternatives based on metals with low environmental impact and widely available.  Our project explores the possibility of replacing Gd(III) with endogenous ions such as Fe(III) or Mn(II).  Recent results indicate that Fe(III) chelates have properties suitable for this purpose, but there are multiple challenges to overcome.  Dr. Nucera, a researcher in Prof. Botta's research group (DISIT-UPO) within the flagship project INNDIANA, has been selected for an oral presentation at an important scientific congress and he will discuss the chemical and magnetic characterization of two model compound, Fe(III) complexes with derivates of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) containing 1 or 2 benzylidene-methoxy-methylene (BOM) arms: EDTA-BOM1 and EDTA-BOM2.     This study represents an initial basis for the future design of system thta combine high efficacy, stability, kinetic inertia and the ability to engage in non-covalent interactions with proteins. 
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
A new technology for remote monitoring of cochlear implants
Elderly deaf patients are known to be fragile: there is an increased risk of falls and depressive states linked to social isolation. They often have a reduced physical functionality that lead to a decline in daily activities.  Hearing rehabilitation can alleviate these weaknesses and in case of severe to profound hearing loss, cochlear implants provide an optimal solution. These implants directly stimulate the auditory nerve and they need proper control and installation.  In particular, the cochlear implant is mapped (adjustement of the intensity and electrical current for each electrode that stimulates the cochlea) and, especially in the first year, frequent appointments are required to monitor the rehabilitation protocol.  Sometimes this can be a problem for patients, having to undergo frequent hospital checks.    Recognizing the need for a new model of care delivery to alleviate the burden on both patients and healthcare facilities, an innovative solution based on remote monitoring of hearing remediation devices thorugh teleassistance has been conceptualized and will be developed.  This innovative method has been designed to increase clinical efficiency by evaluating the management needs of each individual patient and identifying those who truly require an in-person appointment.  At the same time, patients benefit from a more convenient care option that keeps them in touch with their healthcare provider and ensures the possibility of requesting a hospital visit only when necessary,  In particular, parents can be reassured that their child's device works well without the necessity to go to the hospital.     
Comunicati stampa
Hub Nodes
NODES e i bandi a cascata del PNRR: le imprese non stanno a guardare.
Si è chiusa la prima finestra dei bandi con un’ottima partecipazione da parte del territorio: raccolte domande per 46,9 milioni di Euro.  Lo scorso 30 giugno si sono chiusi i termini di presentazione delle domande di finanziamento a valere sui fondi MUR-PNRR messi a disposizione dall’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione NODES – Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile per le imprese del territorio. 
Un primo obiettivo può dirsi già centrato: la partecipazione è stata molto buona con 276 domande pervenute e un valore complessivo di contributo richiesto di 46,9 milioni di euro. In questo modo i primi fondi del PNRR per le imprese (più di 16 milioni di Euro) potranno essere effettivamente utilizzati secondo le aspettative.   Prende ora avvio l'importante fase di valutazione dei progetti, presentati negli ambiti dell’Ecosistema, per ricerca industriale, sviluppo sperimentale e accesso ai servizi di innovazione.   Il Presidente di NODES, Guido Saracco dichiara: "Questi numeri confermano che, nonostante le perplessità e preoccupazioni rispetto al fatto che l’Italia non riesca a cogliere pienamente le opportunità garantite dai fondi PNRR, oggi la migliore risposta è fornita dalle aziende che dimostrano fiducia negli strumenti messi a disposizione dal MUR e in particolare dall’Ecosistema NODES per fare innovazione e ricerca sul territorio in modo virtuoso".   Il lavoro per promuovere i bandi e le opportunità ha visto coinvolto tutto l’Ecosistema con eventi nelle città, webinar e incontri di approfondimento, networking tra gli Spoke, i partner e le associazioni di categoria del mondo imprenditoriale.  Il Direttore Generale di NODES, Chiara Ferroni coglie l’occasione ricordando le prossime scadenze: 
   "i bandi per le imprese del mezzogiorno sono in pieno svolgimento e scadranno il prossimo 04/09/2023; inoltre, dal 01/09/2023 si aprirà la seconda finestra dei bandi per il Nord Ovest con scadenza 31/10/2023".    E rilancia la sfida: “Nuove opportunità che siamo sicuri le imprese dimostreranno, una volta di più, di saper sfruttare pienamente".   La gestione ottimale dei bandi, inoltre, è avvenuta grazie alla collaborazione istituzionale tra NODES e Unioncamere Piemonte con il supporto di un team dedicato e della piattaforma, già utilizzata dal mondo delle imprese.    "Il PNRR, a cui fanno capo i bandi a cascata di NODES, rappresenta un’occasione straordinaria di crescita per il nostro tessuto economico: la risposta che sta arrivando dalle nostre imprese - anche grazie a un capillare e approfondito sistema di informazione e formazione e a un importante lavoro di squadra delle istituzioni - ci inorgoglisce e ci conferma la grande capacità del territorio di voler e saper cogliere le sfide continue poste nei campi dell’innovazione e della trasformazione ambientale, in un’ottica di sostenibilità e cultura digitale applicate in più campi" commenta Paolo Bertolino, Segretario Generale di Unioncamere Piemonte. 
Tutte le informazioni e aggiornamenti sono disponibili sul questo sito. Consulta tutti i bandi
Hub Nodes
Pubblicati i primi esiti per Bandi Industrial PhD
Sono state pubblicate le prime graduatorie delle imprese che hanno manifestato interesse a promuovere dottorati di ricerca in base agli Avvisi Industrial PhD pubblicati lo scorso aprile.   È possibile reperire le graduatorie ai seguenti link:   Spoke 2 - Spoke 3 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5  - Spoke 7 Per quanto riguarda i dottorati industriali di Spoke 1 e Spoke 6, conseguentemente alla proroga dei termini di scadenza al 09/06/2023 degli Avvisi specifici,  la pubblicazione dei risultati relativi è stata posticipata ulteriormente alla settimana del 10/07/2023.   Di seguito i link alle pagine di riferimento:   Spoke 1 - Spoke 6     
Hub Nodes
HUB NODES ricerca Project Manager
Nella sezione Lavora con noi è disponibile l'avviso di selezione per la posizione di Project Manager. La risorsa individuata sarà inserita nell'ambito delle attività dell’HUB NODES per svolgere attività di project management nell’area di Research and Innovation, dedicata al coordinamento, monitoraggio e valutazione dei risultati delle attività del Progetto NODES.  In particolare, il/la candidato/a si occuperà di supportare il Direttore Generale e il Research and Innovation Manager nel coordinare gli Spoke che compongono l’Ecosistema, in riferimento al monitoraggio dell’avanzamento fisico e finanziario, alla valutazione delle attività svolte nonché al reporting e alla diffusione dei risultati di tutte iniziative proposte delle imprese, selezionate e finanziate attraverso i Bandi a Cascata dell’Ecosistema NODES (portafoglio dei progetti e servizi finanziati). La figura selezionata dovrà operare in stretta collaborazione con i referenti degli Spoke, scambiando le informazioni e azioni necessarie.   Tra i requisiti: aver maturato un’esperienza lavorativa complessiva di almeno tre anni presso società pubbliche o private, enti pubblici o pubbliche amministrazioni in settori che abbiamo attinenza con l’area della ricerca e innovazione e/o al trasferimento tecnologico;   Tipologia contratto: dipendente a tempo indeterminato.   Invio delle candidature: entro le ore 17.00 del 04/09/2023.   Consulta l'annuncio      
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 publishes the results of the selection for Industrial PhDs
The ranking of companies that have expressed interest in co-financing research projects for scholarships for the XXXIX cycle, a.y. is available online. 2023-2024 for the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry.   The call was published in April 2023 and envisaged the activation of 4 three-year Research Doctorate positions financed by the PNRR-NODES project and by companies interested in developing collaborations with universities in the ecosystem.   An examining commission made up of 3 experts was responsible for evaluating the projects, taking into account the impact that they would have had on the career and employability prospects of doctoral students; in fact, among the main objectives of the Nodes project is the increase in youth employment.   The 4 winning projects of the tender are focused on the innovation needs of the Ecosystem territory and in accordance with the research and innovation themes of Spoke 3. The PhD students will be employed in research based on digitalisation, technological development and the creation of innovative services to be used in the tourism and culture industry.   Graduatoria  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Industrial PhD: selection results are now available online
It is online the ranking of companies that have expressed interest in co-financing doctoral positions for the XXXIX cycle, a.a. 2023-2024 for Spoke 5 - Health Industry and Silver Economy.  The call, published in May 2023, provided for the activation of 6 research doctoral positions of three years funded by the PNRR-NODES project and by companies interested in establishing collaborations with universities.    The project proposals received were examined by the Evalutation Commission, made up of 3 experts, passing thorugh various evaluation stages.  The impact of the projects on the career prospects and employability of doctoral students was one of the key evaluation criteria, in line with one of the main objectives of NODES project such as increasing youth employment.    The 4 eligible and funded projects are focused on the innovation needs of the Ecosystem's territory and they are aligned with the research and innovation themes of Spoke 5. PhD students will be employed in research based on experimental medicine and persolized therapies, territorial medicine, clinical and pre-clinical experimentation in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields (for both human and veterinary use).     Ranking
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Myocardial infarction: an innovative approach to regenerate the heart
The doctor Simona Casarella, PhD student at the laboratory of Human Anatomy led by Professor Francesca Boccafoschi, together with the master student Federica Ferla, deal with the project ''Identification of laminin-binding oligopeptides in cardiac development: a possible use in functionalized dECM-based biomaterials to restore cardiac functionality in late phase of acute-Myocardial Infarction (MI)'', which aims to study cardiac functional regeneration after a heart attack through the use of innovative biomaterials.    Myocardial infarction affects approximately 3 million people worldwide and it is associated with modifiable risk factors (e.g. lifestyle habits, cigarette smoking, etc.) and non-modifiable factors (e.g. gender, family history, etc).  One of the main causes is atherosclerosis, which is the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that lead to vascular occlusion resulting in cellular death due to inadequate or absent vascularization of the tissue and necrosis of the damaged area.  The functional restoration of damaged tissue or its replacement is made complex also by the fact that cardiomyocytes (cardiac muscle cells) lack regenerative capabilities.      The main clinical therapies for heart attack include drug therapies and implantantion of the ventricular assistance device (VAD). However, none of these strategies is capable of restoring the cardiac phenotype of cells and avoiding the functional loss of the affectes area.  Due to the high incidence of the pathology and the inadequacy of current therapeutic solutions, cardiovascular engineering is a field of particular interest for basic and traslational research.  In this regard, biomaterials, composed of synthetic and/or natural materials, would represent a potential solution for cardiac regeneration.      
1. Aerospace and sustainable mobility
Spoke 1 for Southern Italy, funding opportunities for businesses
On Thursday, June 22, Spoke 1, Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility, showcased opportunities dedicated to southern Italian companies. The event was hosted by the Politecnico di Bari, with the participation of all Southern Italian Partners, namely the University of Catania and the Institute for Membrane Technology (CNR) of Rende (CS). Spoke representatives explained the different characteristics of the ecosystem, thematic areas and Spoke and the calls related to them. Raffella Di Nardo, research and innovation manager of the NODES ecosystem, illustrated the goals of the Ecosystem and the value of the Partners, as well as the structure of Ecosystem. Giuseppe Scellato, scientific coordinator of Spoke, described the three flagship projects of Spoke (Space4You, H2Mobility and Electro), with the support of the scientific leaders of the Southern Partners for the three projects. Giuseppe Pascazio, scientific leader for Politecnico di Bari for Space4You, illustrated PoliBa's work for NODES on thermodynamic design, autonomous planetary surface exploration systems, photonic systems and smart structures, and business models of the New Space Economy. Enrica Fontananova, scientific leader for H2Mobility, illustrated the work of CNR-ITM on the sustainability of membranes with regard to hydrogen for mobiility; these have a high environmental impact and their role for industrial innovation is crucial. Giacomo Scelba, scientific leader for University of Catania, presented the goal of his research group, which is dedicated to realizing ac/dc converters, made with high efficiencies and power intensity, to guarantee up to 800 volts.
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Wearable devices to monitor hiking and falls
The Higher Institute of Health estimates that by 2050, the percentage of elderly people will double increasing from 11% to 22%.  This means that health facilities may have to handle a number of people that we had never seen before.  In this context, every action aimed at preventing health problems, especially for the most vulnerable people such as the edlerlt, could avoid the congestion of health facilities.    Among the most frequent problems for this type of populatio, falls are a frequent concern, often leading to incomplete recovery of motricity and, in some cases, proving to be fatal.    Thanks to the use of wearable devices that constanlty monitor the hiking of the person wearing the device and the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, it is possible to evaluate the quality of a person's hiking and therefore try to predict a potential fall.    In fact, once the system detects that a situation is potentially dangerous (e.g. ''high probability of a fall in the next 1-5 days), the doctor can intervene, for example, by changing the therapy or prescribing specific visits in order to minimize the risk of a fall event.     
2. Green technologies and sustainable industries
Line A, Line B and Line A cascade calls for the Mezzogiorno presented to the National Clusters
Today the National Clusters had the opportunity to learn about the cascading calls Linea A, Linea B and Linea A for Southern Italy, presented during a digital event organised by Spoke 2 - Green technologies and sustainable industry of the NODES Ecosystem. The meeting, expertly moderated by Susana Remotti of Proplast and Ilaria Schiavi of Environment Park, illustrated the interesting funding and training opportunities for companies and researchers. Chiara Ferroni presented the NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile project, while Prof. Cristina Prandi explained the functions of Spoke 2, focused on Green technologies and sustainable industry. Dr. Edoardo Braccio illustrated the cascade calls, expiring on 30 June, for research and innovation projects, and the training activities for companies. Dr. Marika Anzalone from Unioncamere provided valuable advice on how best to prepare applications for funding.   Prof. Cristina Prandi, Vice-Rector of the University of Turin and Spoke 2 Coordinator, highlighted the importance of seizing these opportunities to support the green transition of the production system and the development of green skills. During the Q&A, participants delved into the details of the calls, how to apply and were able to ask questions to the organisers.  
Hub Nodes
Proroga manifestazione d'interesse per inserimento in Elenco esperti di valutazione dell'Ecosistema NODES
Aggiornamento: I termini per la presentazione della domanda di selezione di Esperti di valutazione NODES sono stati prorogati al 26 Giugno 2023, h 12:00 Di seguito l'avviso di selezione. Con determina n. 17/2023 dello scorso 19 Maggio 2023, HUB NODES s.c.a.r.l. ha attivato la raccolta di candidature spontanee attraverso Manifestazione d’Interesse per l’iscrizione nell'Elenco degli Esperti di Valutazione.

 Attraverso l’Elenco verranno selezionati e nominati i membri delle Commissioni di Valutazione a presidio di tutte le attività connesse alla valutazione delle domande di finanziamento presentate, nonchè il monitoraggio e rendicontazione dei progetti/servizi finanziati nell’ambito dei bandi a cascata di competenza dell’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione NODES. 

   Possono manifestare il proprio interesse, esperti in materia di procedimenti amministrativi di gara e/o selezione della Pubblica Amministrazione. Maggiori info alla pagina del bando     
Hub Nodes
Proroga Bandi PoC Accademici
I termini di presentazione per i Bandi PoC Accademici per gli Spoke 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 7 sono stati prorogati.   La nuova scadenza è il 30 Giugno 2023, ore 23:59.   Qui di seguito trovate i link agli avvisi: Bandi PoC Accademici Spoke 1 - Bandi PoC Accademici Spoke 2 - Bandi PoC Accademici Spoke 3 - Bandi PoC Accademici Spoke 4 - Bandi PoC Accademici Spoke 6 - Bandi PoC Accademici Spoke 7 - Bandi PoC Accademici  
5. Industry for health and Silver Economy
Organs-on-chip to treat autoimmune diseases: #toeachonetheappropriatemedicine
Dr. Giuseppe Cappellano, researcher at UPO-DISS in the Immunomics laboratory led by Professor Annalisa Chiocchetti, is responsible for the project entitled ''Autologous synovia-on-chip: a sustainable preclinical model for drug discovery and clinical trials on chip for Rheumatoid arthritis'', which aims to develop a synovial-on-chip for personalized medicine in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).    RA is an autoimmune disease (AD) in which the immune system, whose role is to defend us against pathogens, makes a mistake and attacks out joint, recognizing them as foreign. ADs are constantly increasing, and there is the necessity to identify specific therapies ad hoc for patients.  Organs-on-chip represent one of the news frontiers of modern medicine and are based on the idea of recreating a miniature human organ on a small chip.  The different tissues that constitute it are connected by a fluidic system made up of small tubes that allow the arrival of nutrients and drugs to the tissues. Despite the fact that today the drug portfolio for the treatment of autoimmune diseases is extensive, not all patients respond to therapies, and for clinicians it is not easy to identify the ''right'' one immediately.  Therefore, the patient who does not respond to drug ''1'' is treated with the drug ''2'', etc. Finding the right drug not only represents a stressful situation for the patient but also carries the risk of adverse reaction.  One solution could be to recreate in the laboratory on a small chip the tissue affected in the MA, constructed from the patient's cells (isolated from biopsies) and then treat it with various drugs: once the ''ideal'' candidate is identified, it can ben administered to the patient.    The project I'm working on, continues Dr. Cappellano, is to recreate a synovium on a chip that, once ''inflamed'', will be treated with the different drugs available for RA.  This project relies on the advice and collaboration with the start-up AI-TWIN ( whose mission is to develop next generation clinical trials on chip.