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3. Culture and tourism industry
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
Turismo ecosostenibile e comunità. Ripartiamo dal territorio
Il Dipartimento di Diritto Economia e Culture dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria ha organizzato nelle giornate del 20 e 21 maggio 2024 un convegno dal titolo:Turismo ecosostenibile e comunità. Ripartiamo dal territorio. L'evento, organizzato in collaborazione con Euricse, Miledu ed il Comune di Brunate è pensato per condividere e discutere i risultati della ricerca sul rapporto e l'impatto del turismo sulla comunità locale, con particolare riferimento al lago di Como. L'obiettivo finale di questo evento è quello di condividere alcuni risultati di ricerca sulla sostenibilità del turismo, visto anche come possibile motore di crescita dell'economia del terzo settore, quindi sostenibile non solo da un punto di vista ambientale ma anche sociale, per promuoverne la conoscenza e la diffusione, tenendo anche traccia delle criticità. La prima parte del convegno si terrà il 20 maggio 2024 dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.30 presso l'aula magna dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria sede di Como Sant'Abbondio e sarà così suddivisa: La prima sessione dell’evento porrà l’accento sulla dimensione del fenomeno turistico nell’area Lago di Como. Attraverso l’analisi di dati e casi di studio verrà analizzata l’evoluzione del turismo nell’ultimo decennio e si cercherà di rispondere ad alcune domande fondamentali per il governo del territorio: esiste un problema di overtourism? Qual è l’impatto sulla destinazione e governance: impatto sul territorio comasco o casi di studio. La seconda sessione sarà focalizzata sull’impatto dell’economia sociale sul turismo, sulla governance, sull’idea di co-progettazione del turismo con il territorio. In paritcolare si cercherà di rispondere alla seguente domanda: Perché e in che misura il terzo settore e/o l’economia sociale può contribuire a trasformare l’industria turistica? Esiste un ruolo attivo per la cittadinanza? Infine, nella terza sessione, verranno presentati casi di studio e best practice di organizzazioni che operano nell’ambito dell’economia sociale e su territori non comaschi. La seconda parte del convegno si terrà il 21 maggio 2024 dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.30 presso la biblioteca comunale di Brunate. Dopo un’analisi specifica dell'area ci sarà una successione di interventi da parte di varie realtà associative presenti sul territorio con diverse prospettive di lavoro. Parte della mattinata sarà dedicata ad un confronto con la cittadinanza, la Consulta del Turismo di Brunate e gli enti del terzo settore interessati. Per partecipare all'evento clicca qui
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 presents the second cycle of days dedicated to sustainable tourism
From 5 March 2024 to 29 April 2024, the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry will hold a series of seminars entitled: " Sustainable tourism". Specifically, 11 seminars aimed at university and high school students, citizens and sector operators, which can also be followed online (as regards meetings in English), on the topic of sustainability in the tourism sector. During the days, topics such as climate change will be discussed in relation to the development of tourism in specific areas as well as the impact that tourism can have on the territory and on the local economy in anticipation of major events such as, for example, the Milan Olympics - Curtain of 2026. The event is organized by professors of the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures who will have the task of acting as discussants during the guest speeches; these include several managers and experts in the sector. For information write to: Click here to participate online in meetings in English
3. Culture and tourism industry
Challenge Master’s Degree Hospitality for Sustainable Tourism Development
The department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3 with the collaboration of the University of Eastern Piedmont and the Logosnet company, organized a laboratory as part of the Master's Degree Hospitality for Sustainable Tourism Development entitled: Augmented reality for cultural heritage. The LAB will provide an overview of the possible applications of new media to tourism, and in particular the role of mixed reality (virtual reality and augmented reality) in the development of new narratives of the territory and in the promotion of cultural heritage. Finally, after having investigated some case studies, the laboratory will focus on the creation of multimedia content in augmented reality thanks to the collaboration with a leading external company in the sector. For registration and information write to:
3. Culture and tourism industry
Master’s Degree Hospitality for Sustainable Tourism Development
The Department of Law, Economy and Culture of the University of Insubria, leader of Spoke 3, organized a laboratory entitled: Data analysis for destination development as part of the Master's Degree Hospitality for Sustainable Tourism Development. The laboratory, which will take place from March 2024 to May 2024, aims to provide students with the basic quantitative tools to understand tourism phenomena. In the first part of the laboratory there will be an alignment regarding the basic concepts of statistics; subsequently some aspects concerning the tourism sector will be analyzed using quantitative tools. Finally, in collaboration with Lybra Tech, a company specialized in the analysis of tourism data, forecast analysis and demand analysis will be explored in depth. During the laboratory, students will be supported in the creation of a paper that will focus on a complete analysis regarding a specific destination at a historical and forecast level. The paper will then be evaluated as a final exam. Laboratory structure: - 25 hours of lessons - 12 hours of design with the company Per iscrizioni
3. Culture and tourism industry
Webinar di approfondimento dello strumento EIC Accelerator
On 28 February 2024 at 10.30 am ComoNExT Digital Innovation Hub, partner of Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, organizes an in-depth webinar on the EIC Accelerator tool curated by the European planning specialist Dr. Elisabetta Giromini. The webinar, lasting one hour, will aim to illustrate the operational characteristics of this measure aimed at project solutions proposed by start-ups and SMEs with a strong innovative connotation at a European level. Click here to participate in the webinar
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 - Workshop series on Sustainable Tourism, Community, Heritage
The Spoke 3 research group of the University of Eastern Piedmont organizes a cycle of three workshops within the following inter-university groups made up of researchers from the entire Spoke 3: 2 - Intersection between cultural heritage and natural conservation, coordinated by UNITO, Prof. Gianluca Cuniberti 4 - Digital tourism and destination management, coordinated by UPO, Prof. Stefania Cerutti 5 - Lifestyles tourism and marketing, coordinated by UNIVDA, Prof. Consuelo Rubina Nava These workshops include the participation of both external speakers, to enrich visions and methodologies, and researchers from partner universities in order to fuel exchange and comparison. The initiative aims to involve mainly researchers from UPO, UNITO, UNIVDA, UNINSUBRIA and UNISALENTO but also a wider audience, including students, professionals and stakeholders. The first workshop, entitled "Sustainable Tourism, Community, Heritage", is part of group 2, "Intersection between cultural heritage and natural conservation" and will be held in Vercelli on 21 February 2024, with a speech by Prof. Katia Ballacchino - entitled Heritage communities between protection and safeguarding processes - and a round table with researchers from different universities. Participation will be possible both in person in the Meeting Room of Palazzo Tartara in Vercelli and online via Google Meet at the following addresslink
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
Spoke 3 presenta: "I martedì dell'arte, profili giuridici del falso in arte"
Nell’ambito del Corso di dottorato in Diritto e Scienze Umane, il Dipartimento di diritto, economia e culture (DiDEC) e il Dipartimento di scienze umane e dell’innovazione per il territorio (DiSUIT) dell'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, capofila di Spoke 3, hanno organizzato in collaborazione con il Centro di ricerca sulla storia dell’arte contemporanea (Crisac) dell'Università degli Studi dell' Insubria un ciclo di 4 incontri sui profili giuridici del falso in arte dal titolo: "I martedì dell'arte". Le conferenze, patrocinate dai Musei civici di Como, avranno luogo dal 06 febbraio 2024 al 07 maggio 2024 presso la Pinacoteca civica di Como, in via Armando Diaz 84. Lo Spoke 3 Industria del turismo e della cultura ha come obiettivo lo sviluppo economico, sociale e territoriale attraverso azioni di ricerca e innovazione nell'ambito dell'industria del turismo e della cultura. Il ciclo di eventi proporrà al pubblico e agli studenti universitari una riflessione sulla complessità e l'importanza dell'arte e la sua regolamentazione in ambito giuridico. Il coinvolgimento dei Musei civici di Como ha l'obiettivo di migliorare i processi educativi, arricchire la vita culturale dei cittadini e creare sinergie volte al sostentamento dell'economica del settore culturale e turistico. Uno dei grandi problemi del mercato dell’arte è quello di garantire all’acquirente l’originalità dell’opera che acquista. La differenza tra originale e copia, spesso, è difficile da individuare anche agli occhi degli esperti, ma ovviamente si tratta di un aspetto di rilevanza determinante per chi decide di acquistare un’opera d’arte. Per fare luce su queste problematiche, il ciclo dei martedì dell’arte nell’anno accademico 2023/2024 è dedicato proprio al tema del falso in arte e alle sue ricadute giuridiche. Gli incontri risponderanno alle diverse domande che il falso in arte pone e, in particolare, quali sono i rimedi contrattuali nel caso di acquisto di un’opera che si scopra falsa, chi e come autentica l’opera, quale valore hanno le dichiarazioni degli esperti con riguardo all’autenticità, quali indagini deve svolgere l’acquirente, quali sono i risvolti penalistici e, infine, chi è il falsario e quale ruolo ha avuto nella storia dell’arte. Gli incontri sono aperti alla cittadinanza e potranno essere seguiti dal pubblico in modalità mista. CALENDARIO INCONTRI I incontro: L’opera acquistata si scopre falsa: diaologo tra giuristi e storici dell’arte 6 febbraio h. 15 - 17.30 Emanuela Carpani (Soprintendeza delle belle arti di Milano), Enrico Damiani (Università di Macerata), Giorgia Vulpiani (Università di Macerata), Barbara Pozzo (Università dell’Insubria) Presiede Marta Cenini (Università dell’Insubria) II incontro: L’autenticazione dell’opera 12 marzo h. 15 - 17.30 Massimiliano Ferrario (Università dell’Insubria), Alessandra Donati (Università Milano Bicocca), Giampaolo Frezza (Università LUMSA) Presiede Andrea Spiriti (Università dell’Insubria) III incontro: Due diligence e profili penalistici 9 aprile h. 15 - 17.30 Carlotta Ippoliti Martini (Università di Bologna), Benedetta Sirgiovanni (Università Roma Tor Vergata), Andrea Perruccio (Università dell’Insubria) Presiede Geo Magri (Università dell’Insubria) IV incontro: Il falsario 7 maggio h. 15 - 17.30 Federico Condello (Università di Bologna), Laura Facchin (Università dell’Insubria), Barbara Cortese (Università Roma Tre), Domenico di Micco (Università di Torino) Presiede Andrea Spiriti (Università dell’Insubria) Direzione scientifica proff.i Andrea Spiriti, Marta Cenini e Geo Magri Iscriviti
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Flagship Projects Meeting
Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry has organized a Flagship Project Meeting open to all Spok 3 researchers on 1 February 2024. The event will be held from 9.00 to 13.00 at the Department of Management of the University of Turin, Corso UnioneSoviet, 218 bis - Turin and will focus on the TOEP and CIRL projects. During the morning, the progress of the projects will be illustrated and the collaboration with the universities of Southern Italy will be analysed; finally, collaborations between the research groups belonging to the various universities affiliated with Spoke 3 will be enhanced. Iscriviti all'evento
3. Industria del turismo e cultura
Spoke 3 Assembly: appuntamento a Lomazzo (CO) per il 19 Gennaio 2024
Lo Spoke 3 - Industria del turismo e cultura- si riunirà il19 Gennaio 2024 dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 16.00 a Lomazzo (CO), Via Cavour 2, presso la sede di ComoNext Innovation Hubper valutare da vicino, con i gruppi e i propri Partners, lo stato dei lavori dello Spoke in vista della General Assembly dell'Ecosistema. Tra le attività previste, loStato di avanzamento per i Work Package (Booster), l'analisi dello stato dell’arte e dei progressi compiuti dallo Spoke per ciascuna task e da ciascun partner secondo il Programma del Progetto NODES - Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile - finanziato dai fondi MUR del PNRR-NextGenerationEU in cui saranno esaminati: Ecosystem’s engagement and development by Spoke Research Booster Competente Booster Innovation Booster Acceleration Booster Monitoring, evaluation and impact
3. Culture and tourism industry
NODES on display. Images of sustainability from December in Vercelli
The Spoke 3 of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem – Digital and Sustainable North West, coordinated for the University of Eastern Piedmont by Professor Stefania Cerutti, professor of the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition, has organized an important exhibition that explores the complex interrelationships between culture, imagination and environmental sustainability. ''NODES on display. Images of sustainability'', the result of a collaboration between the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition (DISSTE) and the Department of Humanistic Studies (DISUM), will be hosted from 1 to 20 December 2023 in the Spazio Gioin of the Municipality of Vercelli ( via Laviny, 67) with the opening hours: 10:00 - 16:30 from Monday to Friday and 10:00 - 17:00 Saturday and Sunday (closed every Monday and 8 December). The exhibition, which enjoys the patronage of the Municipality and the Province of Vercelli, will address issues of great relevance and current affairs, contributing to enriching the cultural, educational and tourist offer of the area and will present 32 posters from the International Poster Biennial in Mexico, an important event which, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for the Environment (UNEP), deals with issues related to environmental sustainability and the conservation of biodiversity. These posters, created by artists and graphic designers from all over the world, will be used in an innovative way to promote a reflection on the relevance of culture in the transition towards a more sustainable society. Exhibition and catalog are curated by Annalisa D'Orsi, NODES research fellow at the Department of Humanistic Studies of the UPO. The catalog will link the displayed posters to interdisciplinary scientific contributions written by teachers and researchers members of the Spoke 3 research group of the UPO and by other experts. This interdisciplinary approach is fundamental to addressing the climate and ecological challenges of the present. As a corollary to the exhibition, 2 conferences will also be organized by the Province and the Ecomuseo delle Terre d'Acqua focused on tourism, landscape and biodiversity protection and agriculture. The conferences will be held at the Gioin Space on 6 and 14 December 2023, from 5pm to 7.30pm, and will have the title respectively “Tourism, agriculture and biodiversity. Sustainable and complementary actions” and “Biodiversity in rice fields. Study and protection".
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 presents the days dedicated to Sustainable Tourism
From 9 November 2023 to 12 December 2023, Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry will hold a series of seminars entitled: " Sustainable tourism". Specifically, 6 study meetings, which can also be followed online, on the topic of sustainability analyzed in its three dimensions: environmental, social and economic. In particular, the issues of sustainability in the tourism sector and for local development will be addressed. Topics such as Lifestyle Tourism and Marketing used to encourage creativity, improve sustainability and digital content of companies operating in the tourism sector in a broad sense, taking into account new trends, lifestyles and consumer needs. The mission of these meetings is to integrate the skills of students of the three-year and master's degree courses and to help stimulate interest and raise awareness among high school students, sector operators and citizens on the topic of sustainable development of the territory. The event is organized by the professors of the Department of Law, Economics and Culture: Roberta Minazzi, Sebastiano Citroni and Valentina Albanese who will have the task of acting as discussants during the guest speeches; these include several managers and experts in the sector. The second session of the seminar cycle will be held in April-May 2024. Clicca qui per partecipare online
3. Culture and tourism industry
Climate crisis and social movements: Nodes dialogues with COSMO Climate Change Observatory of Social MObilization
On 29 and 30 November 2023, Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, will hold an event entitled: “Climate crisis and social movements: a meeting of perspectives” at the University of Insubria in Como Sant'Abbondio ” The NODES Ecosystem - Spoke 3 dialogues with COSMO Climate Change Observatory of Social MObilization. The event, organized by Valentina Albanese, Stefano Fanetti and Roberta Minazzi (part of the Spoke 3 research staff), will be divided into three moments. The first session of the event will emphasize the theme of active citizenship and the ability to solicit political reflection on the sustainability of environmental heritage and natural conservation (archaeological and historical places, landscape) and will try to offer an idea on how active citizenship moves to improve educational, economic and cultural life enrichment processes. The works will be opened by the lectio magistralis of Prof. Farhana Sultana of Syracuse University in New York. The second session will focus on social movements for environmental sustainability and will have the aim of promoting their knowledge and diffusion, also keeping track of their results and the critical issues that these movements face both in legal terms and as economic and environmental consequences following of their actions. This slot of the event will host, among others, the speech by Valentina Jacometti, researcher and contact person for WP3 Research activities for Spoke 3, entitled: "The financing of climate controversies". The third session will see the succession of different work perspectives and will host, among other reports, that of Barbara Pozzo, Insubria teacher and ressearch & innovation project manager, entitled: "New Silk Road and decarbonisation: the role of NGOs in challenge of sustainability". Furthermore, the theme of digital space as a place for the analysis and diffusion of social movements for sustainability will be explored in depth. On the occasion of the event, enriched by the reports of academics and activists, the COSMO observatory will finally be launched which aims to collect bibliographic, visual and informative material on the link between social movements and climate change in Italy, monitoring the new cognitive territories in which the movements manifest themselves and tracing the way in which they face the challenges and problems that characterize environmental sustainability in Italy.
3. Culture and tourism industry
Sustainable and Circular Economy - The Case of the Textile Industry
Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry has organized an event entitled : "Sustainable and Circular Economy - The Case of the Textile Industry". The day will be divided into two sessions (morning and afternoon). In the first session, researchers from the University of Insubria will discuss together with researchers from other Italian (University of Milan) and foreign (University of Edinburgh - Scotland, Rutgers University - New Jersey-US) universities on various topics including: economics circularity, consumer ethics and ethical codes in the fashion sector. During the morning, Prof. Barbara Pozzo, scientific director of Spoke 3, will give a speech entitled: "The challenges of sustainability for companies in the textile-fashion sector: the NODES Project"; while Prof. Valentina Jacometti, head of Nodes WP3, will talk about: "Circular Economy and the Fashion Industry: the case of waste". During the conference, in addition to the NODES Project, two projects will also be presented: "Private international law and circular economy: the case of the fast fashion industry" and "Responsible contracting". In the afternoon session, hosted at the Como Chamber of Commerce, stakeholders and local companies will present their experiences on sustainability, circular economy, traceability and gender equality in the textile sector. Registrations must be received no later than November 24, 2023. See the attached program Iscriviti all'evento
3. Culture and tourism industry
Spoke 3 Young: students meet local businesses
Starting from 20 November 2023 until 11 December 2023, in Vercelli (VC) and Omegna (VB), there will be a series of meetings by Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry. The training event, entitled: Spoke3Young. Students meet enterprises and territories was designed with the aim of connecting third-year students of the Environmental Management and Sustainable Development degree course at the University of Eastern Piedmont with tourism companies, businesses, cultural and research institutions. The Spoke3Young training package is aimed at spreading direct knowledge of innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial realities in digital tourism and in the management of Piedmontese destinations, such as the case of Lake Orta. Through two seminars and a meeting in the field, some issues related to the focus of Spoke 3 will be addressed and declined in terms of promotion of historical memory, knowledge of material culture, environmental context favorable to business development, transfer of innovative skills for communicative sustainability and relational, mobility and sustainable tourism, as well as digital transition projects in the cultural and artistic spheres. The first seminar, scheduled in Vercelli on November 20, 2023, will be held by experts from the Ecomuseum of Lake Orta and Mottarone CUSIUS. Founded in 1997, the Ecomuseum aims to preserve and promote the historical memory of the traditions and material culture linked to the territory. Numerous projects have been proposed and supported which involve various targets (visits to museums, itineraries and walks, lessons and workshops, editorial activities, etc.). The Cusius Ecomuseum is the promoter of the Lake Contract, an important governance tool for local development processes which involves all interested parties in the management and/or use of the water resource and related basins, and which today has 120 members, both private and public (including UPO). Students will have the opportunity to interact with experts focusing on possible career orientations in the cultural and environmental sector. The second appointment will be an "in the field" meeting to be held in Omegna (VB) on November 27, 2023, at the Fondazione Parco delle Arti e della Cultura. It will be structured in two parts. During the morning there will be a succession of speakers who will involve the students with interventions regarding their activities and experiences; the common thread will be creativity as a driver of development. In addition to the Mayor of Omegna and the President of the Pa.R.C.O. Foundation, the Director of the Foundation, the managers of the Navigazione Lago d'Orta company, the Alessi company and the Tormet company will speak. In the afternoon, the students will be accompanied on a narrative walk in the city of Omegna through which a "territorial mediator" will introduce them to some focal points of the history and geography of this territory. In the spaces of the multipurpose structure of the Pa.R.C.O. foundation, they will also be guided to discover the Permanent Collection of household objects coming from companies that have made Italian and world history and that were born in the Cusio area - Alessi, Calderoni, Girmi, Lagostina, La Nuova Faro, Irmel, Tracanzan and Piazza, reliving the industrial history from the 19th century to the present day. The meeting with cultural realities and active entrepreneurs who have made environmental sustainability and digitalisation their strong point will allow students to explore internship, thesis and research opportunities, to develop ideas and receive advice for the development of entrepreneurial ideas, to apply to participate in future projects. The third seminar, which will be held in Vercelli on 11 December 2023, will see the participation of experts from the Joint Research Center of the European Commission. The JRC is the EC's science and knowledge service, providing scientific and technical support to the design, development, implementation and monitoring of European Union policies; in Italy it is located in Ispra (VA). Students will have the opportunity to listen and dialogue with the Head of Events, Outreach and Youth Program and the Leader of the Smart Mobility project. They will therefore have the opportunity to learn about the centre's activities, in which sustainability and digitalisation are expressed in many ways and with particular sensitivity to the repercussions of European policies. The seminar therefore presents itself as an opportunity to explore post-graduate internship opportunities and professional collaborations in the context of European science-based sustainability policies. The two seminars scheduled for 20.11 and 11.12 are open to students of the Spoke 3 partner universities and can be followed by connecting qui:
3. Culture and tourism industry
SUSTAINABLE AND NEARBY TOURISM IN NODES: The case study of the white truffle of Monferrato
In the heart of the Monferrato hills, and more precisely in the Borgo Castello (monastic complex - old church region) of Ponti (AL), on 14 October 2023 at 3.30 pm, the fourth edition of the Prized White Truffle Day will be held. Within this event, a conference will be held organized within the Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry projects entitled: "SUSTAINABLE AND NEARBY TOURISM IN NODES: The case study of the white truffle of Monferrato" which aims to explore the importance of one of the most prized local treasures, in the context of sustainable and local tourism in the region. This conference is an important moment to reflect on the importance of preserving and promoting the white truffle as a sustainable resource for local tourism. The event will host a series of leading experts and speakers who will address crucial issues related to the world of truffles and sustainable tourism. Among the scheduled topics: • The authentication of prized white truffles: Lucia Decastelli of IZS Piedmont, Liguria and Valle D'Aosta, will share information on analytical methods to guarantee the authenticity of truffles. • Food safety and controls in the truffle sector: Domenico Monteleone of the Ministry of Health will provide an overview of the rigorous controls necessary to guarantee the quality and food safety of truffle-based products. • Post-pandemic gastronomic tourism: Stefania Cerutti of the University of Eastern Piedmont will discuss the importance of the gastronomic element in motivating tourists after the end of the pandemic and the factors that drive quality tourism. • The importance of the prized white truffle in the Monferrato area: Roberto Cerrato, Director of UNESCO wine-growing landscapes, will explore the history, traditions, biodiversity and protection of the natural landscape linked to the white truffle. • Research on the traceability of the quality White Truffle of Monferrato: Maurizio Aceto, Guido Lingua and Vito Rubino of the University of Eastern Piedmont and Raffaella Balestrini, Fabiano Sillo and Elisa Zampieri of the CNR will present updates on the ongoing research relating to the analytical traceability of the Truffle White. The day will culminate with the conclusions of Franco Novelli of the ATS Comuni del Monferrato, followed by the award ceremony of the guest of honor and 2023 testimonial of the prized white truffle of Monferrato. Finally, all participants will be able to enjoy refreshments.