
Climate crisis and social movements: Nodes dialogues with COSMO Climate Change Observatory of Social MObilization

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On 29 and 30 November 2023, Spoke 3 - Tourism and Culture Industry, will hold an event entitled: “Climate crisis and social movements: a meeting of perspectives” at the University of Insubria in Como Sant'Abbondio ” The NODES Ecosystem - Spoke 3 dialogues with COSMO Climate Change Observatory of Social MObilization. The event, organized by Valentina Albanese, Stefano Fanetti and Roberta Minazzi (part of the Spoke 3 research staff), will be divided into three moments.


The first session of the event will emphasize the theme of active citizenship and the ability to solicit political reflection on the sustainability of environmental heritage and natural conservation (archaeological and historical places, landscape) and will try to offer an idea on how active citizenship moves to improve educational, economic and cultural life enrichment processes. The works will be opened by the lectio magistralis of Prof. Farhana Sultana of Syracuse University in New York.


The second session will focus on social movements for environmental sustainability and will have the aim of promoting their knowledge and diffusion, also keeping track of their results and the critical issues that these movements face both in legal terms and as economic and environmental consequences following of their actions. This slot of the event will host, among others, the speech by Valentina Jacometti, researcher and contact person for WP3 Research activities for Spoke 3, entitled: "The financing of climate controversies".


The third session will see the succession of different work perspectives and will host, among other reports, that of Barbara Pozzo, Insubria teacher and ressearch & innovation project manager, entitled: "New Silk Road and decarbonisation: the role of NGOs in challenge of sustainability". Furthermore, the theme of digital space as a place for the analysis and diffusion of social movements for sustainability will be explored in depth.

On the occasion of the event, enriched by the reports of academics and activists, the COSMO observatory will finally be launched which aims to collect bibliographic, visual and informative material on the link between social movements and climate change in Italy, monitoring the new cognitive territories in which the movements manifest themselves and tracing the way in which they face the challenges and problems that characterize environmental sustainability in Italy.


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