Expressions of interest
Opening date of the call

Notice Students' Challenges

Scheda del bando
Opening date of the call
Public institutions
Call status
Expressions of Interest in Proposing Challenges to Groups of Students in the Context of Project NODES - Spoke 2

The notice is aimed at collectingexpressions of interest from companies wishing to join the initiative as proposing subjects, formulating technological and/or social challenges that are collected and selected by the NODES Ecosystem universities on the basis of shared criteria. Students will then be involved in innovative teaching paths, tackling and developing new ideas in response to the challenges and, last but not least, proposing innovative projects and solutions.
The objective is twofold: on the one hand, to offer students the opportunity to interact with the corporate world, public bodies, associations and third-sector organisations of the NODES project territories through the "learning by doing" method and, on the other hand, to provide an opportunity for companies and other proposing parties to meet young talents and discover innovative solutions that can be applied within their realities.

Who can participate

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MPMI) and Large Enterprises (GI) as well as Local Authorities, Public Bodies, Associations and Third Sector entities, based in one of the NODES project territories (Piedmont, Val D'Aosta, Provinces of Como, Varese, Pavia).

Eligible Initiatives

The Challenges must be coherent in terms of spillovers and impacts of the results with the research and innovation themes indicated by Spoke 2 with the smart specialisation strategy (S3) of the regions involved, as well as with the specialisation area "digital, industry, aerospace" of the NODES Innovation Ecosystem NRP. Proposing entities are invited to fill in the Expression of Interest according to the indications and forms indicated here. The selected challenges will be submitted to groups of Master's degree students who, included in multidisciplinary teams and supported by academic tutors and mentors from the proposing subject, will design innovative solutions and then present them to the company/body that promoted them.


Challenge proposals should relate to the research and innovation themes proposed by Spoke 2, whose objective is to implement and apply the Circular Economy to industrial system processes, in order to stimulate green and sustainable production.


Expressions of Interest can be submitted from 27 April 2023 until 9 June 2023. Following this, the preliminary investigation and evaluation process will be activated.


Mode of presentation

Expressions of Interest should be submitted by the proposer by sending them to the Spoke email 




Graduatoria Students' Challenges - Spoke 2
Proroga scadenza al 9 Giugno 2023
Proposta di Challenge