Cascade funding calls
Opening date of the call

Cascade call for enterprises LINEA A - Mezzogiorno - Spoke 2

Scheda del bando
Opening date of the call
Call status
Support for industrial research and experimental development projects.

The project proposals submitted by the companies must be consistent with the research and innovation themes of the Spoke and the smart specialisation strategy (S3) of the regions involved.  
The total budget is EUR 1,630,000 from NODES' PNRR funds.

Who can participate

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) on a stand-alone or collaborative basis with other enterprises, and Large Enterprises (SMEs) only on a collaborative basis with other enterprises.
Economic and financial sustainability: economic and capital requirements and financial sustainability will be verified on the last closed and approved balance sheet.

Eligible Initiatives

The projects submitted must be between EUR 150,000 (EUR 300,000 if a Large Enterprise is present) and EUR 1,000,000, have a maximum duration of 15 months and be implemented in the Mezzogiorno region, i.e. in Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.


Non-repayable grant, the maximum intensity of which on project expenditure is calculated on the basis of the size of the enterprise, the scope of activity and whether the project is a collaborative one.


Project proposals should relate to the research and innovation themes proposed by Spoke 2, whose objective is to implement and apply the Circular Economy to industrial system processes, in order to foster green and sustainable production.


Applications for funding can be submitted from 15 May 2023 in the windows established by the call. 

The first submission window will close on 4 September 2023, following which the preliminary investigation and evaluation process will be activated. Announcement by ranking list.

Each enterprise may submit no more than 1 application under each submission window of the cascade call - Line A - Southern Spoke.


Mode of presentation

Call managed in cooperation with Unioncamere Piemonte.
Applications for funding must be submitted on the platform: 

See the FAQs of the NODES calls available on this page 

Spoke 2 - Guaduatoria Bandi Mezzogiorno
Proroga presentazione Linea A Mezzogiorno - agg. 21 Luglio 2023
Rettifica bandi agg. 17 Maggio 2023
Allegati LINEA A – Mezzogiorno
BANDO LINEA A Spoke 2 Mezzogiorno
Guida alla compilazione