EnviH2Day: synergies for hydrogen.
Envipark, a partner of the NODES project, will host ENVIH2DAY on April 5, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., an event that will bring together local actors related to the hydrogen supply chain.
The initiative aims to create new opportunities and synergies among Northwest and European actors active in the hydrogen field.
Speeches are planned by Environment Park and Spoke 1 of NODES, the Polytechnic of Turin as well as some researchers from the 16th IEA Task 30 Electrolysis Workshop that will identify the prospects and opportunities of the hydrogen supply chain at the international level.
Pitch and networking moments are also planned in order to introduce local realities working in the hydrogen supply chain and establish synergies. It will be possible to visit the Environment Park laboratories.
The event will be conducted in English and Italian, with the help of translators.
You can register on the Eventbrite platform.